Tom Huddlestone came on as second half substitute in Sunday’s game against Manchester City and along with fellow subs Lewis Holtby and Jermain Defoe, the midfielder helped to turn the match on its head and seal the three points.

It reminded fans of the player that there is some real quality there but as the season draws to a close, Thudd is by no means certain of his Tottenham future.

“There are times when I think I might need a move, especially if you don’t play for a few months,” Huddlestone is quoted in the press, but he does go on to say that he remains in the manager’s thoughts.

“The manager has reassured me that I am in his plans, even though time-wise on the pitch, it hasn’t always been shown that way,” he added.

“You speak to the manager every day and if you are not playing for a sustained period then you do wonder what’s going on.

“I guess it’s just a case of biding your time and if you are given a slight opportunity towards the end of games try and prove to the manager that you should be in the starting side as well.”

Tom went some way to proving that in Sunday’s match but should he stay at Spurs and be given a chance or will he move seamlessly over to the deadwood pile at the end of the season?



  1. Definitely Hudd has a vital role to play for Spurs.
    We all saw, that when Hudd came on, the game changed. Spurs was now on the offensive. Only if you have an accurate passer like Huddlestone. Another in mind was Glen Hoddle. In Hudd, Spurs has a special weapon, in his range of passes, we put the PRESSURE on to the opposition. Take note, Spurs cud be even better, than just depend on Bale to tuck in the opportunities. We need a more better stronger Striker.

  2. Hud should certainly not be sold. What Spurs have lacked at times is someone who can put through the probing ball as Modric could. Defoe and Bale need that to bring the best out of them and Hud can do that. Young Carol also has the ability and can fill that role as well.
    Also keep Townsend. The guy has real top class potential, and given the injuries our wing men have he is a great standby.

  3. i hope he does have a future at spurs. His range of passing is top class and its something this team has been crying for over the last 2 months.

    When sandro returns, he should be paired up with hudd and moussa in a compact 4-3-3. Or a 4-1-4-1 with sandro acting as a midfield enforcer. Im sorry, for all of parker’s contribution last year, he is a liability in this team as he tends to slow down our attacks. Great ball winner though.

  4. With all due respect for Hudd and Holtby. City had been playing in overdrive in first half. Pressured the Spurs team everywhere on the pitch.

    They could not do that the whole game, and finally when we got time on the ball and could start play our game, it changed.

    Tactic change by AVB and fresh legs in did help a lot. But let’s not get a head of our selves 🙂 Hudd is a good impact sub and i hope he will stay at Spurs.

  5. I agree with Spursaholic. I’ve always admired Scott Parker for his energy and aggression, but at times it is misplaced energy and aggression (including on Sunday). I’d love to see Hudd given some run in place of Parker since he can move the ball up the pitch and initiate attacks.

  6. It reminded me of NOTHING, as I have ALWAYS stated that Tom is a quality player, who could excel consistently at the base of a THREE-MAN midfield.

    Huddlestone is the type of player you HAVE to build your side around, if you are to get the very best out him. Much the same as Pirlo is, in his position.

    The question is, how willing is AVB to employ a three-man midfield formation, to allow Tom to flourish?

    I am NOT saying Tom can’t play well in a two, but the EPL is getting quicker every year, and whilst I would fancy The Hudd against the teams in the middle/ lower echelons in the League, he may struggle to impose himself against the sides at the very top of the table.

    For example, Tom is more than capable of being MOM against Wigan on the weekend, partnering Dembele in a two. But against Chelsea, who have quicker and better quality attacking threats, I would HAVE to put players/legs around Hudd to ensure we don’t get overrun.

    I like a three-man midfield, ESPECIALLY playing away from home, as it gives you a solid base from which to build on.
    In theory, it helps you retain possession better and provides balance to the team, in terms of attacking AND defensive situations. As long as AT LEAST TWO, out of the three in the midfield can tackle (which Holtby, Hudd, Dembele and Parker ALL can), have good engines/stamina/mobilty (Dembele,Parker, Holtby) and CAN be creative (Dembele, Holtby and Hudd) then there is NO reason why this system can’t be effective at home, and away.
    If you can align all those attributes with pace, you’re onto a winning formulae.

    Personally, I believe we SHOULD employ this system more often (especially with Sandro out) and allow Tom the opportunity to display his unique talents, on a regular basis.

    • I was comparing the type of players they are i.e. passers who aren’t the most mobile but still have plenty to offer should you choose to build a team around them.
      I was NOT referring to overall ability, experience/mentality or career achievements…AS YOU WELL KNOW!!!

  7. City dropped off and gave Hudd his space. If you play him from the start he’ll get pressed very quickly and forced to give the ball away – like the 49ers quarterback in the last Superbowl. If the opposition know he’s playing, they’ll plan for him. Better off coming on later in games. He’s a fantastic passer of a football with a wicked shot too. He should play more for England – who passes better than him?


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