Reports that the signing of Brazilian international Paulinho was a done deal were always going to be met with a hint of cynicism by Spurs supporters and suggestions are emerging today that the transfer has hit problems.

Those issues are said to be caused by Real Madrid – that team with whom we have a special relationship. The imminent arrival of Carlo Ancelotti is set to herald a spending spree and Paulinho is claimed as a prime target.

It had been reported that Tottenham had agreed a fee of £17m with Corinthians for the player’s services but a request to delay the transfer could end up playing into Real’s hands. Paulinho’s current club want to put back the switch by a further three weeks to allow participation in the domestic Recopa Sudamericana.

Meanwhile, the indication is that the Spanish side are set to gazump Spurs with a bid of £20m in an attempt to lure the 24 year old over into La Liga.

Makes you wonder what the Special Arrangement entails, particularly when you consider these public comments, made previously, by Zinedine Zidane.

‘I think Real Madrid have made their admiration of Gareth Bale very clear – and it has been made clear that we would not be put off by the cost of the player,’ Zidane told the Sunday People.

‘But if Gareth feels now is the time to move then he has to have a private discussion with his club and express that he wants to leave.’

However, the signing of Paulinho may just be an acceptance that Bale is going nowhere but as always, only time will tell.



  1. I don’t think it has hit a problem.I think this is just poor writing by someone somewhere . So Ancelotti has come in and like that said buy Pauline before Spurs do . No chance I bet that Pauline and Sandra will be a great pair in the coming season . Look out C. Palace here we come .

  2. As usual, the financial bully boys of the football world can do whatever they want, while Blatter and his mates turn a blind eye. If Paulinho wants to go there and warm the bench that’s his perogative. Just ask Modric how HIS “dream move” has ended.

  3. I agree with spurmaddave. Last week it was Chelsea this week its Real, next week it will be Arsenal after Paulinho. The thing wants pisses me off is the British media 2 years running trying to ruin our pre season. All the rubbish and lies from Spain is being reported in the UK press and last summer all the rubbish and lies written about AVB. We will sign Paulinho and 2 more top players and with a bit of luck we can have a title challange next season.

  4. if real take paulinho from us levy should refuse to ever do business with them again and they can forget about getting bale in the future

  5. Exactly maximus. If true, do they think Levy is going to bend over and hand Bale his ‘dream move’?
    Can anyone explain how this special relationship with Real works? So far its all one way traffic to Madrid!

    Lazy press stirring things as usual..yawn

  6. If you believe everything you read coming out of Spain and regurgitated by our loving press then you’re quite a mug.
    Should the greasy asset stripping carpet baggers from real madrid do gazump Spurs to the signing of Paulinho, then they would very much alienate themselves of ever doing business with Spurs again and kiss Gareth Bale goodbye. Incidentally, there is no such special relationship with those people because if there was, then the French has been wouldn’t be publically telling Bale through the media that he should be asking Spurs to release him. It’s completely disrespectful and unethical and is sure to raise the hackles of Daniel Levy and the hierarchy at Spurs and it’s high time he told them publically to f**k off.

  7. The theme today, amongst these forums, seems to be the deal, for Paulinho, is hitting the PREDICTABLE/TYP ICAL ‘snag’!

    Well, we signed Berbatov/ Bale/ Modric and Sandro without any such ‘snags’/problems!!!

    Why should Paulinho be any different???

    The first rule of being a ‘big’ club/team, is to think like one!!! SOME of you will do well to remember that!!!

  8. Im absolutely bored of all this transfer merry go round nonsense. Whatever happens Joe Lewis should set up an independent company, to acquire the third party ownership of the best young south american players. First refusal on transfers could then be given to spurs, and if we don’t get them we can dictate where they go and reap the potential profits !! If its legal manipulate the market to favour Spurs for a change, and screw teams like Chelski and Real ma,shit.

  9. Lazy journo’s doing copy/paste on crappy articles without any basis in fact. First Chelski, now Real Mingers next Man City I suppose ?
    No quotes anywhere from Real about this, Corinthians wishful thinking at best – trying to start an auction. Fact is Real don’t need any more midfielders, it would mean Paulinho bench warming in the season before a world cup in his own nation ! Don’t think so. Besides as has been alluded to here already, Real would never ever get closer to Bale than Youtube if they screwed Levy over this one.

    • You should know better. How many Corinthians matches did you watched this year? They’re actually the club world champion… And what about Brazil? Paulinho would be one of the 11 in Real Madrid, even if that means an change of tactical strategy that Carlo Ancelloci would eventually apply.

  10. well said Maximus. If ever R Madrid shud gazumo Spurs,which had seriously and professionally done a buy out clause deal , Mr Levy shud never let Bale join Real Madrid , ever in future, shud Spurs want to sell and Bale want to leave.

  11. This is going to be one hell of a signing if it happens. A genuine box to box midfielder that will suit our /AVB’s style completely. I’m thinking one more Brazillian up front would make for a very interesting looking season…

    • your only where you are because of abromavich remember the 70 and 80S when you were getting 8 to 10 thousand and the bucket was going round save the bridge fund bet you were not even going then you total cunt fuck off to your own web site prick.
      No class

  12. Chelsea fans can be truly pathetic. You think the “special one” and your sugar daddy are gonna kiss and make up for real? Time will tell.
    Nobody likes you Froggy. Not just on this site but anywhere. You’re a bit weird and a bit sick. Keep it up though if it makes you giggle to yourself.


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