The news that Dean Parrett has been released by the club might not grab too many headlines on the day that Spurs face their most crucial game of the season but it’s a pivotal moment for the player himself and one that could lead to many more departures from White Hart Lane in the coming weeks.

Parrett is still only 21 and looked as though he may just have a future at the club after making his senior debut for Spurs in a Europa League tie against Shakhtar Donetsk way back in 2009. Since then however, opportunities at the club have been scarce and the player has failed to make any real impression in five loan spells between 2009 at Aldershot and 2013 at Swindon.

We wish Dean well for the future while wondering just who else will be leaving from the fringes in the forthcoming weeks.



  1. Get rid of Gallas,bae,bentley,ade,parker,livermore, bring in mourtinho,and two strikers and get rose back from sunderland.

  2. I agree with PK. Bring in Moutinho, Damaio, Benteke and Atsu and Perrera for LB and we will have a much better team. COYS

    • Totally agree, why not bring in messi and ronaldo too, then we’ll be even better. This isnt fantasy football, you cant just pick who you want. A bit of realism please !!

    • Pereira is rubbish, we should go and get Baines now Moyes has gone, I think that has been a huge problem position, Ekotto is finished and Naughton isnt a left back, Rose should be given a chance too.

      I would get rid of Parker, Adebayor, Dempsey and Gallas, and then sign Benteke, Michu, Baines and Ben Arfa.

      You have to remember we have been without Kaboul and Sandro for most of the season and those 2 were better than Bale last year.

      Also Townsend could really have been used this year, I have watched most of QPR’s games via streaming and he has been excellent in every single one and I believe he is a better option that Lennon

  3. livermore dempsey siggy parker gallas naughton adebayor huddlestone all average players that must be shifted. tom caroll must be tied to a long contract

  4. Michu, Remy, Baines and Eriksson for me. Townsend back into the squad. Ade will go if we can’t get Michu and Remy in. Dempsey will have to go too (he’ll be better with a team that plays direct). Livermore or/and Huddlestone need to go to give a chance to a couple of the promising kids coming through. Gallas although I think he has done well in a spurs shirt. Rose will command a good fee too now that he’s been successful at Sunderland; he has learnt a lot, but I think it might be better off to cash in on that one.

  5. I have a name for everyone. One that is right up there with Parret.

    John Bostock is all finished up in June.

  6. Point of order chaps, both Ade and Siggy scored. and while I agree they have not hit the heights as expected you do need your back up players….Keep the Faith.

      • no dear a draw would be better if nufc get relegated then we can get some of their best players for cheap…. hope arse null lose the next match and tie with nufc…

  7. OUT – Ade, Huddlestone, Livermore, Gallas, Friedel, Bentley, Naughton, Rose & BAE.
    IN – Realistically – Soldado, Remy, Atsu, Son, Moutinho, Diame, Perrera & a Keeper & RB to challenge Walker. Bring Fryers, Carroll & the other promissing youngsters need to be given their chance – particularly in the League Cup & as back up.
    Lloris, 2nd keeper, Archer
    Walker, 2nd RB – I’m not sure who but not Naughton
    Perrera, Fryers
    Kaboul, Vertonghen, Dawson, Calker
    Dembele, Sandro, Diame, Parker, Moutinho, Carroll
    Bale, Siggy, Holtby, Lennon, Son, Atsu, Dempsey
    Defoe, Soldado, Remy
    Add to these the youngsters & I believe we’ll be right.

  8. Gallas, Bostock, BAE, Naughton, Livermore and Thudd to go. Sign Benteke, Eriksen and Baines. Townsend to return from loan as cover for Bale and Lennon. Beast and Kaboom back from injury will be our best CB and best midfielder fit again and we will be a force. Parker as cover for Beast. Also think Walker will have a better season and Adam Smith can be promoted to RB cover.

  9. We need a left attacker if bale is though the centre. Someone pacy e.g Atsu or Willian. We clearly need a striker and we need a cm who can play e.g moutinho.

    Our weakest area was cm last night. I’d clear both hudd and Parker off the books straight away. Dempsey and benny have been below average this year too. I can’t understand how Dempsey is a professional footballer! He is a good athlete , thats the end of it.
    We clearly need 3 or 4 players even with Townsend and rose to come back in. It’s up to levy to spend big and give us spurs fans a proper team again.

    • Dempsey is a good opion off the bench. People criticise him but he has scored a lot of vry impotant goals for us his year. No a starter though

  10. Out – Gallas (too slow/old/injured), Naughton (defensive liability), BAE (defensive liability), Huddlestone (too slow/lazy/defensive liability), Adebayor (lazy/bad attitude -one game does not a season make!), Livermore (not top four quality),

    In – Baines, Diame, Eriksen, Benteke, Remy

    Baines, Diame, Benteke are the best left back, midfielder and striker outside the top four. All proven Premier League commodities and top four quality like Dembele was – much less risky than a Damiao, Son, Perrera etc.

    Best formation being 1-4-5-1 with Baines replacing BAE, a central midfield trio of Sandro, Diame, Dembele which would be a f***ing beast of a midfield, with Lennon and Bale flanking them and Benteke up top. Real power and pace added to the team, plus Baines dead-ball delivery qualities.

  11. I wouldn’t get rid of any of this seasons signings, including naughton and caulker, as this was in reality their 1st season too, I like matts comments re prem proven, and agree if we could get any of the 3 mentioned would be great additions but we must get a goalscorer, and if Wigan drop we would do worse than go for Maloney , much better than the over hyped Lennon , break the bank for benteke

    • Agree that selling people on after one season is BAD BUSINESS. a) they are not given enough chance to save you future money, b) it looks bad to players who may be put off joining Spurs, c) you show everyone that you have signed a flop, so it is hard for you to drive a hard sell, d) signing players costs money (outside of the transfer fee), time and effort – all wasted, e) it usually results in a lower fee recouped, f) high player turnover affects team performance due to you having a team of strangers, or guys who are unsettled. Keep all those recently signed – unless it definitely is not going to work out. Keep Parker, Dawson, Friedel at all costs. Need these strong heads for long season. Part with Defoe, and sign 2 strikers. Ensure that we have L/R wing cover – by either using Townsend & Rose or making signings… Probably we will need to liberate Hudd…

  12. I feel the position we need to strengthen most is central midfield. We have struggled to dominate games ever since Sandro got injured, as we lack a suitable replacement. Parker has been ineffective and should be allowed to move on and Livermore should be sent out on loan to gain some much needed first team experience. Alex song may be the answer.

    Add to that the obvious need for a striker (take your pick from Damiao/Soldado/Benteke/Higuain) and the return of Rose and Townsend from successful loan spells, spurs should be in good shape ahead of next season, whether we clinch champions league or not.

  13. To be honest – I don’t get Holtby.

    We know who the deadwood are – but if Holtby prevents us buying any more midfielders or if he’s a definite starter next season, I’m worried. He’s got heart – but f*** all else!

  14. Cannot understand anyone wanting rid of Siggy !! When given the chance he has performed. Is good will get better. Parker unfortunately is now past it in a quick team such as ours. Don’t care anyone says about Ade… He’s toilet. Tom Carroll must be tied down ASAP. Dempsey sacrificed only if there is someone much better. Holtby given more match time. Wrap Sandro in cotton wool ( that would never work,our best player) get Kaboul fit next to Vertongen. Spend the money on at least one new proven striker. Kidnap Mourinho before he makes it to West London and dump him in the Thames. Job done

  15. Regarding Holtby — he hasn’t looked good enough — yet, but he has as much heart as any two other players on the field. Also, he’s young, still. Remember Sandro’s first season? Give players time to settle in and I think Holtby could be real quality for us.

    About the rest, we need a LB, CF, CM, and someone who can cover/challenge both wings.
    I’ll try to be realistic:
    OUT: Gallas, Ade (if he didn’t have such crazy wages I’d say give him a BIT more time), BAE, Parker, Bentley.
    IN: Baines or Umtiti, Strootman or Pjanic, Eriksen or Isco or Muniain or Wildschut (cheaper where those others are long-shots), Damiao or Benteke, or Remy or Costaignos.

    I don’t care as much if it ends up being one of those players, but those are the type of players we need. I also wouldn’t mind stealing Guidetti if he becomes unnecessary when makes him redundant with another summer of crazy spending…


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