Expect a flood of transfer rumours – and hopefully some activity before 11pm on Friday as the club enters the market following the sale of Luka Modric.

One of the reported targets is Fulham’s Moussa Dembele – a player who Martin Jol compared to Rafael van der Vaart last season but could our former manager be tempted with a couple of Tottenham outcasts as potential bait?

It’s been suggested that either David Bentley or Jermaine Jenas – or possibly both – could be offered to the Cottagers as part of any transfer. The club have been linked with the players in the past although it’s likely to have been no more than paper talk so far.

It’s claimed that the 25 year old Belgian could cost up to £15m but that the inclusion of Jenas and / or Bentley could bring that amount down considerably.

It could make sense but the only issue is that Fulham seem to have moved on from the days where they might have taken Tottenham’s deadwood. The press are now putting clubs such as QPR in that particular frame and would Martin Jol really be that interested in such a proposition?



  1. He’s really skillful, but I had a look at his stats this morning and I think he had 3 assists in the whole of last season, including 1 in the UEFA cup.
    I’d prefer a player who has more assists, particularly if he’ll be playing behind the striker(s).

  2. im with akshayaalase…. we need to buy Jesus.. maybe mary and even a manger….

    will you stop posting your drivel please akshayaalase….. your a MUG!!!!

  3. This deal looks to make sense but i think it will take £9 million plus Jenas and Bentley if im honest which in my view is not a bad thing yes they are both decent enough players but it hasnt really worked for them at the lane has it? So maybe its time for us to cut our loses and them to try resurrect there careers. They would be good players for Fulham and would definetley benefit from bringing them into there squad and it would make the lose of Dembele a little easier to take and we want rid so I think this could work for all parties involved but we still need to do all we can to get M’vila Willian and Lloris COYS

  4. Lloris deal looking close now, reckon we should let both Jenas and Bentley go for a swap with Dembele, get the dead wood off our books…

  5. If Spurs can’t get any of the strikers we’ve been after i would like to see us sign Clint Dempsey he scored 23 goals last season playing as a midfielder/striker , i would like to play him as a striker with Adebayor and sign dembele who can understand the way dempsey plays. Next up we should go for Willian but i dont think we should give up on Leandro Damiao . We could try for Nani and Anderson and get rid of Jenus,Dos Santos,Bently,Gomes,Danny Rose,Bongani Khumalo, thats six players we could sell to raise some cash.

    • Cuckoo! your gonna do all them deals in three days,deluded as ever. What’s the difference between spurs and a triangle? A triangles got more points COYI!

  6. From what I’ve heard of Isco he sounds like the type of player we need. Malaga are up shit creek financially so get in there quick.
    Lloris sounds close to being done, could still do with another striker too, Llorente please!!!

  7. I wouldn’t sign Dempsey, wouldn’t want a player at my club who refused to play for his current club…had enough of those berbatov/modric…

  8. Seriously people DEMPSEY he is crap let liverpool have him its taken him how many seasons to come good at Fulham he is average at best and 29 to boot we can aim for better targets than that or do we want to be a mid table team lets stick to aiming high please if we have to get another striker((I for one dont think we need to with our attacking options especially if we get Willian ) go for Llorente or Remy someone with talent and age on there side

    • Too right Eric, (Eric August 28, 2012 at 12:44 pm) we dont need Dempsey, I would rather sign Makepeace (but dont tell SWMBO)
      On the point of the 6 players we should sell (please add Gallas to that list and keep Daws), I would expect the likes of Villa and Sunderland to be interested but I cannot see any of them leaving, they are on a good wedge at WHL, although I agree they are the dead wood.

  9. I Love to hear people say we should get rid of these players, its not football manager you muppets. Players have to live near there new clubs, in different countries, negoatiate wages and sell on fees, clubs need to agree a fee and players need to make sure there future is at that club. Get real, you cant just sell six players to make cash, lets try hard, get the right players and forget about the 30 something rubbish rumours surrounding our club.


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