At the end of the 2010-11 campaign, Sandro was a surprise candidate for our player of the season. After looking a little lost in his early outings for the club, the Brazilian turned in an immense performance at the San Siro and never really looked back for that moment.
As a result, rumours of bids from Serie A and La Liga were almost ignored in amongst the Modric to Chelsea issue but those stories lingered for a while.
2012-13 has been difficult for the player however with Scott Parker suddenly installed in his favoured position and injury keeping him out of the side for long periods of time. His occasional appearances have been inconsistent but there have been glimpses of his brilliant best as he spends most of his time on the right side of midfield.
As the club considers the prospect of a summer of speculation regarding our best players once again, the Sandro rumours have returned with both Milan clubs linked with a summer approach. If the Europa League beckons, the futures of Bale and Modric will be in the spotlight but should Spurs work just as hard to keep Sandro at the Lane?



  1. Yes, I think he has been criminally underused regardless of injury. In 1 week out the next. Technically better than parker, better passer, quicker.. Just needs working on his positional play and silly fouls…

    I hope he feels like he owes us another season or 2 as Sandro in a three holding with modric and another would be just what we need…

    • Worst case scenario, you could have Denilson! Sao Paolo seem to be pretty sick of em, and his midfield mediocrity is right up you guys alley!

  2. Parker is our best player – take him out of the side and we lose – it happens everytime. Why people continue to claim that others are better than him is beyond me. Sandro has the potential to be a fantastic footballer and we should keep him at all costs but he will never do what Parker does. Parker has the rare ability to be everywhere.

    • That is why Harry should rotate moe regulary.
      Think of how many games we were ahead, he could bring Sandro on for say 20 minutes, to give Parker some needed rest, and give Sandro game time to improve his game.

  3. Sandro seems to me to be a bit clumsy… He fouls people and he isn’t particularly tidy on the ball either. In fact, come to think of it, I’d say, based on his recent performances, he’s not much better than Wilson Palacios.

    That said, he does deserve some sympathy, interrupted as his season has been by injury and Harry’s preference of Parker. I think if we get a good bid for him we should accept but he wouldn’t be top of my list for sale.

    Given a run of games again he might be able to re-produce the form of this time last year. If he can do that, then Parker’s long-term replacement is ready-made

  4. Definitely got to keep the guy. Still believe he will become a more important fixture for us. Looking forward to him and Tommy Hudd pairing next season. If we lose Modric this summer, I feel confident that we have enough already to cope. Parker, Livermore, Hudd + sandro (+vdv) will that be enough?

  5. If you look at his first season, when he came in he was quite shaky and often caught in possession.

    It was only after 5-6 games on the trot that he started looking the beast that we know and love.

    However this season i believe I’m right in saying that the longest continuous run of games he has had is 3.

    I feel he has been used poorly by Redknapp, who has stuck with Parker when he was run into the ground (even when 2-3 goals up in a game) and when his form was poor.

    You cannot expect players (whether it be, Sandro, Kranjcar, Defoe, Saha whoever) to come in every now and then and perform to their top potential, it’s just not feasible, and so you need to rotate/rest players more effectively. Something Redknapp is renownedly bad for.

  6. He plays regular for Brazil, and in my view Parker wouldn’t get a look in; having said that the prem is a different stlye. I believe at 22 years of age he is still too young to dismiss. Vierea, Keane, Petit, Deschamps, Dunga and all other top holding midfield players werent as good at that age, he will be world class, keep with him.

  7. Sandro is the future Scotty is yesterdays man. Ok he has been brulliant at times but probably as only another couple of seasons in him, Sandro could be with us for several years. Livemore is very poor in the DM posistion and what will happen when Thud is fit next season????? Sandro deserves more games and he should start on Sunday. Lennon, Sandro, Scotty, Modders, Bale, Ade. But make Modders play a bit closer to Ade. Sandro and Thud will be a great partenership next season. HHXX

  8. these so called rumors talk of a bid of £14 million despite us paying £10 million for him, the report comes from the idiotic thisisfutbol site which is italian so same standard bias towards italian clubs, he is penned down for 4 years so why sell? Parker is 31 modric could be leaving its borders on instanity!

  9. Letting Sandro go would be an absolute tragedy, although he has been a little inconsistent this season i feel this is down only to him being in and out of the team. Furthermore to idiot who said he is a new Palacios obviously doesn’t watch football terribly often. This season we have seen glimpses of some typically Brazilian technical ability. He just needs to be patient, a young Brazilian international isn’t someone Tottenham are going to be selling any time soon. COYS

  10. The problem is Parker is much better than Sandro in his preferred position. Also the great fallacy is that Sandro is technically better, possibly because Parker is a ‘battler’ & Sandro is Brazillian. Parker’s passing stats are brilliant, admittedly he does a lot of short passes but he is technically good, where Sandro is an ok passer. Sandro though is a brilliant tackler at his best and has great drive going forward at times but his passing under pressure is inferior.

    • Parker’s passing stats are brilliant but most of his passes are worthless. yes he’s very good at passing 2 yards to Kaboul 4-5 times in a row, it’s great for stats doesn’t really contribute to quickening the pace of a game when a team are camped…

      watch his (scottie’s ) passes, most of them are first time backwards (way his facing) and when he’s under little no pressure he still passes backwards to players under pressure, this is a fundemental flaw in Parker that a lot are starting to notice.

  11. Let’s be honest here, after that debacle against the farmers and tractor drivers on Monday. Let’s call a spade a spade, because that’s what we need to lay proper foundations for the future as a properly competitive club.

    If we want to compete at the top, certain decisions have to be made. No more pissing around. The other club knew Highbury wasn’t big enough ten years ago, so what did they do? They put a business plan in place, a hard-nosed one at that from what we know, and built a new stadium that came in on budget and on time. Unlike the new Wembley, joke that that is.

    What have we done to match them, match Man Utd, the top clubs? Nothing. Twiddled our thumbs.

    Then we went on some adventure to get the Olympic Stadium, only to tear it down, that was always going to go down well, wasn’t it, and move into the heart of West Ham territory.

    Well, surprise surprise, the Mayor and government looked at us like we were scabby peasants.

    So, having royally pissed off Haringey council by wanting away, then we decided we wanted to stay.

    The other club, you will notice, built relationships with Islington council and Ken in his day. No, that’s not the way for us.

    Then we get Radknapp, who has led Pompey to utter doom. And he’s our new messiah. What? Well, to cut a long story short, we were all laughing three months ago when it looked like our paper-thin squad – our tem, in fact – was right up there, but now we can see how deep that went and how thin Harry’s skills are.

    Honestly, I give up. Finally. After finishing in second or third or last place in the London glory race – I don’t even imagine us winning the league, it’s never happened in my lifetime – I fecking give up. We are standing still, or sinking, beset by ineptitude, on the hundredth anniversary of the Titanic. How very appropriate.

  12. DONT FUCKING FUCK WITH THE ARSENAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  13. This is the reason I did not want Parker, because we have a 22 year old Brazilian international on our hands who was a beast last year with a run of games, and Parker a 31 year old who should be his back up came in and took his place!!
    People talk about Parker ‘being everywhere’ our defenive record this year is looking like it will be no better than last season, and it is already worst than the year we actually qualified for 4th!!!
    Parker is inferior to Sandro in every department, getting hit on the ass with a football is not a skill…Parker cannot pass, is clumsy on the ball and slows us down…hopefully Harry goes and we get in a proper manager who will select the best oplayer not his best mate!!! After all it only took Mourinho 6 months to get rid of Parker, and in the last 10 years under all the different managers, how many England squads has Parker been in, nevermind caps?!?! Hes sooo overrated…under Jol with Lasagnegate we conceded considerably less goals with Carrick as our DM…people like him and Sandro dont have to go flying around the field because they actually read the game!!!

  14. Six weeks ago ‘Arry was the best thing since sliced bread, Parker was a mid-field genius and your squad was one of the best in the Premiership.

    Now ‘Arry’s clueless, Parker a has-been and the squad is in your own words “paper thin”.

    Next season looks like being a real let down. Adebayor will go, you can’t afford his wages, Modric will go, you can’t afford not to sell him, Bale will go, same reason as Modric, Gallas and King will be even older and more decrepit. ‘Arry won’t get the England job and will be “linked” with dozens of highly rated players but Levy will sign players like Saha and Nelsen, you’ll probably get Hesky on loan and another worn out centre-back, probably Woodgate, Oh! wait a minute you’ve already tried that one.

    The likeliest option for a new stadium is a ground-share with Stevenage.

    Next season? Not looking too good!


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