The big team news ahead of this afternoon’s clash at White Hart Lane is the injury doubt over Gareth Bale. The Welshman suffered an ankle injury following a heavy tackle by Craig Gardner and could be rested with Harry promising to make changes elsewhere.
Aaron Lennon is one of those who could feature after coming off the bench on Saturday.
“I will make a few changes for sure. I couldn’t start Aaron because of his hamstring so I thought I’d save him for Monday,” Redknapp said.
“I had to bring him on 10 minutes before I would have liked, but I gave him 30 minutes and he should be okay. Most of them should be okay, but I will freshen it up.”
Who else will come back into contention? If Bale is missing then Kranjcar could come in on the left while a 4-4-2 with Louis Saha up front is another option.
Here’s our team to face Norwich but what’s yours?



  1. I hate playing Modderz left wing and I bet you he will
    But my team would be


  2. Modric left wing – absolute no no – not effective so moves inside leaving Benny isolated and no width. Norwich will prob play 4-5-1 so we shld be 4-4-1-1 so vdv can drop deep if needed.

  3. Everyone is going to slate me but I have been watching Modric very closely in the last 10 games and he has been terrible, no work rate, his passing has been poor and his shooting and end product as ever has been atrocious.

    I seriously think he is the most overrated player in the premiership and the work that Sandro and Parker get through is the real reason that we have the best midfield in the league.

    I would go with a 451

    Sandro Parker
    Lennon Adebayor VDV

    Adebayor free to roam behind Saha.

    Modric on the bench

    I dont expect this though I think Modric will play instead of Saha in behind Ade

  4. Thinking of game we had only the other day and the FA cup semi, ‘Arry will rest some key player I think…
    …my team is…
    Walker King Nelsen BAE
    Lennon Livermore Parker Kranjcar
    Saha Defoe

    save Bale for FA cup if he is doubtful

    • no chance. friedel in goal. Wouldnt want to ruin his (ongoing) record for consecutive appearances in prem. Besides how can friedel be tired?

    • Loved him last season, the 2nd half anyway. went and got his name on my home shirt as well. Gutted now though. i dont think he plays too well with parker. maybe got confidence issues since parkers arrival. Still he is only young hopefully he will show some form if played as the only DM

  5. We are at Home we cant score last season this man never scored till we beat Liverpool in a dead rubber. The culprit Vaart Crouch Defoe Pav Keane all suffered with 4411 and its happening again strikers thrive on sharpness and game time ours have neither.This has been our worse productive attack team in states Vaart Parker Sandro Modric Bale Ady this has been our best Lennon Huddlestone Modric Bale Crouch Defoe. this should be our team today Friedel Walker Kaboul King Gallas Lennon Parker Modric Vaart Defoe Ady . I would have rested Friedel for this one and brought Gomes back because Norwich have scored the most goals from headers something Friedegg don’t like. Very worried Spurs fan with a tapped team and upset strikers leave me with no confidantsin Harry we must trust and the FA Refs and flags

  6. i think we will rest players as we had a game just two days ago and with a big cup game against chelsea this weekend it doesnt surprise me, my team would be-

    where would the armband go? modric? kaboul? livermore?

  7. i will . we are nothing compare to your arsenal, and i admit it.
    would u gooners please be so kind to forgive us for being too cocky at the start till mid season. we were jealous of you guys…

      • blackrat, i say what is true. we were and never finish above the goons . so what is wrong with my statement? we were so arrogant and we should be ashamed of our attitudes, now that they are sitting comfortably in our head, so why would we as a proud team should feel shy to admit the truth? at least we are showing our dignity as a team. we are not deluded like some of the so called fans

        • Its got nothing to do with arrogance. Its bein g proud and talking your team up, and trying to talk the other team down.
          Its got nothing to do with delusion. Do you honestly think that the Scum team is better than ours? If you do then you are deluded.

          • im not deluded blackrat, the table dont lie,and all the stats dont lie regarding which team is better than which. do u think our team can go whole season unbeaten in premier league? i wouldn dare to dream of that to be honest, and which spurs fan can forget that we were fighting for relegation battle some seasons ago? i think one who doesnt want to admit that or pretending that we match the goons is a true definition of deluded.
            they have won the league many times, they are champions league top dog(the fact that they are always on pot 1 shows that) and we were only lucky to be in champs league for once. look im not talking my beloved team down in here, but im doing this in regarding to our fans to keep humble and know where we stand, so tottenham should not be the most hated club in the world


            FUCKING IDIOTS THIS YIDDOS !!!!!!!!


          • get the h… out of here rotten. who mans these boards!? anyway, I give Arsenal credit for being a top club, England is better for it, and they are perrenial Pot 1 along with Barca, Real, ManU, Bayern, AC Milan and Chelsea. Their Champions League club winning quotient speaks for itself. However… I am proud of my club for what they are. My feelings for spurs are completely independent of other clubs, I could care less how well another club does compared to us. No hate whatsoever, just support for Spurs. That said, do I one day wish Spurs could take on a leap to the next level like how Chelsea has done over the past 10 years? YES! Even they were considered jokes at the turn of the century – i had to admit, Chelsea were no different than an Aston Villa or Newcastle, or even us, etc… But they have made that transformation, albiet with Russian oil money, but we continue to do it the right way I believe. That will win more fans, not just make the current ones happy. Sadly, more oil money has entered the fray. ManCity and Chelski are going to challenge every year just because the money they spend. Even Man U will have a hard time to cope. Will Arsenal be up for the challenge? Will Liverpool? I know it will only get tougher for us. In fact, this revival has been welcome, but the future looks to have turmoil written all over it for clubs like Spurs.

  8. Why oh why would you play 4-4-2 when we only have 1 winger available?
    We’ve recently played 4-2-3-1 in that predicament and it has worked. It staggers me that we could play Sandro and Parker behind a trio of Lennon, Rafa and Modric, yet you would play Modric on the left of a midfield quartet? Silliness.

    Walker, Kaboul, King, BAE
    Sandro, Parker,
    Lennon, Modric, VDV

    You know; the obvious formation to get the best from our team?


  9. fresh legs is vital and we need to rest players for sunday. MyTeam today would be 442 Friedel,walker,nelson,king,rose,lennon,sandro, livermore,krankjar,saha, defoe.

    subs. cudicini, bae, kabul, parker, vdv, adebayor, modric.

  10. MIND THE FUCKING FUCKING FUCKINGGGG GAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Like i said, we were rubbish and nowhere near the goons. congrats big team. and we were lucky every team in the league got off to slow start of the season allowing us to take more advantage of them, if not i wouldnt dare imagine where our position would be right now.. maybe scrapping relegation battle again…. anyway coys…

  11. HOWS THAT FEEL?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? FUCKKKKKKK OFF YOU SPUDS FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON YOU NORWICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  12. According to the Spuds supporters on here they said and i quote.

    “We haven’t got any hard games left.”

    Tottenham are going to finish 6th in a three horse race….!!!!

    HA HA HA HA …!


  14. Oh dear! The table is taking a familiar look at last. It’s called the natural order of things: The sun will always rise from the east. Spuds are way down in the food chain. Arsenal will always finish above spuds.

  15. It’s about time we faced facts. Arsenal are miles ahead of us, better ground, manager and bottle. Can’t believe this has happened.

  16. just watched spurs play norwich ‘ typical responce throwing away points to a mid table team at home. unless they show some backbone in the remaining fixtures euro football will not be returning to white hart lane.

  17. Check out my comment near the top of the page. “Spuds are there for the taking”

    Well done City.

    ‘Arry for England? Yer ‘avin a larf! You can keep him!

    • Ugh SG. Now I know why you frequent these boards so very often. You just love to see us wallow in our disgust and pitifulness. My heart sank to my stomach after the second goal, and then my face sank to my feet with every passing minute. We just don’t have the quality we really need to get things done when were in a bad way. We don’t have those leaders on the pitch who can defy momentum and turn it around. We can’t win grind them out games. Too sad after such a great start. Low fixture list. Its not over yet, but it feels like it.

  18. We may finsish 5th because these have been tapped Ady Bale and Modric our leaders gone his head is in the FA and the final thing thats stopped us no not refs fucking eneregy drugs are Rife and Toure and one of his team mates who got off because his club doctor said he told him it had ephedrine in when he had alredy swallowed it. Forgive me if Arsenals late late goals all there high tempo Newcastle Everton Chelsea Utd even 38 year olds are very fit thin and run a lot Norwich are no different than Stevenagewhen they chased and bullied us and nearly knocked us out remember Swansea beat Arsenal nearly beat us City Chelsea lost Everton Newcastle Wigan 2 Liverpool1 Football is no longer a funny old gamebut full off energy drugs i no 100 percent the trouble is only me is talking about it and even Toure getting caught has a sub full up has not caused one ripple among st fans, Well Norwich may have there Manager praising them but please fogive me for not congratulating his team because when the words work rate is behind it. followed by a shock i have too think of what i found out four seasons ago.

  19. I agree that things dont look great, however we are still 4th, we do have a good run of games and are in the semi. Our final games are winnable even it we are playing badly. To me, its about desire and sensible tactics. At Sunderland, at some points Lennon was wide right and Bale was inside right. That is ridiculous. I will keep saying that Bale must stick wide left. Another reason why I say desire is to do with the lack if players that get in the box. Surely, on a cross we should be working on a minimum of three. Soemtimes VDV receives the ball between the centre halves. He shouldnt be there. There is no need for him to be there. Luka needs to weigh in with more goals. Is it in his interests not to make Champs league….can he then leave to chase it? Is Manu reallyt that bothered. Against Swansea his energy was great….thats why he scored then he looked lazy the next game. I

    I have been a little worried about the board too. Although I think Levy does a good job I believe that he knew Harry would be involved in an England issue this season. Our funding at the start was not great although the quality of the buys were good Friedel, Parker, Manu – loan and later Saha. But I worry that there is no longevity to them. In which case we need to spend lots this summer or regress.I think we ‘got away’with it. I still think that we have the players tomake the top 4, thankfully Barca will run the chavs ragged

    • I posted earlier about what I think about Spurs future in EPL with high spenders Man City and Chelsea having a go with it through consistent huge spending. Liverpool have larger resources as well. Eventually, their quality will keep them surpassing us. Man U and Arsenal have the resolve to keep them at bay, but do we? I think we fall if we keep the current status.

    • Thanks. It’s been 50 years, but we still believe things are in a cycle, the yin and the yang will one day have to balance right? Just let it balance in my lifetime. I would love for Spurs to dominate Arsenal for a decade atleast before I die. lol. Actually, forget that, I would love to see two more championships. Just TWO! I get the feeling, I’m going to watch United win another 15 before I die though.

      • Well, the yin and yang cycle process had already hit us, don’t we? Once we were The Invincible. Running the season unbeaten and then suddenly we dropped season after season. And this season, we started so bad. But then we managed to survive and climbed that hill, the lads have faith on them that “ARSENAL IS A CLUB WITH MAGNIFICENT HISTORY” (we’re not just a big club). And here we are now, sitting in third (from 17th!!) and still trying (I hope so) to catch up for Manshitty. Hmm.. title doesn’t always guarantee that you will be good next season. Look at Liverfool, they win the Champions League right? But look at them now? For short example, Internazionale Milan are pretty much destroyed this season after Mourinho left them. The key is: CONSISTENCY and IN ARSENE WE TRUST FOR 15 YEARS! So, spuds must have a manager that have a lot of faith in your team.. FOR 15 YEARS!!


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