As the club’s official website confirmed this morning, Kyle Walker will start England’s crucial game with Moldova tonight but his inclusion comes after a fair deal of criticism following his performance at the Emirates on Sunday.

Kyle will win his seventh full cap since making his debut in 2011 and there is the potential for more Spurs involvement with Jermain Defoe and Andros Townsend waiting to come off the bench. Following the game, the squad will travel to the Ukraine for a match that could ultimately decide qualification and while Roy Hodgson may well start Walker again, does he have much in the way of alternatives?

The right back enjoyed an impressive start to his Spurs career after a productive spell on loan at Aston Villa but received plenty of criticism last year, leading to the defender suspending his Twitter account at one point.

After reading social media on Monday it looks as though that criticism has returned but after no direct threat to his place arrived on transfer deadline day, should Kyle Walker remain unchallenged at right back or does AVB look to Naughton or Kaboul as possible alternatives?




  1. If you are asking that question you know little about football systems and tactics. You clearly have no idea what Walker has been asked to do, along with Rose so I wouldn’t venture into a level beyond your scope.

    • Agree. Walker is one of the most physically gifted backs in the game. Strong, fast, young and he just needs more games to learn.

  2. Both Walker and Rose are poor full backs, as we did not sign any full backs in the window(but plenty of mid fielders) we may well have to use some of our other defenders in those positions. not ideal but January is a long way off

  3. Very impressive initially then it got to his head where the brain seems to be missing; gives away needless free kicks, very poor crossing and shoots for row X at every opportunity

    • I agree, he gives away the ball a lot on very dangerous situations, but we should not think that these issues won’t be ironed out with time. He’s pretty imposing as a defender, and can chase you all day.

  4. Not a very good defender at all. Very good at getting forward but cannot defend to save his life. Always making silly mistakes and is very prone to leaving the right hand side of the pitch open to dangerous attacks, as shown against Arsenal. Need a new full back who can attack AND defend. Walker could be a very good back up.

  5. Spurs have the worst left back and one of the worst right backs in the premier league. Both have pace and can attack the opposition, but defending needs a brain, which is where they come unstuck.

  6. Both Walker & Rose are a defensive liability. With our new midfiield recruits and forwards we do not need them in attach as much as we did in the past.
    We have Naughton to play right back, not the greatest threat going forward, but sound in his own end. Vertonghen can now be shifted to left back with the purchase of his clone (Chiriches) and play a back four of Naughten, Kaboul, Chiriches, Vewrtonghen or recall Smith from loan as he is the next and future right back for Spurs.

  7. If neither are great full backs should we not be looking at the coaching and what the coaching staff are doing to improve them?. After all, isn’t this why they turn up at the training ground every day?
    Both are in their early twenties and have scope and time for improvement. Competition would be healthy but we’re very quick to dismiss when, perhaps, the real problem lies elsewhere

  8. Yep, Walker’s so rubbish that the professional’s pick him and the experienced ones pick him to start for England.. What do they know?!!!

    We won’t be able to attract anyone better… I think he’s good and will hopefully improve… His pace often saves us when he drops back and covers others not as quick, but doubt people notice that kind of thing.. Could be argued Naughton is a better “footballer” with the ball and defending, but Walker’s pace and physical nature is a huge asset to us..

    I hope Rose improves, he could be good but not sure if he’s quite good enough to start for us right now…

  9. Walker tries but he doesn’t have a football brain. Naughton though not as flamboyant with such electric speed is a reliable defender. Rose is a converted winger and I wish him luck but defensively he is going to find it very difficult. It’s true Walker improved in the latter half of last season and he’s great entertainment for supporters.

    Tottenham have a strong midfield with top class players to cover defensive weakness but in the long run teams function best built off a strong solid defensive unit. That unit should consist of players equipped to defend well. Tottenham don’t appear to have that yet, if their current selections are anything to go by. It’s likely there will be a price to pay over a season should such a situation persist.

    The primary duty in a team for each player in their back four is to defend. If players are able to do this well then those players should be picked to form a unit there. Pick the best defenders at the rear and it leaves the midfield confident of going forward.

  10. Walker need s to go back to basic he was poor the second half of last season and his passing against the afos sunday was to say the least,got to big heade since he got called into the england squad

  11. Kyle had a great start but was doomed as soon as Freund took over defensive coach. It’s sad to see his talent being so badly mishandled by a German thug who’s greatest talent was to hack down the opposition in dangerous positions to give away game changing free kicks Get a decent coach in and Walker could be a star for seasons to come

  12. Walker is a fantastic wingback, he is still young and his defending will improve. But for the moment his amazing speed allows him to recover from any mistakes he makes. The kid is class!

  13. 3 Games 1 goal conceded, (not through walker). Working with a very individual central midfield that has little defence on the wings. I’ll stick with what we have for now.

  14. Walker worries me but Naughton worries me even more! But then again there was a time when Gareth Bale used to REALLY worry me!!
    It’s true Walker has pace and power but he continually neutralises Tottenham’s attacking forays by either shooting from distance (whilst missing the target) by giving easy fouls away, or just by loosing the ball..He could be really dangerous if on his rampant runs down the wing – he could learn to cultivate a pinpoint the feet of Soldado.
    On the defensive front he lacks consistency and again gives away easy fouls in really dangerous places …it’s a shame The King isn’t still around to aid his development.
    He does however have potential and if he could develop his passing and ball possession skills it would be a move in the right direction.


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