With the summer transfer window set to open in a matter of days, the focus is firmly on striker links to White Hart Lane with at least five forwards currently in the frame for a trip to the right side of North London. There may be links to other positions in the following weeks but for now, the attention is firmly on the real need at the club but which of these names, if any, will be wearing a Lilywhite shirt next season?

David Villa – 31 years old and surplus to requirements at Barcelona – it’s currently claimed that Tottenham have opened talks with a view to a £10m deal.

Leandro Damiao – the name that refuses to go away – at least until he signs for someone else. Leandro’s prolific record has worsened very slightly in the last few months but he remains a huge prospect and at 23 – two years older than Neymar – is it time to test himself outside of his home country?

Christian Benteke – Firmly linked with a move away from Villa Park, the Belgian international scored 23 goals in 39 games for Paul Lambert’s men last season. Lambert himself has urged the player to stay put but that hasn’t stopped rumours of a £20m deal elsewhere.

Lisandro Lopez – Almost certain to leave Lyon after leaving the pitch in tears following the club’s final game of the season, Lopez is 30 and consistently averages a goal every other game. One rumour suggests Spurs were in for the player in January but offered a derisory 6 million Euros.

Spurs could be back but will need to up their bid.

Eder –Another familiar name, this had been a breakthrough season for Eder with 13 goals in 18 games before injury ended his campaign. That hasn’t stopped suggestions that Spurs are in for the player with £8m dangled for a striker who Braga value in the region of £16m.

The rumours will continue but will any of those names be at White Hart Lane next season? Who do you prefer?



  1. Please stop linking yourselves to Benteke. This goes to all Spurs fans.
    1- He was misquoted with media desperate to link him away.
    2- He is currently settled and happy at Villa.
    3- When he does leave, probably in the 14/15 season, it will be to a champions league club for a huge fee.
    Thus beyond Spurs.
    4- If somebody did stump up the ridiculous fee needed for Villa to sell it would be more than Spurs would or could afford. And withuot Champions League football it wouldnt make much sense for him to move.

    Sorry, but get real.

    • How dare we discuss potentially buying a player that we may not be able to get???!!! I’m sure Villa fans don’t discuss signing any players until it is confirmed right? Anyway, we can afford Benteke, he’s very good but he’s not going to be linked to Madrid/Barca/Bayern etc so I would say, despite the fact we just missed CL, by one point, he is exactly in our bracket!

  2. I would prefer Benteke as he has played in the Prmier league with distinction at a struggling Aston Villa and although may cost more than Villa he would represent less of a risk. Also Levy has a record of buying young players who would have a sell on value.


  4. Benteke wont leave villa he seems happy and he young Eder would be my choice over Villa he is young and its a good price for a real talent but again cant see it coming off Lasandro is a good shout he is defo leaving Lyon after the tearful farewell and Villa is in the same boat at Barca even more so after Neymar signing so these two are real possabilitys when it comes to Diamao I really cant say this one seems to just keep going round and round so who knows. I myself would love for it to be Diamao and Lasandro that would be a great frontline along with Defoe but in truth its more likley to be Lasandro and Villa but we will just have to wait and see but knowing Spurs I wont be holding my breath for that long COYS

  5. I thought that the article was going to be: A tale of 5 strikers: Defoe, Keane, Saha, Pav, Crouch – all not what we need, but what we have become accustomed to at Spurs…

  6. Mazrim, it’s not Spurs fans who link us with anybody who’s ever scored a goal for anybody in any league. It’s the press/media. I ignore any speculation I read about, and I’ve been supporting Spurs since the double years, (yes, I AM that old!!)
    We used to be one of the richest and most successful clubs in Britain, and players wanted to join us, but now we haven’t got the money or CL football to tempt top players. I’ll be happy when we actually sign a player, not when some media rag links us with them.

  7. David Villa is all we need. Still has bags of talent to offer us. If we can hold onto the core, offload a couple of fringe players this will be our season.

  8. Villa fan in peace. In answer to Spurs’ question, it is probably the fault of Newsnow as it sends you to any article on your team and, as a non-Spurs fan, it is always interesting to get a different perspective.

    I can’t see Tekkers coming to Spurs. I think he has enjoyed his time at Villa and, if he is anthing like me (albeit I accept I have the C&B specs) he is probably looking forward to seeing what PL can do over the summer and whether this young team can continue to grow (as it has towards the back end of the season).

    I think there are some interesting challenges for Spurs – holding on to Bale obviously, although I think you will do this (same logic as Tekkers staying with us), and, more of a challenge, offloading Adebayor who has had a shocking season (such a waste of talent). I also don’t see Defoe as the right fit for your set up – although a useful impact player off the bench when you are chasing a goal (I see Villa in the same mould).

    I do think Tekkers would be an ideal player for Spurs, although I think he would probably be an ideal focal point for most EPL sides! Maybe have a go for Lukaka, although doubt Chelski would sell, as I think he could be even better based on the little bits I have seen and he is not a regular starter or loved by his parent club.

  9. 2 seasons ago I think we all would’ve jumped at the chance to sign david villa, however, although I don’t doubt the quality is still there…he is 31 and unfortunately suffered a broken leg last season which will not bode well against the rougher teams of the league (stoke come to mind). 12 million isn’t exactly cheap either, if we are willing to pay this for a 31 year old I don’t see why we shouldn’t just try and get benteke even at 20 million he will have some sell on value at his age and has pdoven he can score goals even in a goal-shy team like aston villa. for once levy, don’t go for the cheaper option!!

  10. No matter who spurs buy you will always forever still be under arsenal. How does our buttocks smell ftom below??? Cock suckers

  11. For the past 50 years all we hear about pre-season is “Spurs are going to buy this player”, ” Spurs are going to buy that player ” , the players in question are usually top class players we haven’t a hope in hell of signing. We all no that these players end up at The Red Filth Or the other , Northern Red Filth , so why do the press keep producing such rubbish reports. The only thing guaranteed is Bales departure to Madrid. So , David Villa and Leandro Damio , in your dreams Spurs.


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