I’ve personally been writing about Spurs – on and off – for the last twenty years now and can never remember a period where actual news has outstripped idle transfer speculation.

In the last week, we’ve had the confirmation of AVB as the new boss, together with confirmed signings of both Gylfi Sigurdsson and Jan Vertonghen. There’s also been the new deal for Steven Caulker and even the suggestion that AVB has told David Bentley he has a clean slate is news rather than rumour – assuming it’s true of course.

Even this morning, the confirmed stories keep coming with the reports that Luis Martins has been installed as our first team coach.

As a result, Spurs fans are checking the sites to see who’s coming next and could we see a deal for Emmanuel Adebayor signed and sealed in the next few days?

According to a source, Spurs are close to a permanent transfer for the Togolese and the fee could be as little as £5m. In addition however, Tottenham will pay Ade a further £5m in order to supplement those Man City wages of £170,000 a week that we simply can’t afford.

“It didn’t look very likely at the end of the season but we’ve found a solution that satisfies City, Spurs and the player,” the source said. “Spurs are the only team to have held talks over the transfer and City are desperate to get rid of him.”

As always – ‘watch this space’ is the advice but with the rate that news is coming in at the moment, we may not have to wait too long.




  1. Can’t see Bentley getting a starting spot now… He’s good, but not good enough to start over numerous other option we have or may persue… I would have thought that GDS getting another shot was more likely, especially with AVB coming in and him retracting him comments last week. Maybe AVB has already had a word?

    • To be honest I can’t see Bentley getting used either. He has no pace so I cannot see where his limited skill set will come in. It would be better to get him off the wage bill and put him down to a transfer that did not quite work out. He is a silly man who could’ve really made it work but obviously the hard work was done at Blackburn wasn’t it David?

  2. But if we sign Adebayor, that would be us strong for the new season. Yes, we could do with another striker / keeper. But Adebayor is a must and then anything else, along with the signings we have already made would be a bonus.

  3. A year ago couldn’t believe I’d be saying this but yes please!!
    Oh and Bentley is just not in our league – literally – I think the Championship may be calling

  4. Let’s be honest. We are linked to Remy at over £10mil, Leandro at +£15mil or so and Lewenddoski (spelling mistake I’m sure) North of £20mil. All come with risk and will take time to adapt.
    Ade, for £10mil – is proven in not only the premiership but also a lilly white shirt.
    Absolute no brainer as far as I am concerned and he has to be our number one striking target. If this is true, and I hope it is – it is an absolute steel. If he played for anyother team, he would be a +£20mil striker.

  5. Having Ade on board would be a bonus for us because he fits our system better than Defoe does and causes opposing defences all sorts of problems, just wish he would tuck away more of his chances though because if he did, he would be a super striker and we reallly would be flying then.

  6. Ade would be a great signing at 5M + 5M for signing on fee. There are alot reports suggesting Chelsea are going to put a bid in for Oscar hope not as i really think he would be a good addition to our squad!

  7. Ade finally played for a club with REAL team spirit and with REAL FANS….thats why he was brilliant and we LOVE HIM

  8. 5 million pounds sounds a bargain in all honest but his wage demand is a question mark……………….. There’s speculation going on between Lewondanski, Leandro Demiao, Loic Remy and the young Russian striker (21 years of age who impressed us in the Euro) i’m sorry I dont his name LOL!!!!!!! But I hope which ever striker we get it (stated above) doesn’t drags on like Jan Vert onghen signing.

  9. I really want this Adebayor deal to go through and as quickly as possible. Ade led the line for the majority of the season, absolutely splendidly, I can only remember once or twice being out of sorts. Get Ade in + one more FW and cover for Lennon and we’ll almost be there!! Maybe a cheeky new keeper, although I think that Brad can do another season!!!

  10. personally i think that ade and vdv dont fit into avb s plans coz they both wont like being rotated (hope im wrong about vdv )and could cause unrest in the squad.
    also ade great on loan but when he signs for a club his form drops.
    bring in 2 other strikers damaio and taking a chance on burak yilmaz for 4 or 5 mil(one major signing)also a playmaker moutinho or someone to replace modric and also a goalkeeper and use gds ,pienaar,defoe more next season.

  11. I hope he’s not the only striker we sign this summer, but I’m happy to have him back if that’s how it goes–especially for that price. If we’re getting that kind of money for players who haven’t even sniffed the actual grass at WHL for years, then this counts as one of the steals of the transfer season.

  12. Exciting Times for a change it beats Jim White saying Spurs are in for x player but its too late the Windows closed well after Ady from City it can close for me also i thought we signed Bale again and the lad from Utd.

  13. Wow, that is great news. If true obviously.
    If we can get Ade for the 10m. quoted (5 for City and 5 for Ade as compensation) and then put him on our top wages(around 70k per week i would think) that would be exellent business.
    If anybody can, Mr. Levy can pull that one off.
    In Levy we trust.
    This could be a sensational season guys. Lets get behind the club…..


  14. Very interesting times, thanks to Daniel Levi and others….

    At the moment, our team would probably look something like this ‘if’ Ade deal goes through;

    4-2-3-1 Friedal

    Kaboul Vertoghen
    Walker Ekotto
    Sandro Modric

    Lennon Sigurdsson Bale


    or 4-3-3

    Kaboul Vertoghen
    Walker Ekotto
    Sandro Modric
    Bale (Remy?)

  15. It would be nice if we could get ade and also leandro Damiao , Oscar and Ganso three Brazillians . I hear Man U are interested in Oscar or Ganso if they cant get Modric , We need to let Man U and Chelsea think they have a chance of signing modric that way i takes their eyes off of some of the other targets we are after like Joao Moutinho let them battle for modric then sell him to Real Madrid.

  16. There are plenty of false rumours too but after a few frugal years, AVB is guaranteed backing and it’s anybody’s guess which ones are true.

    If we manage to get Ade, Sturridge and Damio for a combined £25-30m, that’s a very decent strike force.

    A keeper and Modric replacement will test the purse strings though so another 5 players seems a little optimistic. If Levy find the funding it’s possible and a return to fitness for THudd, some competition for Ade and, hopefully, no more reliance on Ledley would give us a squad capable of challenging at the very top.

  17. Im finding it hard to get excited about all these announcements. Andre villas boas? to say hes unproven in premier league would be pretty much an understatement….same with vertonghen,if he is that great a player then why wasnt there a flurry of clubs trying to get his signature?…Siggurdson…again hardly a queue lining up to sign him either….adebayor?..nobody other than spurs want him lol…..my thought would be ,either buy some REAL talent or try and allow the youngsters to develop,and hopefully get some proper team spirit….fed up with these “here today-gone tommorrow” mercernaries….Im not so sure the future at tottenham looks as bright as some are trying to pretend…hope im wrong

  18. Is this the same ADE whose first touch is as delicate as my father’s lump hammer? He’s ok but surely not as good as many are making out. Have we forgotten all those misses last year and matches where he was on the field but looked disinterested? However I take the point that for £10 mill it may be worth it if others arent better. If Defoe was sold how much ….. £5- 7 million?

  19. The Ade signing is a must. We know what he is, a striker with immence talent, but his attitude at times let`s him down. But he is still quality. After that I would love to say that Lewandoski is a possibilty. But I think that`s to good to be true type deal. So the other CF I want at THFC is as previously,mentioned above Luuk De Jong. He`s going to be the next big Dutch stricker and at 12 mill out what ever it is, it is good bussiness. I really hope either Gomes finds he`s form or we get a nice solid GK. Because I just can`t trust Brad, he let in two horrible goals at the end of last year in the AVFC and QPR games and I just can`t move on. Other than that were a JR Hoilett or another RW cover away from being in my mind serious titel contenders. Even if Modders goes. THUDD, COYS!!


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