If, as is being suggested, Harry resolves any issues with Daniel Levy and continues as Spurs’ manager, you would hope that with the transfer window about to officially open, some deals might start to be concluded.

One player who was briefly mentioned in January was Newcastle’s Demba Ba who enjoyed a prolific African cup of Nations before returning and being upstaged somewhat by his compatriot Papiss Cisse.

Those rumours have started to return and it’s said that as an added incentive to the player, there is a clause in his contract that will see him pocket £2m if he leaves before 31st July.

The fee involved is said to be £7m and at that sort of money, Spurs could be interested but would Newcastle have any remote interest in selling the striker?



  1. Wouldn’t mind him if Defoe goes, proven goal scorer although a very stringent medical would be required given his alleged dodgy knee he has.

  2. At this point, I think we need to go after him hard. We can most certainly offer better wages than Newcastle, but I also think Chelsea are keen on Ba.

  3. It would be nice to have Demba Ba playing for us i dont think the knee will be a problem because he played all last season with no trouble from his old knee injury and if we could get Luuk De Jong to partner him what a strike force that would be as it looks like Leandro Damiao wont be joining us also we need maybe two midfielders if luka & rafa decide to leave us here are three good suggestions (1) Marvin Martin (2) Gaston Raierez (3) Ibrahim Afellay .

  4. Jake people like you should be removed from this page so what if Ba if black as a true spurs supporter you should want the best for your team.

    • who cares about being a supporter of a club. He’s a human being not a worthless mutt like all the Arsenal and West Ham Scum that troll this site.

  5. Another cheap player, no better than Defoe, until we start building a stadium i suppose thats all we got to look forward to. Looking forward to next seasons excuses for the stadium already.

  6. bad luck jake call yourself a true coy or true spurs fan unreal…get of this site you moran…. now levy has got redknapp sorted we need aclear out and defoe soz fella its time to go along with the rest of the dead wood ..levy splash the cash let get some great players in no matter what cost …..make spurs greater than they already are money where your mouth is levy !!!!!!

  7. Jake shows the true vile side of you spuds.your all a bunch of north London knuckle draggers. If any club should know better it’s yours. We don’t get filth like that at upton park. COME ON YOU IRONS!

    • If you had a brain, the only thing the comments on this story will show you is that racist remarks will not be tolerated by the majority of us. You get some at every ground, so get off your high horse.
      Stop commenting on a spurs blog you sad little man, and enjoy the kick and rush defensive shit big sam will be giving you next season.

    • Er actually my Uncle is a member of a certain right wing group and a hammers fan and constantly mocks ethnic players in your team, so,before you start calling other fans take a look deep inside your own camp!!!!!!!!

      I’m afraid we’re in for another crap season, Levy won’t spend he only understands one thing and that’s profit, yeah he runs a great ship but we will never be able to compete and the way things are going we will be battling to finish top 6 with Redknapp in charge.

  8. Let’s get rid of the racist pricks at White Hart Lane before anyone else. Racism is based on ignorance and lack of inteligence so anyone coming out with remarks like that are just showing what scumbags they are. This site should find out who the guy is and report them to Tottenham Hotspurs so we can ban him because I for one don’t want to be associated with scum like that.

  9. Why is everyone commenting on the racist? He and the Wet Sham fan has come trolling on here merely to get a rise and succeeded. In future just ignore them and the 12 year olds will go back to their holes.

    • Jake is no plant he’s telling levy to get rid of ugly Harry on other blog and Toughspurs boy has just made a homophobic comment towards me. Haven’t you learnt from the porstmouth game. Your racist and homophobic behaviour belong back in the last century with your last FA cup final appearance

  10. Because it don’t matter how bad a day I’m having, your lot always bring a smile to me to my handsome WESTHAM boat. Six points please MIND THE GAP!

    • you always put a smile on my face! six points of us you will be lucky to take six points off QPR! “mind the gap” what was that then? 72 points?

  11. I don’t see why we should buy the likes of Cisse and Ba. They have only had one good season between them (one half each) in the PL and all off a sudden they are best thing since sliced bread and will be our solution up front. I don’t think so.
    We need a PROVEN goalscorer.
    Lets hope Modric can be sold for 40-50m. after the Euros and then invest in a creative midfielder and and goalscorer like Lloriente.
    But lets start by getting the Vertoghen deal done…..
    Come on Levy. You have the chance to make Spurs great again.


  12. If Jake had his way:
    These would not be here:
    Walker Kaboul King Benny
    Lennon Livermore Thudd Pienaar
    Adebayor Defoe
    Gallas, Bassong, Khumalo, Rose, Jenas, Caulker, and a shitload more that I could name.

    Okay, some of these guyus will leave this season – but I am grateful for the service they have given us – and if (when) they DO leave, I’ll be ecstatic to replace them with even better players, no matter what hue.

    Jake, you stupid mutt, didn’t anyone ever teach you that Tottenham (as in N17) has the highest percentage of black citizens in London (probably in Britain?)

  13. The irony is, that when I was a kid, West Ham were the first team in the olde Division One to have a black player: Clyde Best. Not quite as talented as George but still a very good player. Jake, enjoy your one season back with the big boys and be sure, especially, to appreciate the defence-splitting runs of Louis Saha, when he joins you.



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