Maybe the question should be – what formation will we play – because if we knew that, the starting XI for this match would probably be much easier to predict.

If AVB keeps to 4-2-3-1 then the team is likely to be unchanged from the one that started at Wigan – providing that Sandro recovers from his calf niggle. There are questions over the goalkeeper and at centre forward but it would be a surprise if Villas-Boas decided to drop either Friedel or Defoe.

With 4-4-2, the choice is harder to make although Adebayor and Defoe would be obvious up front. The goalkeeper and back four would still pick themselves but what about the midfield?

Lennon and Bale would doubtless operate on the flanks which leaves the centre slots to be fought over by Dempsey, Sandro, Livermore, Sigurdsson, Huddlestone and others.

We think it’s back to 4-2-3-1 at City and this is our line up but what’s your view?



  1. We must play Adebayor. If we don’t we have no chance, there I no Savic to gift JD chances this time. We need a real line striker up there, someone who is a complete player not just a finisher.

  2. Same as the editor’s but Ade replaces Dempsey. Ade has a point to prove and did so well on Thursday. Carroll not yet ready for the likes of Man City.

  3. how can AVB keep leaving out LLoris?? He is the future and one of the best keepers in the world. Dropping him against Chelski, Manure,then Citeh would be unjust and probably another nail in the coffin which will see him leave in Januray.
    Our best football for a long time was when we played 4-4-2 on Thurs (excpet Naughton)
    Walker – Gallas (Dawson) – Caulker – Vertongan

    Lenon – Sandro – Huddlestone -Bale

    Ade – Defoe

  4. AVBs interview gave me no encouragement re ade starting, he pointed out we,re away to the champions and inferred it will be a different formation to thur night home games, but I agree with all that ade should start along with JD, I,d have sandro and gylfi with the wingers, like to see both kyles and caulker and jan in the middle ( wont happen, he likes billy ) and brad keeping

  5. Lloris

    Walker Caulker Vertonghen Naughton

    Lennon Sandro Huddlestone Bale



    Subs: Freidel, Gallas, Dawson, Carroll, Dempsey, Siggy, Falque

  6. Agreed Ade must be selected he is better than Defoe as a player (Real Madrid etc,) He would be right to ask about his future at the club if he is always second choice behind Defoe.
    Walker, Caulker,Vertonghen,Naughton,
    Dempsey for Defoe would be ok with me

    • Playing 4-4-2 in Manchester is suicede ! We must flood the midfield and give Vertongen and Walker the opportunity to get forward. That is only possible by playing 4-2-3-1. Ade on the bench. Give him 30 minutes to prove himself.

  7. I would prefer to see Lloris in the goal since I consider him a better goalkeeper than Friedel and we are up against a strong team. I would also like to see Ade play up front with Defoe right from the beginning. Defoe does not always perform well on his own. My team would therefore be like this:

  8. Again and again, the rearguard, shud include Dawson, instead of Gallas, in d form of K Walker, Dawson, Caulker, Vertonghen. Vertonghen links up well with Bale. Fast Walker links up well with Lennon.
    Our midfield must at leasr have 1 of our Tigers ( Sandro and or Dembelle-injured ). Huddlestone has height, size and skill/passes to assist in midfield.
    Upfront play both Defoe and Adebayor( instead of Dempsey ). Midfield control has to be won.

  9. should be


    walker gallas caulker vertonghen

    lennon sandro hudd bale



    will be


    walker gallas caulker vertonghen

    lennon sandro hudd bale



  10. Man City are very different proposition to Maribor. This game will be played at very fast pace, and Ade is still far from fully matchfit. Siggy in for Dempsey, Ade on the bench, Dawson in for Gallas. Friedels mistake by not pushing the corner of over the cross bar cost us last week – Lloris in. Must biggest worry is in the middle with Hudd/Sandro Gallas/Caulker/Dawson we are very slow to turn, and the quick passing pace game of Tevez/Silva/Aguero etc may open us up as easily as Mata/Oscar etc did for Chelsea…


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