Former Spurs player and manager Glenn Hoddle was speaking on Absolute Radio at the weekend and felt, like many of us, that Spurs would have edged Saturday’s game if we’d retained all 11 players on the field.

“I was very impressed with the way Tottenham started. It looked like it would have been an absolute stormer of a game and it’s a pity it didn’t turn out that way,” Glenn said.

“There is definite work to be done at Arsenal. They’ve got some wonderful players but defensively I think they look very reckless, I think they look open. Arsenal took them to the sword in the end but in the long-term when it was eleven V eleven Spurs probably looked the better team.”

While Spurs will have to revert to one striker up front for the next three matches, Glenn was pleased to see Ade and Defoe linked together up front.

“I said two weeks back that he has got to find a way of getting Adebayor and Defoe in the team together to elevate the team and improve the team, it doesn’t have to be two players up top square of each other,” Hoddle added.

“I think Adebayor is clever enough to play just in behind in that same shape but it doesn’t matter, I think if you are playing against a defence that you fancy, that the two centre arms, one-v-one you’re going to cause them all sorts of problems.”

It’s been a flat weekend if you’re a Spurs supporter but Glenn may just have a point and two up front could suggest a brighter period for the club when Ade returns from his ban.



  1. To play virtually an entire match with one player short and only lose 5-2 (scoreline really did flatter us) is really not as bad a result as the media are making it out to be. Just keep your heads up and don’t turn into AVB haters, much like I’m disgusted to say most of our fans have done with Wenger. We were lucky with favours from Webb all match long, next week I’m sure fans will be back to booing Wenger and wanting him out. Anyway, COYG.

  2. We edged it until the sending off, BUT how many times this season have will played well 1st half and pants in the second? There is no way that anyone could suggest that we would go on to win game with 11 men. Bob, I do not criticise AVB for this result…but I do for most of the others where we lacked quality performance.

      • Mate, I SUPPORT my team. I want them to do very well like you do. It does not mean that I cannot be objective about our performances which have been disappointing all season. 5 wins, 5 defeats. Only the bottom 2 teams have conceded more than us. Are you happy about that?

    • Tony , since dembele has been injured its been a downward spiral. Its a simple as that really. Do you see no hope? Surely when our key players comeback to us and we have some cover in midfield we will turn the slump around ? Hudd, gallas, walker and Dempsey have been sub par all season, never mind the change in coach etc we do not have a quality squad.

    • You’re right, AVB isn’t to blame for this result. Tactically he was on point, until Ade messed things up and ruined it. I still prefer AVB over Harry. AVB provides rotations of squad and hopefully, at the end of the season, our squad won’t be deflated like last season – despite the superb start to the season.

      I’m sure our form will pick up, and thrash Liverpool 5-1 🙂

  3. Does Hoddle still believe in mysticism and fraternising with the old lady. As for AVB “we controlled the game from the first minute to the last” maybe he’s been going to the meetings with Glen. Funny how it’s only Arsenal fans who boo the manager, boo their own players and abuse the opposition with disgusting chants, maybe you left the Emirates early this Saturday Bob?

  4. Glenn hit it spot on. Had the game panned out 11 v 11, we would have been very well off and I think a win would have been inevitable. In the end, we gave up 3 goals in the first half after the red card simply because we couldn’t regroup and organize accordingly. Getting to half-time without conceding was asking too much. On the other hand, the scoreline for the second half was 2-1. Not bad for 10 v 11. In fact, it is quite admirable.

    • With you 100% on that one mate! Arsenal simply could not handle the way we were set up at the start of the game and the way we played untill the red card,the set up really made Arsenals midfield totally non exststent.They just couldn’t deal with our pace and were lucky it wasn’t 2 or 3 nil by the time of the send off.To think that this was on their own turf too and couldn’t help but notice that that gobshite Szeczesny’s bumhole was twitching a bit whe he started dragging things out.We’d just scored with a man down and VERY nearly got another.Arsenal can take all the confidence they want from that win(if they really want to delude themselves)but fact is 11 vs 11 they were rubbish and dint look like getting any better.Tis is not obsession with Arsenal but I think the fight for 4th will be in N/L.West Brom and Everton and West Ham are all doing great but later on in the season(when it really counts)the depth in the squads will really start to show and I’m sure we even pip Arsenal on that one too.When you look at how many of our 1st choice players are injured and waiting to come back in.This year will not even take any meaningful shape til Christmas.I think AVB has done well enough to get us as far as we are…mark my words folks…at a round about christmas!

  5. I am a battyman asylum seeker Arsenal fan and even i agree that Tottenham would of battered the Gary Glitters of us. We always get lucky i love Martin Fulop i love all the Arsenal battyman fans.

  6. It’s such a shame it was Adebayor who went off, he is so important for us up front, holding the ball and bringing people into the game far more than Defoe, Dempsey do. I very much doubt we would have struggled so much or lost by such a margin if it was Defoe that was sent off instead (nothing against the little man, I love him, he’s a real goal scorer).

    • I get what you mean but can you imagine the others pulling a challenge like that? Your saying it like we might have had a choice in who we got sent off! lol

  7. You lot give me joke….. controlled the game for 15 mins. lol

    i’m sure you kept 11 in february, with 2-0 lead, with modric and VDV…. please remind me what happened????

    • delude yourself as much as you like.Had we kept evryone on pitch you lot would have gotten bumraped.This year is different altogether.Song and RVP changed the game last year and they dont play for you any more.Sad thing is that game taught us nothing and we’ll have to wait til the do at our place to see who is the best team in N/L 11 vs 11.You must be well gutted that you can’t play against 10 men everyweek because you actually looked good then! HOW SAD!

  8. You got a point there bale and part timers ( stupid name). To say we would have won is crazy considering all that has gone before in NLD but regardless of this result, arsenal are quite poor at the moment and spurs are riddled with key injuries. Once the dust settles its going to be interesting how the season pans out for both teams.

  9. It’s still a sorry way to put it. 15 minutes in and yes, we look a dangerous side, but this is not reality. Reality is that we got spanked 5-2 AGAIN!!!! and the Red card is basically part of the game. 10 vs 11 or not, it was played, we lost. Going into Emirates I was surprisingly delighted that we got off to a decent beginning, however Arsenal still controlled the ball too much. Soon, their chances up top were becoming more and more dangerous anyway. We had the advantage, but surely, this game would have not been easy either way. It was however taken away when Ade flew into Cazorla. Keep his foot down for the missed tackle, and I think it’s a yellow anyway. Keep the studs high and make hard contact like that? Simply not thinking there.

  10. We were good for 15 minutes and nobody can tell how it would have ended up with 11 vs 11, we might have lost as well like last year. In fact, I think we would, because as long as we play Gallas we will keep conceding (only the bottom conceded more goals). As long as AVB keeps playing THudd and Dempsey, we are in fact playing with 9 players because their impact is zero and we will only win against Reading and Southampton. I never liked Harry’s (non-)tactics but at least he knew which players he had to play and it was fun watching sometimes. Now it looks like shit and we lost against minor teams who deserved to win. We have a lot of key players being injured, but anyone can see that Carroll will do better than the current Thudd (and Dawson better than granddad “captain” Gallas). What a joke.


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