We’ve had false alarms already this season in terms of player signings but after reports that Spurs were looking at a move for Steaua Bucharest’s Vlad Chiriches began to emerge yesterday, the President of the Romanian club claims that a deal has now been struck.

Chiriches is 23 and has only been with his current club since 2012 and since first breaking into the full Romanian side in 2011, he has gone on to win 11 caps for his country.

Clearly, the player is highly thought of – as evidenced by this quote from national coach Victor Piturca.

“He is a great player,” Piturca said. “I hope he can establish himself in England with Tottenham.

“It will not be easy, even if he is extremely good. I am sure he will be able to but it will not be easy because opponents in England are extremely good and must perform very well from game to game. His quality is tremendous.”

The player’s agent claims that Spurs have tabled a deal approaching £7m, even though it had seemed that the centre of defence was one area where we didn’t need any new arrivals. There have been doubts over Younes Kaboul and there are fresh suggestions that Steven Caulker may be on his way to Cardiff so perhaps this is one rumour we should pay attention to.



    • Except that AVB specifically said he’d want just 4 centre halves in his squad next season. Perhaps he’s planning to ship Daws out?

  1. Shut the fuk up redknapp u cunting queer and u zidane u french pussy monk face fag and u ramos u greasy spik cunt and u casillas u smackhead dago.


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