By Jagit Bassi

Redknapp goes into auditioning mode, after diabolical decision changes the momentum of the game.

Harry Redknapp yesterday gave the clearest indication that he was on his way to pastures new in his politically correct interview after the game.

“The second goal was a disaster for us,” said Redknapp. “It was an honest mistake by the referee but it was nowhere near the line.

“The referee has made a big mistake. He hasn’t done it on purpose but I don’t see how he could give the goal.” The potential future England manger continued.

He added: “He must have guessed because he couldn’t have been sure. He has made an honest decision but has made a mistake – but he’s not done it on purpose.

“I spoke to him and he said he feels worse than I do about it – I said ‘I don’t think so.’ He said he feels bad and he’s going to have a bad week but there is nothing we can do about it now.

Could you imagine any other manager being so constrained?

Mouriniho would have been livid calling for the referee to be hung and quartered on such a mistake, Ferguson would have gone on the pitch and acted out the hanging himself but when you have an ulterior motive as in Redknapp case you have to see the bigger picture.

And the bigger picture is what Redknapp has been seeing since February.

That was when he was cleared of tax evasion and Tottenham’s promising season started to spiral.

Since the Newcastle game Tottenham have just managed two league wins and look the shadow of the team that lit up the Premiership in the earlier months.

It would be too easy to say it was down to Capello leaving the England post and the clamour for Redknapp to be appointed but that surely hasn’t helped. Redknapp’s head has been turned as have Tottenham’s fortunes.

Injuries have also played their part and Redknapp’s inability to keep his mouth shut on anything England. ‘I’d take Scholes to the Euro’s’ and stories alike were not helping, the focus seemed to be on England rather than the job in hand.

Footballers don’t need much of an excuse when things are going against them so when a nation’s media are pushing for the man from Poplar to be the next national boss, they don’t need anything more to start feeling sorry for themselves.

Since February Tottenham’s season has imploded and no one seems to have the capacity or heart to stop it.

And when your heart is elsewhere, it makes it harder still.

Jagit Bassi



  1. Hopefully Levy has HR and his great coaching staff’s P45’s in his out tray to send come the final whistle against Fulham.

    If they lose against QPR why wait?

  2. it was always a case of when harry goes, with HR s age we all knew the was no long term plan.
    The mistakes he has made lately are so obvious he hurts all spurs fans.
    The message to Chelsea when Cuducini was named last sunday was obviously to us all to lift them(when a club drops one of their best players indicates cockiness).
    he most obvious trap is the same one Jol fell inot is to rotate the defence to accommodate King which unsettles any team. Chelseas good run has seen little change

  3. I’ve been pro Harry ever since he arrived at the Lane, but enough is enough!!! Like many spurs fans, I’m just waiting for us to slide out of the top 4, whether it be on Saturday, or by next weekend. Not sure anyone can stop it, as the damage is already done I fear. Yes there is a chance we could hold onto 4th, as I think Newcastle have got some seriously tough games and Chelsea might now go all out to win the CL, following last night’s result. QPR away is going to make or break us!! I would start by sticking Sandro in defence “Huddlestone” style alongside either Gallas or Nelson (If Kaboul’s still out) and play Livermore alongside Parker in the middle. Lost faith in Modric, as he’s got one foot out of the door, so my team would be:
    Friedel, Walker, Sandro, Kaboul (Gallas), BAE, Livermore, Parker, VDV, Adebayor, Bale, Lennon

  4. I have posted some arguments in the forum last time and this topic is one of them.

    I know some or majority of us feel dejected and gutted for what we have seen on the team’s performance over the last 2 months, but you know what? We are still in the race for the “at least” top 4 spot.

    I am definitely disappointed of all the excuses Redknapp has said, but I don’t care anymore about it. What I think is NOW is the right time to show all the world what Spurs are about. We have to support Redknapp, at least until he completes the 5 league games. That’s it.

    We have a strong squad (no doubt about it) and with the power we have, let’s prove that we can grab all the 15 points available to get that deserved spot.

    Are you happy if you finish on 4th? If we do, I am definitely happy, even if I know that some of our players are already thinking about leaving the club. But by getting the CL qualifying spot next year, we can attract other star players to our squad.

    Forget the arse, chavs, geordie, and all the Redknapp’s excuses. Now we have to ONLY THINK about HOW WE can WIN them. If it must exclude Modders, then let be it.

    We are Spurs fans who have the winning mentality as what our motto is, TO DARE IS TO DO!

  5. If we play Gallas and King at the back again we will ship 3 goals…the result will be 3-1 to QPR. King is finished. Redkrapp is a tactical pigmy . But how on earth can he not see that King cost us the Norwich game and that he could barely run vs Chelsea? Gallas has at times been really good but his attitude now is very questionable and he is also not fully fit. Who else do we have one might ask!
    Well that’s the problem…Dawson is injured but that’s irrelevant as he is an average slowish hoofer, Kaboul (our only decent CB) is injured……oh the wisdom of the great leader Redkrapp…let’s send Bassong and Corluka out on loan and bring in a 34 y old donkey instead. I cannot believe the FA want this moron to manage England but I’m so looking forward to the day he finally buggers off.

  6. To be fair to Redknapp, he’s always been pretty restrained when talking about referee cock-ups, more restrained than I think he should be. It hasn’t done us much good though has it? The mistakes just keep coming.

    He has to go in the summer now whatever happens, he’s a busted flush as far as Spurs are concerned. If that means some players are off, so be it. I reckon Modric will go wherever we finish and whether or not Harry leaves.

    But Bale I think will stay for another season.


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