After two straight defeats, even against tough opposition, it’s sad but inevitable to see the papers suggesting that Spurs are in freefall at this stage of the season. Manager Harry Redknapp is convinced however that the club are still favourites to finish the campaign in third place.

“We’re still in pole position although that 10-point lead has suddenly become four points,” said Redknapp after the United game.

“We’ve got some hard games coming up, we go to Everton and we’ve got Chelsea away – so we’ve got some tough games to come.

“But I still feel we can go on a run and I still fancy us to finish third.”

Naturally the question of the England manager’s job came up again but Harry denied any question of a distraction in this respect.

“No not at all, it’s had no effect,” said Redknapp “You couldn’t come away and say the players haven’t been trying, they’ve worked hard.”

It’s also interesting to see Harry linked with the Chelsea position again – at one point during the summer he was the bookies’ favourite to take over at Stamford Bridge.

Overall, Redknapp’s comments are fairly predictable but maybe it’s time for the players to take the attention away from the manager at this stage in the club’s campaign.



  1. When results are not going your way it’s the manger’s job to take the attention away from the players. In good times he can afford to let his players bask in the glory.

    Ultimately it’s the manager’s neck on the block but then that’s what he signed up for and it’s what he gets paid for.

    “but maybe it’s time for the players to take the attention away from the manager at this stage in the club’s campaign”. Maybe he knows that they are not capable of doing so.

    A couple more bad results and the press will have him not as favourite for the England job but as favourite for the dole queue.

    Nothing sells newspapers like a good sacking. Just look in your morning daily and see the crowing over Andre Villa-Boas.

    • There has been too many distractions for the players this season and the vacant England position is a distraction too far.

      We have a team more than capable of a third place finish. If we do not qualify for the Champions League next season we will strggle to keep Modric and Bale.

      Spurs will then revert to being a mid table side will all the frustration and disappointment that will bring.

      The fans deserve better and I beleive than in order to salvage our season it is now time for the manager to go. He has been in post for four years now and taken the club as far as he can.

      If he gets offered the England job, then the very best of luck to him! But would the FA really want to hire someone who has presided over a team that drew to lowly Stevenage and conceded 8 goals in two games against Arsenal and Man United?

      Opposing fans are now taunting him over his England prospects and this is bound to affect him and the team.

      Please wake up and smell the coffee Mr Levy before it is too late.



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