Some parts of the media have gleefully picked up on the question of Tottenham’s number one goalkeeper that we highlighted yesterday. Apparently, AVB has upset new signing Hugo Lloris after his post-match comments on Saturday that followed one of Brad’s best performances in a Spurs shirt.

“When you transfer it’s not written in the contract that you have to play,” Villas-Boas said at the time.

“He has to compete against three good goalkeepers and at the moment Brad is doing extremely well. He deserves to be playing and he’ll continue to do so.”

Typical of the press’ reaction is this headline from the Daily Mail –

‘That didn’t take long! Lloris unhappy with AVB just four days after joining Spurs.’

There are no comments from the keeper on the story but this is what French national manager Didier Deschamps had to say on the issue.

“Hugo has not appreciated the statements of his coach,” he said.

“I am not going to create a problem that I do not need today.

“But if it were to happen then it would need some consideration. I do not want Hugo to find himself in this situation.”

The situation may rest until the Reading game in two weeks’ time but as far as France are concerned, Lloris is their number one and needs to be playing.



  1. Ah look, another International manager sticking his nose in to Club business.
    An International manager picks his team from players who are available to him – he cannot dictate if that player plays for his team or for how long! If he was so interested in Lloris playing, then he should be a club manager and sign him!!

    I’m getting sick of hearing International managers complain about the ‘treatment’ of certain players. Its got absolutely nothing to do with you – shut your mouth!!

  2. I dont think AVB did anything wrong he is right! Every player should have to fight for his position within the team Lloris cant just start because hes a “big name” he has to earn it. It would also have been wrong to say he was number 1 after the performance Friedel put in the other day. Iv never been Friedels biggest fan but after the other days performance against Norwich it would seem like madness to drop him. Stupid press and stupid didier deschamps getting involved. They should all leave our club and AVB alone. Harrass Rodgers he seems to be doing a bad job at liverpool at the moment.


    • uh now you’re not even trying Hulk signed with Zenet St Petersburg yesterday- and I’d wager a pickel you’ve never seen half your list ever play a game


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