While Luka Modric will doubtless dominate the headlines for the next day or so, further reports have linked Spurs with a successor. However, with just four days to go before the transfer window closes, could it be a story of a succession of failed bids on September 1st?

The press have claimed that an offer of £11.8 million for the Brazilian striker / winger Willian has been rejected by Shakhtar Donetsk. Earlier in the summer, reports of £20 million fees were being suggested so perhaps this isn’t surprising.

Meanwhile, before the Modric sale was confirmed, Spurs were also linked with a failed bid for Malaga midfielder Isco. The 20 year old joined the club from Valencia back in 2011 for just £4.7 million and although a reputed bid of £8 million would have nearly doubled their money, Malaga were unwilling to do business.

With money from the sale of Luka available, are clubs going to be pushing their luck with Tottenham or are we simply not putting the right bids in?



  1. Isco is Going very good player! now we have sold ****** we need to sign A Winger, creative midfielder and another Striker! Or i can’t even see us finishing in through top 6. Come on Levy get your cheque book out?

  2. How are we meant to sign players wen we refuse to meet asking prices? While DL haggles over a million here or there we are dropping points due to an unbalanced and lacklustre squad. We hav probably lost somewhere in the region of 40mil in the first 2 games. Champions League?? No fecking chance! We will never reach those levels again. We have really slept in and we are returning to the top 8 bracket again. Thank you DL!

  3. When will Daniel Levy realise now is not the time to mess around making silly offers for good players because before you know it another team will come in and snap these players up then we have lost out and are in trouble. Lets make some decent offers and hope we get these players before we run out of time. Why do we have to go through this year after year ?. I dont like to say this but teams like Chelski will always get their man because they make one offer and its usually accepted because its decent.

    • Ur 100% spot on there mate. Chelsea bid for players and get them. Admittedly they do pay big money but the point is they get there targets. We don’t because we are not willing to pay the money. So we lose targets to teams who will pay the asking price.

  4. This is the problem now Levey played hard ball now he is getting the same treatment for players he is after. We have two top four experience players getting pushed out of our club aunt a man and this will come back to haunt the youn inexperiance Manager Levey has installed on us fans. When a Manager and players leave they both have to want to leave or are no good these three don’t fall into that scenario and Hudds would have won us or drawn one and won one of our first two games i am 100 percent sure of that. IfI am wrong then i will beg forgiveness to Levey and Avb this is one time I hope my forecast is wrong no wins in the first 6 games and Avb sacked with Santa after a bare Crimbo Coyspmw

    • Mate everyone knows we don’t spend big money so they are not playing anything. Clubs are simpley trying to get the money they think is correct for their players. If a club thinks a player is worth a certain amount they will maybe drop a bit but not to the point of giving away their assets.


  6. I’m sure Levy must have something up his sleeve we just don’t know about. He’s an astute businessman and is going to look a fool if he doesn’t replace Luka like for like plus fill the other positions we need filling. At the moment we’re looking at 8/9th this season.

  7. Something up DL sleeve?? No mate but I’ll tell u wat he does hav somewhere. His head up his ass! So far up it in fact that he can’t see wat is goin on.

  8. embarassing club. business man who runs club for someone else. two games in and squad not finalised. patchtic is understatement. a pure laughing stock.

    • Only it isn’t really funny mate. Well not for us tottenhamites. It’s sheer mental fecking torture. We are a deluded lot but we actually manged to qualify for Cham league. Almost last season as well. Do we push on and progress? Do we f*ck! We go backwards. Laughing stock nowhere near explains it. Ha ha ha f*ucking ha

  9. tottenham will never push on they have missed the boat.
    levy is great business man but shit chairman. he answers to joe lewis who cant stand football so doesnt understand what it means to fans. spurs fans need to accept until that changes they will always be tiny compared to the others.
    small stadium doesnt help either.

  10. I can’t believe the numpty comments about levy, how we’re doomed and that we should deal in the market like cheatski???
    WTF! Levy is under intruction to run the club profitably 1st of all so he has to haggle, try and guage how little or if at all he can get the players he/we want/need. Players that are good enough to improve the squad and players that will fit in our wage structure. What if the modshitc@nt deal didn’t go through but levy said..oh go on f… Itn let’s get moutinhio(?) any way. Levy has just completed an amazing training facility, stadium on the way, do you idiots honestly think he doesn’t realy care about the squad and continuing the progress. Give the best chairman in the prem a break and let’s wait and see who comes through door at the end of the window. You fickle ill informed moany tools that call yourself supporters will be down the boozer telling every prat that will listen that spurs can win the title now.
    Ok bye

    • 5,6 transfer windows without a permenent striker! Not spending 20,30m has cost us 80,90m so fuk u dikhead. Joe Lewis and Levy are dumb.

      • How has it cost us 80m retard? This isn’t fantasy football. We will spend some of the £80+m we gained since flogging pav and crouch niko and so on but we don’t actually have clue the what’s going on with Sir Levy’s dealings all I know is that he’s the busness. He bully’s bigger clubs then us, he makes a profit on eveyplayer that comes and goes, he’s made us into the fource we are today and 2 games into the season, before the windows shut you claiming we’re screwed!
        Enjoy the season topdog. Personally I can’t wait who we break our transfer record with and enjoying our very well managed progress.

    • FYI I always tell any c*nt that’ll listen how we’re gonna do it this year. I say it nearly every year and I’ll probably say it every year. Then comes the transfer winda and we lose out to every other club around us. We’ve now probably written off the CL so DL neednt bother with new signings. Good reasoning and totally logical I’d say.

    • Thank you.
      Finally someone who looks a little bit further ahead.
      Mr. Levy is the best possible managing director we could ever wish for.
      We are a club with a 36000-capasity stadium and we still make a profit.
      Very few teams in Europe let alone England can say that. Still we are compeating in the top of the best league in the world.
      We are consistently in the top-15 of european clubs when it comes to valuation af the club.
      Imagine what it will be like with a new stadium and UEFA’s financial fair play rules beeing implemented in 2014.
      The future looks bright IMO.
      And I still think we will sign a least one striker and a midfielder/winger and maybe even a goelkeeper.


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