The minimum aim this season has to be to qualify for the Champions League again, but if we’re not careful, we will fail for the same reasons that we have in the previous two campaigns.

For what seems like forever, we have been crying out for a striker who can play on his own up front and score goals. Such players do not grow on trees and subsequently you have to pay top dollar to land one – which might be where the problem lies.

Tottenham’s finances dictate that we must work within our budgets and try to pick up bargains in the transfer market. Of our present squad, the likes of Friedel, Walker, Assou-Ekotto, Dawson, Vertonghen, Kaboul, Sandro, Parker, Huddlestone, Lennon, Bale, Van der Vaart and Sigurdsson all fall into this category, but you’ll notice that none of them are strikers.

In the transfer market, no jewel is more prized than a striker. If you’re looking for a promising teenage forward with an English passport like Connor Wickham, you will have to splash out £12m. If it’s a world class striker who guarantees results, then you’ll spend at least double that.

So buying a top striker on a budget is not easy, but it’s also not impossible, as Newcastle and Everton have proved with the purchases of Ba, Cisse and Jelavic. We have failed to take a chance in the transfer market when it comes to strikers, although I think that this has largely been down to the fact that we were operating with a manager who was unable to identify a transfer target that he hadn’t seen playing in the Premier League.

Last season we fudged, rather than fully addressed the issue at hand, when we brought in Adebayor on loan. The Manchester City striker did very well for us, but he lacked competition and support. He was essentially guaranteed a spot in the side, to the point where he was often played in games when he was far from fully-fit.

We’ve spent most of the summer negotiating the permanent transfer of Adebayor, which continues to rumble on, but with just 13 days before the new season starts we are in danger of repeating the mistake of last season.

Adebayor’s loan may have been something of a financial masterstroke by Daniel Levy, but the prolonged negotiations meant that he didn’t join the club until the fourth scheduled game of the season. On the day that Adebayor made his debut for Spurs, the club were bottom of the table an without a point. Surely we need to move fast to make sure that we’re quicker out of the blocks this time round?

If Adebayor’s wage demands are excessive then we should just move on and target someone else. After all, we need to bring in at least one, but preferably two strikers before the summer is out.




  1. forget it by the time the season starts we will still be in the same boat as last season and the one before NO TOP STRIKER levy will not spend

    • Hoped with the sale of so many fringe players we would make a big splash in the transfer market up front. Not doing so almost certainly cost us a champions league place last season and an estimated £30 million in revenue. I do not understand why Levy cannot see this a top striker should have been a priority two season ago and for me Ade misses way to many chances.

  2. We should sort out the Ade deal, bring in Daniel Sturridge who has great potential and ability, Moussa Dembele would do well in our front line, maybe on the right and Julio Cesar in goal.

    • Did you watch team gb? Sturridge makes a meal out of everything – frustrating to watch – he would be totally overpriced and a complete let down. Granted the chip against uae was class, but that was all he did. We should be trying to land a proper striker and bite the bullet and spend some money – we just need the push to get into champs league consistently. Ade is a waste of money misses more than he puts away -would prefer dzeko over ade. We need 2 more awesome players if modric stays. Someone to cover lennon – cos he isn’t that good, missed vital games injured last season and someone to bang a load of goals in. We could be in the champs league next season if wasn’t for modric and the others bottling it. They say the want champs league but want it handed to them rather than working for it and deserving it. Come on spurs.

    • I hope you’re right.We’ve been hoping on this for time now but Leandro Damiao all day long for this yid.Could wind up with Ganso too!? I know we aint seen too much of him in the tournament but the boy is still class and that might just help our case with the whole shop window thing going on.

    • Thats my feeling too, i reckon they are waiting for Brazil to be either knocked out or win the thing before signing one their strikers. No way AVB would have accepted the “project” without a striker being penned in.

      • I love to dream too.

        No offer has been made for Leandro.
        It doesn’t seem like we’re getting him.

        I think it’s going to be a repeat of the last four windows (AT LEAST). Levy will wait once again until deadline just to get a good price for a striker from teams who genuinely want to sell and their players who genuinely want to move.

        Prepare for yet another media circus around Spurs Lodge as the tealady arrives and then gets interviewed about her new contract…

  3. I agree with you and I have been saying for weeks now that we need to but one or two good strikers. All the transfer talk is about us looking for a goalkeeper (not really needed at the moment – can wait until January if we’re looking to strengthen in that area, likewise with defenders and to a certain extent midfielders). Get rid of Modric or else he’ll be another Berbatov, and use the money from his sale to get at least one decent proven striker. Say thank you Mr Adebayor you did a good job for us on loan, but as your wage demands are too high, time to move onto pastures new. The stupid and annoying thing is at the end of last season we could have picked up a bargain goalscorer in Peter Odemwinge (not world class I know but a proven striker in the Premier league neverless). We could have picked up Andy Carroll on loan in the past week, instead of letting West Sham get him. Why not offer the scum 12m for RVP (ha ha ha that’ll never happen), but Mr Levy & Mr Villas Boas we need STRIKERS and we need them FAST!.

  4. Hey Ya all. COYS 4 ever !!!

    Come on Mr Levy, and splash out the go… damn money on the likes of Hulk & Damiao.. and the striker problem is solved once and for all..

    And then You go out and splash the money for Lloris..

    And we will make it to the top 3, at least..

    I will say first spot isen’t impossible..

    COYS !!!!

  5. It’s getting quite ridiculous at Tottenham now and completely beyond a joke. We should have bought in a quality striker in 2010 when we mad Champions League but instead Levy decided to let Redknapp bring in the OAP’s plus Adebayor who is not the type of striker we need. Adebayor continually drifts out to the wings leaving the area in front of goal bare. He also cannot control a ball that is passed to him and has a tame shot often going wide of the mark. We need a striker more like a larger version of Defoe that can play on the shoulders of the defenders and turn quickly with a good shot. Leandro Dalmiao has all the attributes so let’s put a realistic bid in for him, one we know they will accept. We must not stop there because we also need to bring in another striker who has potential but would cost less. Forget about midfielders all the time plus defensively we are ok. Surely Levy can see how light we are up front. You have to score to win a bloody game not just keep the ball out.

    • You’d put Butland straight in ahead of Freidel? Brave man.

      Can’t quiet understand you formation either. Who’s playing where?

  6. Although I identify with the frustration at the moment it is only borne from lack of knowledge. If we had the inside info on the deals that are being talked about we may well feel differently. It’s a multi million pound business. I don’t run one and don’t pretend to understand the ins and outs of doing so successfully. For that reason I don’t feel I should critise Daniel Levy whom I think has gone a damn good job at the club. Top four and profitable. No mean feat!

    So let’s get off the clubs back and give them our trust and backing. I am sure they are quite aware of the players needed and are doing their utmost to secure them. If they were able to revert to the ‘Championship Manager’ way of thinking that most conform to on here I’m sure they would. However, they live in the real world.

  7. I am a Spurs fan, have been since I was 5 years old, back in 1991 when I watched the FA Cup final victory and I turned to my Dad (Leeds Fan) and I said “that’s my team”. Albeit from a glory supporting beginning, the years since have been desperately mediocre. We once nearly got relegated but survived and we never really challenged for anything other than the League Cup…until Redknapp. The game is first and foremost about glory – i’ve always loved that mantra and you would have to, to be a Spurs fan. We are a romantic team, in the same ilk as Real Madrid, we would rather lose beautifully than win ugly. Not all teams live by such ethos, but we do. So i implore all and any Spurs fan who turn on any ‘Spur, be it management or playing, to remember that you once cried their name in the stands, you once defended them bitterly at the pub bar and you were once proud to call them a part of your club. You lose all credibility when you reduce yourself to ridicule and hypocrisy and there is no glory in that. To Redknapp, thanks for the memories. To Modric, thanks for the play. Finally, to Levy; spare no cost to go and get our next glorious romance…LEANDRO DAMIAO!!! COYS!!!

    • You are Spur’s supporter and Cheer Tottenham since 1991 same as me ( Vee – Thailand supporter ) when I was 11 years old.

      We can remember our good team won FA cup 1991 along with Lineker , Mabbutt , Paul Walsh , Paul Stuart , Edinburge and Eric Thortvet ( our reliable in Goal stopper )
      Presently , we also have a strong squad like JD , VDV , Bale , Siggy , Vert, Walker and Uncle Freidel

      Actually , Ade should be our First choice in position of Lone striker , but it seem to be no have any conclusion yet.

      Of cause , no doubt … we really need a proven striker or prolific striker to be our lone striker such as Leandro Damiao , Llorente or Lewandovski .. Defoe is very good addition he is sharp for a shot but may not consistant for long battling in the EPL ( in a cup competition is o.k. )

      How do ypu think ?? Phil

  8. I disagree that the minimum aim is to qualify for the champions league. Now that we changed the manager, there will be some lee-way. Sure we will TARGET the top four. But fifth would be a more than acceptable first season for AVB. However with just Defoe up front, we won’t get fifth either. Defoe scores vs Watford, which I would normally take positively, but it was a header…. The goal loses all credibility because Defoe will not score headers in EPL.

  9. Damiao, Ganso and Lloris, get shot of Modric (no matter how much it hurts writing that) and what about the young boy Coulibaly, you’re good enough you’re old enough, COYs…

  10. Damiao would be very good forget about Hulk that wont happen cant see Llorente either. As we speak Levy and AVB should be seriously looking into signing strikers like Negredo from Seville (poor in the euros but is a talent .) Oscar Cardozo , Soldado (Valencia), Doumbia (short but can score) Lewandowski (Dortmand ) Berbatov (I know) Demba Ba (if were desperate ,think he has a clause for 7m).Loic Remy (versatile) huntelaar. This one is unrealistic but Edison Cavani would be worth spending £40 million on that wont happen though .Abel Hernandez would be intresting at a good price.Bottom line we have to do something we started this window off so positive.Surely Levy will want to do his best to ensure AVB succeeds.A Goal scorer is vital.The Modric issue needs to be sorted.Ade really let me down but that football nowadays.

  11. Levy is a fucking tight wad” always has been and sometimes makes brilliant business deals but in football to win you sometimes have to take a risk but he doesn’t seem to be able to do that apart from Ramos think he needs to go if he thinks it’s time for spurs to change direction!


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