The majority of press reports this week suggest that a deal for Loic Remy to transfer across the Channel to White Hart Lane is on the cards after meetings had been held. There was a story, however, that suggested Manchester City were looking at hijacking the transfer but that seems to have been an isolated report.

Furthermore, other stories emerging today suggest that Spurs are Remy’s favoured club and the player was impressed after those meetings took place.

There are no quotes to back up the report but the suggestion from the Daily Mail was that Remy’s only concern was that he wanted Harry Redknapp to stay at the club.

To some extent there is still uncertainty over Harry but could a possible departure for the manager really scupper the Loic Remy deal?




  1. Hear it all the time about Spurs and seen too many fall through or just turn out to be no more than bored journo’s making it all up. I will only believe anything when I see it released on the official website complete with shirt wielding pictures and stories of how it was their lifelong desire to always play at the lane. Messi idolised ozzie you know? well an ITK told me he did….

  2. They better finally have a good summer after this season just gone which has been an utter disaster.

    No trophys
    No champions league

    On top of that Chelsea and Arsenal fans are slating us on every forum…….after the 5-2 league game, 5-1 cup game……losing 3rd on the last day thanks to Fulop and Chelsea beating Bayern I have never been soo depressed.

    It was easier being mid table all season and not even looking like getting near 8th like we did in the 90’s instead of getting so close and then boasting before it falling flat on our faces

    • Surely Levy must take some blame for not signing what we needed in previous windows. I agree mate, its sickening and its easily the worst that Spurs have made me feel and to go through what we had to on Saturday was unforgiveable.
      Tbh i dont really rate Remy, Damiao would be far better surely.

  3. Im not getting excited about this. This is a player that scored 14 goals in 43 games, in a league that made Gervinho look good.

    • I take a little interest in the french league and trust me remy is a very good player , he has pace and is a great finisher – his goal scoring record this season is down to marseille having a bad season finishing mid table – look at suarez he didnt score much because he has no good service at liverpool – remy is the same no good players to play with – plus marseille play him as a right wing forward alot – but he is quality

  4. totally agree been there way too many times in the 90’s it was Kluivert and Solsjaer that was a big excitement for nothing.

    Just want to wake up one day with the reports saying Spurs sign Adebayor, Remy and Vertonghen

  5. Jay. Have faith.

    If you take away Abramovich one billion investment, and Wengers achievments at a now faltering club, they are no bigger or better than us,

    Remember, Spurs were winning trophies before Chelski even existed, and the Woolwich nomads invaded north London.

    Trends change. We ARE on the up despite the awful end to the season.

    • How can you say Spurs are on the up?? They made the champions league two seasons ago. Since then both seasons have collapsed and they failed to get back into champions league. We have a manager who doesn’t know how to manage tactics and doesn’t know how to coach young players. Now he is trying to sign an average striker. Spurs are going downhill.

      • Ron i feel the pain to, but have to disagree about our future.
        Look at the facts
        Manure Massively in debt.
        Man City. Found a genie in a bottle
        Chelski As the facts show, without the one billion pound investment, are as big as West Brom. No disrespect to West Brom.
        Arse. Massively in debt. Can NOBODY see why they have not spent money they havent got.

        The mighty Totts. No debts, a great squad improving all the time, a new stadium on the way. 40,000 waiying list for season tickets.

        For me the jury is still out on Harryt. But for now.

        Have Faith my friends

      • collapsed ? really collapsed ? in case it passed you by we finished 4th just 1 point off of third given that at the start of the season most spurs fans would have taken it.

        Or do you really think we would over come both the Manchester clubs ?

        I really wish some fans would wake up and smell the coffee, calling for the head of the man who has got us playing some of the best football EVER, who got us within one point of the Arse ( can you remember the last time we were that close )

        • Any decent manager would have been challenging for the title with this current Spurs squad. Redknapp lost the plot two seasons in a row.

          • We were challenging, right up until February. We hit a bad patch at a really bad time. The other pressures on Harry towards the end of the season; heart probs, court case and the FA fuck up over the england manager’s job!!! I would like to have seen any other manager deal with all of that in such a really shot space of time. COYS !!!

          • “Any decent manager” so what manager would you put into spurs that would come ?.

            We finished above Liverpool and chelsea who both spent millions so would you have King Kenny in charge ?.

            Its a bit like when people wanted Hoddle back and got him then started singing ” we got our Tottenham back” we all know how that ended

  6. It is a surprise why Redknapp wants him because he doesn’t appear to be that good. What is up with the Spurs scouts? Redknapp had not even heard of Ganso, which shows how out of touch he is.

  7. Redknapp bought Bongani Khumalo, which is proof of his idiotic transfer dealings.

    Redknapp has lots of talented youngsters at the club like Cebellos and Pritchard, who he has probably never even seen them play because he is not interested in developing young players.

  8. sorry..tony121
    chelsea have won more in there history then the spuds

    the spuds as a club are no bigger then westham

    cheslea’s rivals are madrid,barcelona,city and manure

    note: not arsenil

    • Kev, how wrong do you want to be? Chelsea have to advertise season tickets and Cl tickets. Tottenham have a 40,000 waiting list for season tickets!
      Chelsea were days away from bankruptcy pre Abramovich. Remember players like Weah and Deschamps etc etc, this was Chelsea the small club desperate to be a big club and almost went bankrupt for it, but you got lucky ( a
      nd still are) with Abramovich. Jody Morris, Jon Harley now thats the real Chelsea, ask Kevin Hitchcock and David Lee! lmao youwdumb Chelsea fucking cunt of a runt.

    • If you read my comment fool, you will see that Chelskis trophy cabinet pre Abramovich buying silverware, is between West Brom and Sheff utd. If fact there are FIFTEEN teams that have won more than the chavs.

      Your just a small club, only famous for being near the swanky Kings Road, that won the lottery

    • Sorry Kev if you knew anything you would know spurs have won more trophies than chelsea so in your thinking Spurs are a bigger club and chelsea no bigger then westham

  9. Since when has anything written in the Daily Fail sports section ever been anything other than a total fabrication?
    I’ve yet to see their stories amount to much and I’m not forgetting that they are the chief wankers trying to sell off every Spurs player worth his salt in their low class no class rag.

  10. remy can dribble in tight situations like suarez he’s good in the air, he’s aware has lighten pace.strong can play on the right wing.he’s not Defoe.(dont worry we’ll live without Defoes goals )at worst he’ll score as much as VDV gets a season and give us a differnt dimension in attack less predictable.

  11. No matter Wat we need a striker Remy is agood player just take to many chances and not scoreing many goals out of them chances maybe with van der vaart he mite score more but at a value of 15mil mmmm to much u mite aswell add another 15 mil make 30 mil and buy van Persie lmao

  12. sorry tony121
    am i wrong to say cheslsea have won more in their history than the spuds? well what are you on about…..are you 10 years old

    sorry spud govner
    am i wrong?
    and are you kid? chelsea are BIGGER than the spuds…fact
    note: so the spuds have millions and millions and millions on their waiting list do they….what argument is that!!!! FOOL

  13. sorry northspur

    what are you talking about…..spurs have won more trophies than chelsea.

    stupid answer because chelsea have won more than the spuds……
    ps list them fool if you can………..not
    chelsea have won more
    pps do you count the charity shield

    • Fool really ? if you include your very latest 2 cups then we are even on 23.
      So for all the money poured in you have not won more than us in

      So even millions can you make you a bigger club than us i would suggest you put some of your beer money towards schooling

  14. spuds HONOURS
    Football League Champions 1950/1951, 1960/1961
    F.A.Cup Winners 1900/1901, 1920/1921, 1960/1961, 1961/1962, 1966/1967, 1980/1981, 1981/1982, 1990/1991
    Football League Cup Winners 1970/1971, 1972/1973, 1998/1999, 2007/2008
    European Cup-Winners Cup Winners 1962/1963
    UEFA Cup Winners 1971/1972, 1983/1984
    Football League Division Two Champions 1919/1920, 1949/1950
    F.A.Charity Shield Winners 1920/1921, 1951/1952, 1961/1962, 1962/1963


    Chelsea 1 – 1 Bayern Munich (4-3 on penalties)

    2009/10 LEAGUE TITLE

    86 points from 38 games

    2005/06 LEAGUE TITLE

    91 points from 38 games

    2004/05 LEAGUE TITLE

    95 points from 38 games

    1954/55 LEAGUE TITLE

    52 points from 42 games

    2012 FA CUP

    Chelsea 2 Liverpool 1

    2010 FA CUP

    Chelsea 1 Portsmouth 0

    2009 FA CUP

    Chelsea 2 – 1 Everton

    2007 FA CUP

    Chelsea 1 – 0 Manchester United

    2000 FA CUP

    Chelsea 1 – 0 Aston Villa

    1997 FA CUP

    Chelsea 2 – 0 Middlesbrough

    1970 FA CUP

    Chelsea 2 – 1 Leeds (replay)


    Chelsea 1-0 Stuttgart


    Chelsea 2 – 1 Real Madrid (replay)

    1998 SUPER CUP

    Chelsea 1 – 0 Real Madrid

    2007 LEAGUE CUP

    Chelsea 2 – 1 Arsenal

    2005 LEAGUE CUP

    Chelsea 3 – 2 Liverpool (aet)

    1998 LEAGUE CUP

    Chelsea 2 – 0 Middlesbrough

    1965 LEAGUE CUP

    Chelsea 3 – 2 Leicester

  16. Fuck spuds, fuck chelshit, fuck manshitty, fuck manure! North London is RED!! Come ON You Gunners!!

    BTW, congrats to you chelshit for wipe spuds out of CL qualification.


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