There are conflicting reports as to whether Andre Villas-Boas has really been approached by Napoli with a view to becoming their new manager but the Italian club are adamant that contact has been made with Spurs.

“Yes,” said Napolo club President Aurelio De Laurentiis when questioned about an approach.

“There is a very tempting argument to hire a young coach here.”

Other reports claim that Tottenham have denied any contact and that would surely be good news for any supporter of the club but would AVB really want to go there at this stage of his career? Alleged contact from Real Madrid might have been more of a concern and while Napoli do offer Champions League football next season, there must be unfinished business at Spurs after a promising first campaign.




  1. I do not view Napoli as a step up from Tottenham at all. Seeing as it is though, atleast Napoli have a chance to win Serie A on the off year Juventus or AC Milan fall, like how AC Milan is hurting right now. We will not have a better chance to break the top 4 like this year. Transfer news of Chelsea, Arsenal, City and United look like they are going to blow the doors on spending to win the CL next year. There is a bit of pride going on there, so that will just make our jobs that much more tough. AVB is a great manager, as he proved this year. We need him here, do not let him leave to a club just like us. If Real come calling, then fine, there isn’t much we can do then, but not Napoli.


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