Transfer rumours can seem unlikely for different reasons and that’s perfectly highlighted today by two striker links for next month. It’s questionable whether Spurs will even enter the market for a new striker – some would argue that they don’t need one – but that won’t stop the gossip.

The first name is a familiar one – Chelsea’s Daniel Sturridge is firmly out of favour at Chelsea and despite an inconsistent record the centre forward seems to be attracting a fair amount of attention. Stories today suggest that Sturridge has ‘snubbed’ Spurs in favour for a move to Liverpool for whatever reason.

With a strike ratio of around one in five – admittedly with several appearances from the bench – few Spurs fans are likely to be upset by the news.

The other name belongs to a man that practically every supporter would like to see in a Lilywhite shirt but is there a chance that David Villa would really come to the Lane? The striker may have struggled since returning from injury and he may be on offer for a knock down fee but there’s also the question of wages.

David Villa to Spurs might be the biggest deal since Klinsmann while Sturridge to the Lane might fall somewhere between Rasiak and Saha. At this stage, neither seems all that likely.



  1. […] Biggest since Klinsmann or the most underwhelming since Rasiak? jQuery(document).ready(function($) { postID = 954474; if (jQuery("#jockspin_carousel_"+postID).length > 0){ jQuery("#jockspin_carousel_"+postID).hide(); } });   Transfer rumours can seem unlikely for different reasons and that’s perfectly highlighted today by two striker links for next month. … […]

  2. Definitely not upset about Sturridge… there is no place for him at Tottenham. If Spurs want to take the step up then we definitely need to look at better players than that. I hope Liverpool do buy Sturridge, rather that than them buy a decent striker.

  3. Sturridge is of to liverpool.
    Villa would be interesting but not a typical Levy buy. Too old.
    Let’s just wait til 31st jan and see who we bring in last minute

  4. When it comes to strikers, Tottenham suffers greatly from the environment which features:
    1. sharing time with J. Defoe who is not a good partner is striker duos.
    2. Wage restrictions at White Hart Lane. Spurs are not an overly generous employer compared to the Big Boys.
    3. Offense design which rather stresses defense, esp compared to Arsenal who play a more daring and intricate game, alluring to prospective striker candidates.
    4. Lack of Ch. League ambition. That is the perception that very few famous names opt for Spurs.
    5. Odd roster policy. There are 4 gks and only 1.5 strikers. Most transfer rumors get serious about midfielders and defenders not the forwards. Teams like Newcastle , Everton, Villa find diamonds in the rough while Spurs try to capture the impossible world class person. Why do we take on a striker so untalented yet so overpaid that we are paid off to take him on. Could we , in turn, pay Togo to take him to the ACN? That might show that we have roster openings for committed players.

  5. The team doesn’t need much. I’d look to bring in the third attacker and an alternative fast winger. BUT only on loan we have some great kids coming through, only they need to go out on loan and play a full (or half) season. I really believe that youth set up is the key to the future. If you have the vision ..potentially if we play it right we could have one of the strongest/youngest squads in the premier league a season down the line.

  6. H Gibson…

    1. While I agree Defoe may be somewhat of a greedy and selfish striker, I don’t think that means that no other striker can work with him – it’s all about getting the right striker and developing the partnership, which won’t happen overnight.

    2. According to rumours in the summer, we broke what was our £70,000 a week wage cap to get Bale a new contract (on somewhere around the £105,000 to £115,000 if reports were to be believed) and Sigurdsson came in, as a 22 year old I think, at around £70,000 a week. Adebayor also is supposedly being paid around £100,000 a week so I don’t think wages are as much of an issue anymore (except in comparison to City, Chelsea, and United… but that’s the same for everyone!).

    3. Again, I agree that AVB has perhaps set out us slightly more defensively in that he actually has us try and protect the leads we get (not always to our benefit) but we had something like 16 shots on target against Swansea and 8 off target – hardly the mark of a team that doesn’t attack much.

    4. Spurs have a massive ambition for Champions League! We have got in there once and stormed through to the quarterfinals, playing some highly attractive football that had us noticed and talked about across the continent (and we were unlucky not to have got Champions League the season we fell ill to lasagne, and last season due to Chelsea even though we did finish in the top 4).

    5. Once again, I agree in part with this point (as I have done with others) in that having 4 keepers and 2 strikers is a silly proportion. But last season Adebayor served us well, and this season it has either been Defoe’s form or Adebayor’s lack of fitness/injuries (due to no games over the summer) or his suspension that have kept his game time to a minimum. And yet when he has played he has generally looked alright (not setting the world alight but also not being absolutely terrible) and has been involved in getting the team goals and helping with attacking play. I suggest we get 1 more striker in and promote a youngster (as personally I don’t see Dempsey as someone who can really battle for a striking spot, he’s more of an attacking midfielder for me).

    p.s. In relation to point 2, I am merely going by what was widely reported at the time – I am not claiming to have inside knowledge of finances and contracts at Spurs!

  7. I would not want to spend a lot of money on a player like Villa. Too old, and coming from playing for the biggest trophies, I do not see him having a “second career” at SPURS. Maybe in a small spanish club.
    We need fresh young quality players, who want to bleed for SPURS.


  8. Heavens sake we do not need either. There is not at the moment one British world class striker ( and I include Rooney in this ). So we look abroad and that is chancey. Klinsmann was gold but so many others have been duds. Lets give some youngsters a chance in the latter part of the season if the first choices are dud.


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