Reports over the weekend linked Tottenham to their long term target Jan Vertonghen and he had some complimentary things to say about the club which sparked off another set of media rumours commenting on a possible summer transfer.

Vertonghen is a Belgian international, currently playing for Ajax and has been mentioned at times in the press as being a long term successor to Ledley King.

“I think Tottenham are an amazing club and you see how well they are doing this season,” the player said.

“They are in the top three in England and that’s where I want to play.

“I can’t say anything about whether there has been contact about a transfer but I think my game can be suited to English football.”

King’s future at the club is to be decided shortly but is his so-called successor already at the club? Steven Caulker has impressed during his loan spell at Swansea and speaking at the end of last year, the centre half declared that he is looking to draw attention and hopefully secure a future at White Hart Lane.

“’Obviously there are a lot of teams that play direct football, but Swansea mirror Spurs in the sense that they look to pass the ball, so if I can come here and prove myself then in Harry Redknapp’s eyes I could be ready for a place in the Spurs team,” he said.

Caulker is 20 and enjoying his first taste of Premiership football but many are likening his development to that of Kyle Walker who spent much of last season at Aston Villa before becoming Spurs’ first choice right back.

Vertonghen meanwhile is 24 and with 35 international caps is the more experienced of the two. So who would you like to see in a first team starting line up next season?



  1. Both in the squad. Probably Vertonghen to start. King is more or less finished, as is Gallas. Bassong will be sold. So you are left with Kaboul and Dawson. Even though kaboul has been great in central defence, i think he might be useful at right back

  2. Both!!
    We may well lose King, Gallas and Bassong at the end of the season, so with this addition we will have:
    Kaboul, Dawson, Vertonghen and Caulker, all set for the new season.

    Just add Hazard, Krul and Damiao and we are done!

    • Exactly! I’d think we’d want to keep Ade as well, so really we’d be adding:

      Veronghen, Hazard, Krul, Damiao, and bringing Caulker into the first team.
      That’s a lot to ask for but not bad considering it would let us compete at the very top.
      Also, It’s been a while since we’ve spent any real money in the transfer windows. 8m each for VdV and Parker (both well worth it), a couple of free players, and a small amount for youth players (Coulibaly and Falque)…

      It makes me wonder about the status of the new stadium and how much that will leave room for the needed signings (above)?

  3. If we can not add Krul I would say Akinfeev or Lloris (world class both). Our defenders should be: King-Caulker-Kaboul-Vertonghen-Dawson. Then if we add Hazard and Damiao instead of signing Adebayor and we keep Saha we are done.

  4. both. And a left back, sick of asoou-ekotto’s half hearted attitute and constant mistakes in big games. Vertonghen is a lefty so maybe he could fill in there

    • perhaps you should get off ekottos back,he was left exposed against the gooners by bale decideing to wander all over the pitch, instead of playing down the left doing what he is good at,ektto cant do both jobs,you should accept what a good L B he is.

      • Nah id get rid of BAE if we want to progress. He doesnt get tight to wingers, watch the space he gives them to cross. Most goals we conceed come down his side. Another thing he does is switches off ie sturridge goal at the lane. He is the best LB weve had in 20 odd years but it isnt hard when u look at clive wilson, lee young pyo, edinburgh, tramenazzi, etc as competition. Just reckon we can get someone more solid

      • I agree that Ekotto is a decent left back and he is probably in the top 3 leftbacks in the premier league.Sometimes his concentration wanders but on Sunday he was not the worst Spurs player on the pitch there were a number of senior players who did not perform to their best standard.However some competition for the left back spot would be good for the team/squad and the players form.This team/squad are so close to something special but Sunday showed they can still stuff up from time to time and that can and will be costlly.There are maybe 3/4 signings needed for the final article.

  5. Sadly I think Ledders will play more of a bit part role in future seasons. He is starting to lose his pace, as was evident against Arsenal, and whoever is in charge at Spurs after the summer will need to pick and choose the games he plays in. Selection is likely to be in games where a physical presence rather than speed is required. Gallas has been almost non existent through injury and this raises questions about his general fitness and whether he can hack the rigours of the premier league as a regular performer. If he can get and stay fit then he would be starter, purely for his experience and his will to win. With regard to the other Centre halves Kabbers and Daws are good solid premier league performers, and kaboul has come on incredibly well this season. They will ‘do’ going forward, although Daws is still prone to the odd error. With regard to Caulker, he appears to be having a decent season with Swansea and but I would file him under one for the future, effectively a back up and to be rotated in as required. Finally Vertonghen, a versatile player who answers many a problem, can play centre half, left back or defensive mid, not that we need another one with Hudd, Parker, and Sandro, but he gives you options. Levy snap him up, please.

  6. i think both cb are take beacuse gallas 35 ,king31 to take both to cb more defence and wing attak bale sold to lennon and hazard, wallcot , and playmaker ganso,hamsik and attaker adabyor ,van dar vaart,damiao,cavani,falcao or tevez

    • I’d as soon get kicked in the throat as add Tevez. He’s an amazing player but a terrible attitude. The team has a good atmosphere which isn’t worth trading for 1 good player.

  7. I would only bring Caulkier back to the club if he is going to start. He has potential to be class but MUST be playing regular games at his age, to get his mistakes out of his system and learn the game as a defender. I would prefer him not to make mistakes at us…

    Send him back on loan for another season at Swansea where Rodgers insists that his centre backs play out from defence, and he is in a good environment.

    Similarly to how Kaboul made all his mistakes at Portsmouth and came back and was much better.

    Caulkier long term hopefully is the next King, but there is no point in frustrating the lad by plonking him on the bench after he has had a full season playing at Swansea.

  8. King’s win percentage is still drastically higher than without him. On Sunday he had no chance given to stop what should have been stopped higher up the field. Need ALL THREE – a) King, b) long-term senior replacement for King, c) Caulker. In all likelihood, we will be playing in Champs League. The extra pressure of 2 games a week means that we need ’em all. However I am too wary of taking Caulker away from regular football, so I would ONLY consider loaning him back to Swansea – but no one else.

  9. With the financial fair play coming into effect for the 2012-2013 season we should take the upcoming transfer windows to do our business sooner rather than later. With Champions League football almost certain,baring a huge meltdown in form we would need almost all the quality we can get to ensure we don’t end up outside of the top four after next season

    I for one would like to see Krul,Vertonghen,Hazard & Damiaô come into the squad with Adebayor staying as well. Let Bentley and Corluka and all the other dead weight go and rely on our youths to fill in during injury situations.

    God willing we finish 3rd this season,get our transfers done early in the summer and no major sales or injuries…we could do big things at home and in europe next year

    # COYS!

    • Spurs should never, ever show Ledley the door. He is one of us, i.e. Spurs for life and when he is no longer able to play, should be incorporated into the back room staff, if he wants it.
      Gallas has one good season left if he can get himself fit. After that let him go. Nelson is only ever short term cover. I don’t expect him to be at the clun in July.
      A trio of Kaboul, Daws and Caulker are not yet able to replace the experience that King and Gallas offer and might pose the real risk of a step backwards in overall quality.

  10. I think we are overlooking a big problem that has reared its ugly head in recent games. Left back. BAE has gone missing for the last couple of games and is a defensive liability. The Arsenal game was a disaster for him. He is marking the 6 yard line leaving Bale to mark 2. He mis-hit his clearance to Van Persie for the the equaliser. Gave up the chase on Walcott,s first (notibly it was parker who did not) and was not even in the same half of the pitch for Walcotts 2nd. He was to far away from him also as he played the return for Rosiky’ go a head goal.
    He thinks he is Bale.

  11. I would gallas bassong and dawson go. I would keep king as a backup and also lend experience the other defenders. To me Dawson is playing for the club a long time. he still cannot carry a ball forward with confidence. If the opposition runs at him he plays the ball back to the keeper. His postioning in games is shocking for a captain. He will never learn or progress. If you look at kaboul his got confidence when he runs upfield. By doing this gives us more attack. We need two buy to good defenders who has common sense for the game.

  12. King should be given one more year on his contract because his experience helps everyone. He would be the perfect tutor for Caulker, and would help Vertonghen adapt to the English game if we were to sign him. Perfect.

  13. I think we need both! I think we need Vertonghen- he is really important as he can play both left back and centre back, is an international player and at what 24 is already the captain of Hollands biggest club. Caulker is Kings replacement an needs to play next season with King.

    • I also think we need to buy Adebayor, Hazard, Vertonghen and another striker either Higuain or Dimaio depending on price! Buy these players then i think we should be ready to compete on all fronts next season!COYS!

  14. With European football next season we need a squad that can compete in all competitions and for the whole season. So perhaps now is the time to bring in new blood and get rid of the deadwood. Basically, what we need is a new goalkeeper (Krul), Centre Backs (Vertonghen, and the return of Caulker), definitely a new left back (Baines). In midfield I would like to see Eriksen join Modric as our attacking midfield options and Hazard to fill the wing positions. Let’s face it, when Luka isn’t playing there is no vision in our midfield so another player with the ability is needed. With view to the attack I would like to keep Adebayor, but that is down to whether a wage agreement can be reached, which I doubt. Also I think Defoe has had enough of sitting on the sidelines and will leave. So for me I would like to see Damiao, Remy and Llorente join.
    On the way out should be Gomes, Corluka, Bassong, Gallas, Khumalo, Bentley, Jenas, Dos Santos, Defoe, Pienaar, and Naughton.

    • I would suggest that Thudd (when the boy is back and alongside Parker/Livermore/Sandro) is more than capable of influencing a game in the absence of Moddle

  15. If we don’t buy vertonghen we are stupid.he has Everything to work at spurs just as I’m afraid Ledleys time is ending .
    The guy wants to come too.

  16. I think Caulker having a full season of premiership football under his belt should stand him in good stead. Ideally I’d like to see him go out on loan one more time. The same with Kyle Naughton. They are undoubtedly good enough to step into our squad. I would still look to replace either Gallas or Bassong, assuming King has done enough to earn another year. I think he’s earned half a year at least so far. I’d go for a premier league tried and tested defender. Someone like Shawcross will do and possibly Chivu on bosman if that’s not asking for too much.

  17. At the risk of sounding blasphemous, i’d ditch Dawson. the guy tries hard and is committed but his distribution is atrocious and he thinks he’s Beckenbauer – does he not see that 90% of his long balls from defence do not reach the target? i’d have been happy keeping him as back-up but he’d earn us a lot of money and we could bring back Caulker as back-up and use the money to fund bids of Hazard, Damiao and others. Bassong should go as well, he’s useless. I’d keep Gallas and King around for the experience, they are good enough to jump in now and then and put in world-class performances.

  18. Adebayor has one good game every 4/5, he is not consistent or clinical enough for a team that aspires to win the league. He should not be our 1st choice striker and is not worth 100k p/w

  19. To be fair, I’ve seen all these players mentioned and yet I think for what we have right now, last Sunday was a huge lesson to Bale and Modric.

    They underperformed and that is down to lack of respect, to which they will never repeat again.

    On the whole, that is the same team that beat Chelsea, Liverpool 4-0 and Newcastle 5-0 (give or take a player).

    It’s a case of small adjustments.

    I agree with most Vert and Caulker to come in next season and obv Smith seems to be stepping into Walkers wing, so that’s inevitable Corluka seems to be off too.

    What we need now is more of that. Demaio (sp) seems a likely traget as does Hazard and I’d like both but one will do. Saha Adabayor staying, Defoe will probably leave and Im not too gutted in that aspect. He loses out in the way we play now sadly.

  20. Vertonghen is a must. It was evident on Sunday that Ledley will bot be able to be our first choice CB next season. He must be rewarded with a new deal though, and remain at our squad untill he retires. Vertonghen and Kaboul to be first choice next season with Dawson, King and Gallas in cover. Caulker should be loaned out again,after that he can take Gallas’ place and push on for a first team place. Bassong, Nelsen can be shipped out along with Corluka ( only because he demands first team football and Naughton can replace him). BAE to stay our long term LB. We must also ship out Jenas,Bentley,Pienaar,Gomes. If we can bring in Krul, Vertongen, Hazard and Cavani or Damiao we are sorted. I would rather bring in both Cavani and Damiao than to keep Adebayor

  21. There’s a lot of sense aired in the posts here, most of which I agree with at least in part. Starting with the defence: I’m sad to say Ledders is past his best, he looked unable to run against the Goons, and will only do as a 2nd string, Vertonghen does look to be a sensible choice especially given he can play LB as well as CB. Caulker I haven’t seen enough of to make a proper judgment, but reports indicate he is moving in the right direction. Michael Dawson would be best advised to play short balls to blokes in white shirts rather than belting it half the length of the pitch. BAE, a series of in & out performances of late, he has to carry a fair bit of blame for some of the Goons goals. Trouble is we don’t have any real competition for him currently, may be Naughton could be an option. Attack: Sorry, but I have doubts about Adebayor. He’s good at holding up the ball but his first touch & distribution leave much to be desired. We need a couple up front, who we turn to is another matter. Damiao sounds like a real deal, but he seems to be moving out of our price range. Loic Remy may well be in the same boat. What we need is a striker who will complement the style of play, i.e. be able to play the short quick passing game, one touch football as well as being able to be a target and hold the ball up. Who can do this for us ? Cavani ? Llorente ?


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