Tottenham’s defeat at home to Wigan on Saturday would have been hard enough to bear had the team turned in a decent enough performance but in reality, we created next to nothing and were well beaten by Roberto Martinez’ men.

After the match, Andre Villas-Boas gave his verdict,

“It was extremely disappointing for everybody,” said AVB. “We just weren’t ourselves.

“We couldn’t find our rhythm and couldn’t find our passing. We had a bad day at the office.

“It was difficult for us from the beginning to keep the ball, to make any kind of clear opportunity and we made mistakes. We have to improve for the next game.”

Aside from a Steven Caulker header which was cleared off the line, Tottenham resorted to tame, long range efforts and we can only hope that it was indeed just a ‘bad day at the office’.

A big improvement will obviously be needed ahead of the Manchester City match on Sunday but before that it’s the visit of Maribor on Thursday for the next instalment of the Europa League.



  1. Dear long-suffering Spursfans
    Do you still have faith in Levy and AVB? But who sacked Harry and other recent managers and who sold our best players without replacement and who appointed AVB anyway? Levy a Spurs fan? A tough negotiator? Or just a money-maker tough businessman? You, the fans to judge. I’m just another long-suffering Spursfan.

  2. I dont have an issue with Daniel Levy . I think he has the overall well being of the club at heart,new training ground,new stadium, these have to take precedent over buying expensive players just yet.With a 75000 seater stadium we will be able to compete in the transfer market.He is definately a supporter. As for AVB I am not sure,He had a team that finished 4th in the league last year.Modric was sure to go,VdV did not and should not of been allowed to leave.With Lloris,Vertongen and Dembele in we just needed a better tactician than Harry not some one to dismantle the team to play 4-2-3-1 formation with 2 of the best wingers in the business and the shortest centre forward in the the league. Where would we be with a team of Lloris Walker Caulker Kaboul Bae Vertonghen Dembele Lennon VdV Bale and Ade

  3. dumb idiots booing at the game again starting to sound like gunner fans now it really does not help the team and booing avb for taking defoe off – defoe was having a very bad game and did not look like he was ever going to score – and why blame the manager for these prpblems we are crippled with injurys and super harry lost home games to norwich and wigan aswell so dont put all this on avb idiots give him a chance – rumour is he is try to get levy to get alexis sanchez or iker munian in january class players if harry redknapp was still here he would be trying to get charlie adam or mickey owen – ps we must get dembele back soon huddlestone is shocking

  4. I said after the loss to Chelsea,that our midfield is no-good,and I’ll say it over an over again.Sandro,Sigurdson,Livermore,and to an extend Huddleston as well, need to up their game if they want to make any impact in this team.They were pathetic against Wigan.The only advice as a Spurs fan I can give to AVB is to look @ our u21’s.A few of these players has raised their hands,but are sadly overlooked.(Falque,Bostock,Ceballos,Obika.Mason & Coulibaly,what ever happened to him,after his signing everything went quiet) We as Spurs fans know that we have injury problems,but the current replacements are so poor. Just hope AVB can sort this out otherwise we can forget about top 4 not to mention CL.

  5. You’re all dreaming!! – I don’t understand what people expect from THFC with our size stadium and income?!?!??!!!!?! – We have been harshly robbed of CL football twice, with lasagne-gate and those blue scumbags last year,. That was as far as Levy could go before he had to cut back!!!!

    The squad that Redknapp mainly inherited was a result of big investment in Jol and Ramos!! – He was lucky enough to come in and have it given to him!!!! Yes,. He signed Gallas and Parker who have both really been good additions to a young squad, but the rest were already there, and now they are not! – So how can anyone expect AVB to finish top 4 when he’s competing with Le’Arse & Man U in 80K stadiums, and those 2 other sugar daddied cheating teams in blue that should be in administration??!!?! –
    He/We cannot!! – It is a hard fact!! But it is a FACT!! DEAL WITH IT!!! – At least we don’t throw shed loads of money away like Liverpool do!! –

    Yes,. The performances have been under par for a lot of games at home, but I’m afraid that is most likely to the players not enjoying it. I was at the WBA & Norwich games at home and disgusted by you pricks booing!! – F*ck off n support Cheatski Racists if u want a classless bunch of twats that are likely to win. Its about more than that to me. Im only 28 but I’m gettin sick of the expectant arrogant nature of a lot fo fans now. – Another bit of harsh reality for any glory supporters! – It will take probably another 18 months at least for AVB to have what he considers his choice of players. So get used to our club having to cut back form the FAILED SEASON UNDER REDKNAPP WITH THE BEST SQUAD WE EVER HAD AS WE HAVE TO RE-BUILD!! – DONT LIKE IT? – F*CK OFF!!!

    • I might have been a bit less expressive. Bt I totally agree in te poiints you are making.
      Get behind the team. Your team, our team…….

      When/if the new UEFA rules about financial fairplay will be fully implemented, we have one of the most sound financial clubs in Europe.

      In Levy we trust.


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