Jan Vertonghen is likely to be out of action for three to four weeks making him very doubtful for the club’s opening game of the new Premiership season at Crystal Palace on August 18th. Jan fell awkwardly on the poor surface in Hong Kong on Wednesday but the injury could have been much worse.

Meanwhile, Andre Villas-Boas’ diagnosis was a little more hopeful, suggesting that the Belgian could be back in action in around a fortnight.

“Jan has damaged his ankle ligament, the ATFL and he’s most likely going to be out of training for two to three weeks,” Andre said.

Meanwhile, there is better news ahead of tomorrow’s third place play off with South China FC

“There are lots of improvements, bearing in mind we brought a squad with a few injuries,” AVB added.

“Jake Livermore has come back to training, Lewis Holtby and a couple of others have progressed and are almost there.

“Sandro is now training once again and Gareth Bale is also near to full training.

“Unfortunately, we won’t see any of them involved apart from Jake, but this is good news compared to when we arrived.”

It would be fairly pointless to risk those players on such a ridiculous pitch and while the game will be televised live once again, most of us will just hope that the squad can come through with no more injury scares.



  1. Great news to hear sandro is back in training, if bale leaves, sandro’s partnership with paulinho will be even more important than ever!



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