Since the Michael Dawson rumours surfaced, Spurs have been linked with a number of central defenders but the latest story seems one of the more unlikely. Everton’s John Heitinga has been mentioned but the rumour looks to have been denied almost as quickly as it surfaced.

The 28 year old Dutch international was left out of the squad to face Manchester United on Monday amidst reports that he was carrying a knock. It might be easy to suggest therefore that someone has merely taken this news, thrown in the Dawson story and linked everything together to make a spurious rumour.

The player himself has since taken to Twitter –

‘As far as I know all these Tottenham rumours are not true. As I said before I stay at Goodison.’ He announced.

We’ve been wrong before but this doesn’t seem to have any substance and fans of Michael Dawson would suggest that this is a pretty pointless switch in any case.



  1. Hmm. Usual lazy journalism. Heitinga came on as a late sub on Monday. Get your facts straight before you embarrass yourself further.

    • Judging by your baseless comment, it is you who looks like the incompetent pollock who thinks he is clever.
      Levy has brought in a striker and is taking care of the Modrid situation leaving us with no distractions.

      • Hardly baseless is it when we Levy takes 7 transfer windows to secure a permanent striker and it has cost us. Hardly baseless when Levy offers pathetic insulting amounts for players,hence why we havent signed what we NEED.

  2. Yeah….a real pillock…..we got Ade for free last year and for 1/3rd of a Steven Fletcher this year, and saved £4m in NOT paying him £80k a week over the summer. He bought Siggy from under the noses of Liverpool and Arsenal, and Vertonghen who had the choice of clubs across Europe. We DIDNT sell our best player to EPL rivals last year (take note Arsenal) and we are selling him this year to a foreign team for the same money. We’re getting good money for fringe players and we’ll be spending more in the next few days. Levy’s not perfect – he made a big mistake in not buying strikers in the last two windows – but he’s working miracles for a club that doesnt have a foreign billionaire owber or 60,000/70,000 fans at every game and merchandising all over the world. Get real!


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