Despite a change of manager at Spurs it could be another frustrating year on the sidelines for Jermain Defoe, particularly if AVB does back up the rumours and sign two new strikers before the start of the season.

JD has spent much of the last two years in and out of the side and there have been constant rumours of a move away during that time.

According to the media last week – AVB had told Defoe that he must stay at the club but that wouldn’t necessarily suggest he is first choice. In any event, it hasn’t stopped the press from linking the striker with other clubs including QPR and Reading.

So what’s best for all concerned – moving on or staying at Spurs with the possibility of another ‘bit part’ role for 2012-13?



  1. We must keep him as he is class and Tottenham through and through. Hopefully will hit the ground running in pre-season and AVB will see that he has one of the the most important things to offer the team – GOALS!!!!!!!!!

  2. Keep JD he is a legend at the Lane!! But bring in Adebayor (obviously) and I’d like to see Robert Lewandowski or Loic Remy if we can. Although it seems that JD wouldn’t get in with those other strikers, AVB is that type of manager to play who is doing better at the time and not just favour one player like Redknapp did, always playing Van der Vaart. Sell Van der Vaart and Luke Modric and buy Joao Moutinho, Emmanuel Adebayor and Robert Lewandowski. I also have a friend inside the Lane that has told me we have spoke to Walcott on a potential transfer.
    Can’t wait for next season under AVB!!

  3. If JD stays he’ll be used on the right, cutting in like Sturiddge did at chelsea. Still lightning quick and hits the target more often than not. Got to be a keeper.

    • NO way will defoe start wide right. Doesn’t do enough for the team. If he starts a prem game there next season, i’ll be amazed!

  4. Roy Rover………………..agree with you mate about Defoe. I don’t know why Harry didn’t use him on the right when Lennon was injured. It’ll keep him from straying offside as well…………….I hope!

  5. It’s about time we signed big strikers like Adebayor and hopefully Lewandowski, not people like Sturridge as they are okay but aren’t guarenteed 15 goals a season or more.
    Sign big and win trophies.

    • Defoe is far from a guaranteed 15 goal season man. He has only achieved that once. At least Sturridge causes problems for the defenders and occupies them – and he is versatile too. Defoe has one use and one trick.

      • To be fair I didn’t say Defoe is guaranteed 15 goals a season but he does get goals thats why I’d like Adebayor, Lewandowski and/or Remy.

  6. GOING, GOING, GONE…. Has to go. One solitary good season in Premiership is not good enough for a 29 year old. He is simply not a “top five” quality striker.

  7. Defoe is my favorite player on Spurs and he must stay. He’s a great goal scorer and should be given a chance to start. It would be foolish of Spurs to let him go.

  8. Totally under-used last season, our only player who can score from outside and inside the box, should have played alongside Ade instead of Saha IMO.

  9. Defoe’s premiership goals totals each season: West Ham: 10, 8 Spurs: 7, 13, 9, 10, Pompey/Spurs: 12, 10 Spurs: 18, 4, 11…. I admit that one or two of those were a goal every other game, but still it is an unremarkable record for someone who is described as a “natural goalscorer”. Let’s put this into context: Bale scored almost as many (NINE) last season compared to Defoe’s usual totals – whilst doing 10 assists from the wing and generally making the opposition double up on him.


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