Websites are picking up on a story that seems to have humble origins in the Haringey Independent as they predict a January move from Spurs for Manchester City striker Edin Dzeko. Contrary to some reports, this isn’t a new link as the Bosnian’s name featured fairly regularly during the summer but is it anything more than a complete non-starter?

Spurs arguably have the need for a new centre forward and with Emmanuel Adebayor currently in the middle of a string of niggling injuries, there have been no options when it comes to resting Jermain Defoe.

AVB may insist that he has those options but there is also a possibility, probably a slim one, of Ade leaving in the January window.

So if Spurs have a need, would City be willing to sell? Dzeko has been a bench player to a great degree and while he may be unhappy, that’s unlikely to change at White Hart Lane. As an impact forward, he’s been vital to his current club at times, most notably when he came off the bench to win the game against Fulham earlier this month.

It’s a potentially interesting prospect but once again, is it any more than just paper talk?



  1. huff,. No,. I fear its nothing more than paper talk. Also, I seem to remember us being very keen on him in the days before the man shitty money,. I would love him as a player, but i wanna say sod off as im gutted he didnt wanana know us when he was lookin for the paycheck.

    • Please don’t paint us all with the same brush. Some of us actually like to have spirited banter with other supporters. The guy above is, as you’ve said, a wanker, but that’s just one idiot. You have yours as well.

      To answer the point of the article, I actually agree with you and add that the transfer fee may be a bit too much for Spurs (or most clubs). That’s not to say that he’s worth the asking price, and it’s not suggesting that Spurs are cheap. I’m just being realistic as I know you are, too.

  2. Borris, Man Shitty as you call us won the title, apart from last year, more recently than your lot (1968 as opposed to your last title in 1961).

    So cut the jealousy. lets face it, you would have loved them to buy your club.

    On a serious note I would be gutted if Dzeko left us. he is a top top player. Youtube him at Wolfsburg.

  3. Hypothetically if Dzeko joined Spurs, he would NOT be a sub. I like Defoe and Adebayor but he is on a different level to those two. Sort of player I feel we should have pushed the boat out for and built a team around.

    Really hoping there is an element of truth to this – though if he were to leave I would expect him to go to someone like Bayern.

  4. Man City may have won the league more recently than Spurs but they were also in the third tier of English football more recently than Spurs too…

  5. Total crap. We have a top target man in Ade and we are 4th without even playing him so far this season. So why on earth, when he has hardly kicked a ball would we need to buy a similar player? More rubbish to keep the media circus turning, day in, day out.. day in day out.. YAWN!!!

  6. Complete tripe, of the highest order… Bit like Harry to Blackburn, totally made up, yet again!! The British media just bore the pants off me now with their constant bullshit. We know papers aren’t selling but if you want a job that relies on lying, why not work as an estate agent instead??!!


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