Injury and suspension was the dominant theme at Harry’s pre-match press conference but aside from the unavailability of Scott Parker the news was largely positive.

Throughout the week there have been doubts over Kyle Walker, Rafael van der Vaart and Gareth Bale but Redknapp suggested that all three would be available.

Confirming that reports of Gareth’s injury had been greatly exaggerated, the manager said,

“We’ll wait to see how he is, but he should be okay. He hasn’t got a tear in his hamstring, just a little tightness. It shouldn’t be a problem

“Rafa will train today and feels a lot better,” added Harry. “Kyle’s okay, he should be fit and Ledley’s not bad, hopefully he will come out to train tomorrow and we’ll see how he is.”

On the subject of Parker, Harry admitted it was a big loss but suggested that either Sandro or Livermore would slot straight in.

All of this could make for an interesting starting XI tomorrow. Here’s how we think it will look but what do you think?



  1. The only change i would make is Lennon for VDV he has been way off the pace recently lets go for what’s made us good this season PACE.Up The Spurs!

  2. Stick to what has got us here with the exception of parker now every one is fit!! Lennon on the right, vdv in the “hole”, sandro in parker’s position!!! And for god sake make sure bale stays on the left more often as he is leaving BAE to exposed!!!

  3. Your team sucks!!! Vdv on the wing? Get a grip. That’s what any wrong with arsenal, no width, did you watch it!!?? Lennon on right and vdv behind adebayor.

  4. Everyone is saying the same thing in the comments. The general consensus is to play Aaron Lennon on the right and keep Bale on the left. They can swap wings during the course of the game but must be tracking back to provide cover for B.A.E. and Walker. The set up was so wrong against Arsenal, with no width and no defensive cover. With Harry, Clive Allen, Joe Jordan on the bench, all the fans are mystified why they didn’t change the formation during the game when Spurs were getting overrun in midfield. It was so obvious that because Bale and Krancjar were roaming into the middle, that there was no width and no cover on the wings. Why did the Spurs coaches not see it? It will always be a mystery to me.

  5. Walker-King-Dawson-BAE

    A defensive lineup is needed tomorrow, thus playing with two wihdrawn midfielders. Kaboul looked very shaky during NLD, Dawson is my given choice there. Agree that VDV hasn’t been showing much spirit of late, Lennon’s pace is definitiely preferrable in a game like this.

  6. I will use Lennon over vdv and add livermoore in middle taking saha slot. Allowing bale more freedom without exposing bae with at least a dm covering the side as well. Modric can also get more freedom down middle without additional duty of defending to help linking up with ade

  7. Seems we are all agreed (for once) lennon and bale on the wings modric and id go sandro holding adebongo and vdv up top, bring saha or defoe on for a tired vdv and livermore on for sandro when he gets booked (which he will) simple as that, coys liverpool for 90min today im even gonna put my 90’s shellsuit on.

  8. Bill Brown
    Baker, Ron Henry, Danny Blanchflower, Maurice Norman, Dave MacKay Cliff Jones, John White,
    Bobby Smith, Les Allen and Terry Dyson.

    This line-up would have put up a fight at least, not choked when 2-0 up.

  9. Arsenal only four points behind us now. If we lose to Man Utd there’s no way we’ll finish third – they’ll overtake us.

    Thanks god Chelsea are so crap. We should be able to hang on to fourth.

    The biggest game for us is not tomorrow – it’s next week against Chelsea.


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