One transfer story that seems to have gone through – albeit that it has yet to be confirmed by the club is the departure of Vedran Corluka to Lokomotiv Moscow. The versatile defender who joined us from Manchester City has however been confirmed as a new signing by the Russians for an undisclosed fee.

One player who is certainly happy with Charlie’s arrival is former Spur and current Lokomotiv hitman Roman Pavlyuchenko.

“It’s great news – the best I’ve heard for a week and a half,” Pav said.

“He is a very tenacious, uncompromising defender, who is practically impossible to beat one on one.

“He convinced me of this in training several times.

“He’s physically strong and, without flatter, I would say that Corluka was probably the strongest defender at Tottenham.”

Corluka joined us in the summer of 2008 and went on to play in 109 games for the club, scoring once.



  1. I disagree wit Pav.
    charlie was a good team player for us (he did get a bit bitter after Walker took his spot), but I dont think he was our best defender. I would have Kaboul and Benni up there, and a fit -inform- Dawson too.
    Walker was maybe not as good a defnder this last season, but he should improve, and he is by a very long way a better attacking option, he is maybe three times as fast, and fits in with the way we wanted to play much better (who knows how we are going to want to play with a new manager)
    Im sorry to see him go, but it was the right thing for both parties.

  2. A good orthodox defender who combined very well with Lennon on the right, but doesn’t have the speed to play in a system that uses a high line (such as AVB will almost certainly play). Walker is much better suited to the role at Spurs. Good luck Charlie and thanks.

  3. Pav is saying that because he’s bitter he never made it at spurs. They’re both shite and i’m glad theyve gone

    • Jenas

      I assume the 4 others are:

      I personally think the top 2 have had it, and Danny Rose isnt good enough but Bass, Gio and Pienaar could suit AVB’s new system perfectly…

      433 with a high line, Bassong is fast enough to play to this system, Dawson isnt, Gio plays wide right for Mexico in this system and Pienaar is a good player but the limited tactical knowledge of Redknapp meant he couldnt fit him in, AVB could do that

    • Why participate in the Day Against Cyber Censorship, when you ARE actively censoring us on the web, YoSebue?ueTing as I am against internet censorship, I will indeed support the Day Against Cyber Censorship.

    • Bruna comentou em 10 de janeiro de 2011 às 15:14. Oi Júlia, tudo bem?Estava dando uma olhada no site da vogue na matéria Olho por Olho, que mostra a tendência de make pra 2011, e me apaixonei perdidamente por um esfumado do Just Cavalli, é mais pro inverno com um tom de cinza azulado e outro cinza bem fechado.Gostaria que voce fizesse algum dia no passo a passo esse olho, porque é lindo!!!Muito obrigada por todas essas dicas que você sempre passa pra gente!Bjs

    • this to his medical interviewer on the eve of his execution when it was too late for a reprieve.I know you will not be impressed by any of these arguments. That’s okay with me. I am not in the business of trying to convert people or stop them masturbating. My role as a writer is simply to lay out the facts. You must decide for yourself if you wish to accept those facts or reject them.Experience has taught me that those with a strong addiction to masturbation usually reject the facts. Such people only accept with equanimity what they wish to hear. Best wishes,Lasha Darkmoon

  4. ha! yeh right, we’ve released our strongest defender.. just shows what a shit mug pav was that he couldn’t get past charlie in training. two useless nothing players – well rid of them.

  5. No we have not, it is not clear what they have paid for him he is far too slow got caught out many times and K Walker is in a different league, he wants to play, cannot blame him for that, will not get in the side because of K Walker

  6. Benny is our best defender, along with Younes & Walker. Charlie wouldn’t get a look in this year, especially with the Belgian still apparently coming to WHL…..(can’t remember how to spell his name)

  7. Pav was so lazy he couldn’t get past a sleeping snail, doesn’t surprise me he found it hard to go past him.. What surprises me is that he found Corluka different to other defenders.

  8. well it must be true pav has said it. we havent had him in the team all last season and should have got 3rd if it wasnt for the england saga. he was far to slow and when he got played on the right got skined and turned inside out to many times. got walker to play there but need a good back up just in case of injs.

  9. And Corluka said of Pav ; ” he is simply the greatest striker ever to grace the pitch, his work rate is equal to none”

    • that’s pretty funny actually. Charlie is a solid defender but does not contribute to the attacking play at all. He actually looked decent playing for Croatia but his lack of speed are too great a liability over an entire season. Good luck Charlie, I wish you well.

  10. Lets be very harsh here, Pav said jhe was our best defender, he offered nothing going forward apart from an occasional decent ball to Lennon, but he was good in the air although never commanding enough, passing was good but his let down was speed and mobility his Tottenham time came to an end when he was torn apart by Marko Marin away at Bremen just too slow for the Prem.

    Dawson isnt good enough neither and when AVB is announced expect Dawson to suffer ala Terry with the high line.

    Our best defender is Vertonghen when he signs an unbelievable signing as there is nobody else out there who is as good and available.

    Every defender has weaknesses I am just not sure Jan does.

    Caulker will have a big season too I predict he will be Kaboom and Verts understudy and knowing our injury record he will be used….AVB likes fast ball playing centre halfs…..Dawson, Corluka and Nelson are not that type.

    Bassong is an interesting one, great first season crap 2nd season, he has the potential and may be an AVB type player along with Gio

  11. He was a very good defender for Spurs.Funny enough when Charlie first signed,i read a article in a magazine,they interviewed one of the top strikers in Europe and when asked the question about who was the best defender he played against,he said Charlie Corluka.
    For me Walker is our future but thanks a lot for all the hard work you put in Charlie. After all the Spurs team have had one of the best run of results in many a year during his time at the club.

  12. Guys, Pav’s just aying that to make the fans feel at easy with Charlie’s arrival to the club. He knows that Charlie isnt stonger than Kaboul and he sure as he isnt better that Walker either who ousted him from the right back position. Both Kaboul and Walker are a immense upgrades from Charlie in every department.
    I wish Charlie well but wont forgive him for saying that his compatriot Modric should sign for Real Madrid which we all know the Croatians are promoting, stupid gits.

  13. fair play to charlie, he seemed to have a good attitude but i think he realised his game was up when Walker started showing some silky skills. Good luck mate.
    On a seperate note Kaboom is the man!

  14. I am a bit sad to see him go. Yes he struggled at times against pace, but he struggled more when he did not play a few games. When he was given a decent run of games, he did quite well. I remember him coming in for Hutton a couple of years ago, when we letting in many stupid goals – and his presence led to I think 5 games without letting in a goal. Lennon also seemed to perform better when he was around. Walker has pace, but sometimes his positioning and his concentration lets him down.

  15. In a word – NO.
    He was a good signing for us, and i believe he helped Modric reach the levels he has for us.
    But out best defender?? do me a favour.
    I would not have been too disappointed had he have stayed and played 2nd fiddle to Kyle, but i suppose he wants to be playing week in week out, and in fairness to the bloke, he is good enough to do so.
    Goodbye Charlie, thanks for the effort and best of luck. I hope you get a good reception if ever you come back as an ‘away player’.

  16. At least we now know that Pav has a career after he finishes pretending to play football, as a comedian…..i spat my tea laughing when i read that!

  17. He was not our top defender, but was, I think, underated. He was a useful utility sub and he had a good Euro tournament when he did not look out of his depth—which is more than could be said for most of the English team!

  18. Pav didn’t say “best defender” he said “strongest”, if you read the actual quote, as opposed to the newspaper quote erroneously attributed to him. Notwithstanding the misquote, I doubt that Charlie was stronger than Ledley, or Younes Kaboul for that matter, however I think we can safely say he was our “slowest” defender! Charlie “The Tortoise” actually had very good defensive instincts, however if AVB is genuinely going to be the new manager, then his high defensive line requires athletic defenders and back-tracking midfielders with top end speed, like Walker, Bale, Lennon and to a lesser extent BAE and Kaboul. Charlie, who always looked like he was playing on wet cement rather than grass, obviously would not be a good fit for such a defensive system! Probably better suited to the icy surfaces of Moscow in winter, where he can glide to the ball as opposed to actually having to run!

  19. Charlie looked good in the non contact walking pace of the euros but does not have the pace to play in the premiership, just another dead-leg, glad he has gone !


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