There has been some better news with regards to injuries this week but AVB’s words suggest that Spurs won’t be risking Moussa Dembele ahead of tonight’s crucial Europa League tie.

We’re still building Mousa’s fitness up to match level,” Andre said.

“We decided to bring him on this trip because it gave us the chance to include him in the training session, his first for quite some time with his team-mates.”

One man who may be risked is Steven Caulker while another defensive option would be to play Dawson and Vertonghen in the centre with Naughton on the left.

Up front, will the coach play 4-4-2 or will he revert to a more defensive formation? Adebayor has travelled and as he won’t be involved at the weekend, he will surely play in Rome.

That leaves the midfield and while Bale and Lennon seem likely on the flanks, the final two places will be between Sandro, Sigurdsson, Dempsey, Livermore, Carroll and possibly more.

Here’s our starting XI but what’s yours?



    • Sounds about right to me. Let’s just hope that they did not see how Naughton got slaughtered on our left side…. Sandro can rest when Parker comes back. Has to be one up front….we can bring on Defoe should we need.

      • Well, I only put Naughton down due to the fact that Vertonghen was in a complete mess in that position against City. Never expected to find myself saying this, but I actually miss Assou-Ekotto. And yeah, figured that Dembele (guessing he’ll be fit in time) can replace Hudd or Sandro for the weekend match, should either pick up injuries. COYS.

  1. We have to put out the strongest side we can if we’re going to progress, regardless of the game on Sunday. If we turn into a mid-table team in the league this season (based on recent results) then we’ll be aiming to get into this competition come May, so why not make the most of it now?
    My line up would be Lloris, Walker, Caulker, Dawson, Vertonghen, Huddlestone, Carroll, Lennon, Bale, Adebayor, Dempsey. Defoe and Sandro on the bench

  2. The team should be Lloris Walker Daws Caulker Vertonghen Lennon Sigurdsson Sandro Townsend Dempsey Ade and subs Friedel Carrol Defoe Bale Dembele Naughton Hud Livermore easy darts

  3. The league comes first but a bit of juggling should be possible whilst also feilding a strong team.West Ham on Sunday is a BIG game and with our injury problems slowly sorting themselves out our season is not neccesarily going to wind up in a mid table finish.Our latter part of the season is likely to be the strongest one we’ve had in a while! COYS!

  4. Can’t see Defoe being risked when Adebayor is ruled out of the next three league games. My guess is:


  5. Seems to me there is a lot of people smoking some illegal stuff.We need to WIN this game for two reasons. The first and obvious reason is to stay in this competion. The second and more importantly is a boost of confidence.With this in mind i would have two different stratagies in mind.
    Start with
    Walker Dawson Caulker Naughton
    Sandro Vertonghen
    Lennon Dembele Bale

    We need to close them done in the midfield area. Bale must help Naughton.if there is no score 20 min into the second half take Naughton off, move Vertonghen back and bring Carroll on.If we are in front (coys)no need to change .IF we are down(coys)change to 4-4-2.
    Walker Dawson Caulker Naughton
    Sandro Dembele Carroll Vertonghen
    Ade Bale COYS. My belief is that the Bale move will confuse them because teams Know they have to double team him.I also believe that Vertonghen is happy with the ball at his feet.

  6. 4-5-1 Lloris, naughton Dawson verthongen caulker, siggurdson Dembele livermore Carroll bale, ADE, subs Friedal walker gallas sandro lennon defoe dempsey

  7. hi guys my first time on here i have supported spurs 4 a lot of yrs now just been reading some of your teams and none of u have mentioned falque does no – one rate him


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