Spurs manager Harry Redknapp conceded that he was frustrated with the 1-1 home draw over the weekend while claiming that a point was better than nothing. Spurs couldn’t convert their many chances in order to add to Luka Modric’s 53rd minute strike and ultimately had to settle for the result.

“We’ve certainly lost games like that before,” said Harry.

“You press and press and then give a sucker-punch goal away in the last five minutes and end up coming away with nothing.

“There are times you are not going to win, you go home and a point’s a point.

In a week when title talk started to dominate, Harry went on to say that our focus is on Champions League qualification and he added that we may have lost games like this in the past.

“Sometimes you keep pushing and leave it open at the back. We’ve all walked away from games like that where we’ve ended up getting beaten 2-1 and that wouldn’t have been ideal,”.

“It’s only one game, one draw doesn’t suddenly mean we’re not going to do this or not going to do that. We’ve been on a great run and we still are, one defeat in 19 games.

“We’re still right up there, Champions League qualification is a real possibility for us and that’s what we’ve got to aim to do.”

Next up is Manchester City away this weekend.



  1. Bang on. Too much title talk recently when the focus is top 4. Any spurs fans getting cocky are deluding themselves. I don’t believe we have the firepower to win the league yet but with a couple of signings next year could be the real deal. We’re a team on the up and the next 5 years are going to be great….. just depends on top 4 this year .

  2. There were some comments on here on Friday that suggested we should be resting people for this “easy game” to make sure everyone was fit and fresh for Man City next week! Just goes to show you…

  3. “Spurs couldn’t convert their many chances ”

    We converted one chance but it was wrongly given offside, YET again

    Funny how it never happens to the Manchester clubs

  4. Look top four is our priority but if we get to 6 games to go and we have a shot at the title great. The odd draw is OK providing we win the next 5. However our next five are tough and i think will decide our season. If we get ten points from those five i think we are going to get well within the top four. Dropping two points with the games coming up made it doubly dissapointing
    However we picked up another point ahead of Arsenal and maintained the gap with Liverpool. OK lost two points against Chelsea and Man U and probably Man City but not a disaster
    Keep the faith get behind Spurs and lets will them on to whatever is possible

  5. A draw at home against Wolves simply means that Spurs have lost two vital points.
    You can try to gild the pill but it’s simply that.

    • it depends what you expect, if you have lost your head with all this title talk nonsense then yes, its a blow and 2 points lost. If you are realistic and realise that top 4 is our aim, then its a further point gained on the 5th place goons.

  6. good to see refreshing, realistic comments for a change instead of the looneyessy displayed by some for failing to beat such an easy opponent. Morons.

  7. Teams that come to play us will see they have to keep it tight if they are to get anything so all games now will be tough.We could do with a couple of players to help out.Niko is a player that could go although many like him i feel they are based on games he played early last year and the year before.Dos Santos is another who could leave.
    Selling Pav is one player most agree with and add to that Corluka and Bassong and you have about 25ml at the most.Bringing in players is tough but maybe its loans we need rather than buying.Very few teams will sell in January but it might be easier to loan a few in and if they do the same thing then what does it matter aslong as we get a top three finish.

  8. It was one of those games, we had a lot of chances but failed to win the game. Team will come to WHL setup to stop us and that life.

    Automatic CL is still the priority, we are still unbeaten in the last 7 league games and still very much in form.

    Lets not get too down.


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