At the start of the week, Spurs manager Harry Redknapp painted a rather grim picture of injury issues in the Tottenham squad but after Rafael van der Vaart declared his readiness for the Arsenal game on Sunday, Emmanuel Adebayor has also announced that he hopes to be fit to face his former club.

Ade twisted a knee in training last Friday but writing on Twitter yesterday he said

“Just finished training, really happy with the progress, knee is looking much better. Working on my fitness for Sunday.”

So it could be back to Ade and VDV up front but what about the rest of the squad? Here’s what Harry had to say after the Stevenage game.

“Benoit had a small operation at the start of the week so he wasn’t available,” Redknapp said.

“He should be fit but we will have to see with Adebayor. He did his knee on Friday morning. He twisted it. We thought he might have opened his ligament up but it’s not too bad.

“Luka had an unbelievable temperature. He was really ill this week. That left us short. Ledley King was on the bench and he wasn’t fit.”

Overall, it was looking pretty gloomy at the beginning of the week but as the days have progressed, maybe Harry will be able to pick his first choice starting XI after all?



  1. Id play Daws and Ledley CB with Kaboul left back to take care of the pace of Oxlade-Chamberlain or Walcott. Yes i know he isnt a left back but he is better than Rose for this game


    Walker Dawson King Kaboul

    Lennon Modric Parker Bale



  2. Firstly Rose wont let anyone down his thorns will make sur he keep attackers at bay and Lastly Harry was bending the truth a little Ady was fit So was Modric and Eckotto. What he thought was we would beat Stevenage without them and the problem Harry will discover if he is daft enough too take the England job is don’t judge a team on paper. You can see what i am talking about with Arsenal and Chelsea how normal speed they played and got beat in England the FA and Ukad allow a 6th gear work rate that’s false. This is what will show Harry you cant judge players playing in our leagues because of the Paddy Kenny and Kolo Toure affect

  3. Think you’re all forgetting the last time Danny Rose started against the scum! Or am I just looking on with some shade of red tinted glasses (see what I did there!!!)

    Don’t think we can afford to push bale back, can see us sitting back quite a bit and trying to hit them on the break so his pace is going to be vital, which neatly leads me to my next point, azza has got to start, the last ten against Stevenage were evidence of how much we have missed him.

    I also believe that even a 3/4 fit rafa has got to be on the pitch, he just loves playing and scoring against them.

    Starting 11, Brad, Kyle, younes, King, BAE/rose, azza, luka, Scotty, bale, rafa and ade. Niko jermain and Saha to come of the bench

    • Here, here!

      Finally someone mentions the Lenster! On his day he’s still our most dangerous threat and his defence game has got a whole lot better.

      Even though the Goons need to win this game more than us, it would be good to stamp our authority, give them a good hiding in their own back yard(how many times have we experienced that at the Lane, too many!) And prove to everyone that the power has truly shifted back over to North London’s only real premier league team!

  4. agreed Benny is the biggest worry.
    I would love to see harry really go for the throat and push bale back to LB (he has to be told to keep on the left side instead of coming inside so much!!) and then have kranc in front of the him. Kranc has been tracking back well recently and deserves another game over a half fit VDV. I would also go for ade and saha up front. Again after the newcastle game they deserve another game together and with lennon on the right, it’s a chance to go hammer and tongs at arsenal who are very vunerable at the back at the moment. If we show this ambition I think arsneal could really crumble. Then bring on VDV and defoe on for Kranc and saha or even sandro at some point during the game….could be immense!!!! COYS

  5. Bale at lb??… :s why restrict our main attacking threat? If BAE isn’t fit start Danny Rose and shift Bale inside behind Ade with Kranjcar in front of Rose let them do the dirty work… Freidel,Walker,Kaboul,King,BAE/Rose,Lennon,Modric,Parker,VDV/Kranjcar,Bale,Ade if Vdv is fit start him and resume normal service in terms of formation…We must however tho…WIN and do so convincingly…let Wilshire and that idiot,rubbish keeper of the gooners eat their words… #COYMFS!!!!!

  6. Obviously play BAE if fit but I say play Rose at LB because next year in Champions we need to most defiantly rotate more than we have this year. Danny was our best player against Stevenage, he might just be the cover we need behind BAE.


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