Tottenham’s proud defensive record crumbled in a mad second half at White Hart Lane yesterday as West Ham came away with their first win here in 14 years. The scoreline was a pretty embarrassing one and after the game, Head Coach Andre Villas-Boas pointed to the second goal as a pivotal moment.

“That was probably the key to the game,” AVB said.

“We looked to go to two strikers to have a go, but that’s when 2-0 happened and made it very difficult for us to come back into the game.”

Andre has called for an immediate response to the defeat when the team regroups in two weeks’ time while he tried to put the result into some perspective.

It’s a wake up call that we have to react to, we have to bounce back and I trust the team to do that,” he added.

“I think we can’t undermine what we have been doing up to now.

“Obviously it’s a defeat. Had we won this game we would have been just one point behind.

“It’s something we don’t like, but we have to put into perspective of what we’ve done before.”

For the second time this season we have to wait until an international break has passed before we can put things right and next up it’s Aston Villa away on Sunday 20th October.



  1. Even with a new manager in charge and a bunch of new “quality” players in the team, Spurs are always Spurs, managing to disappoint in a most embarrassing way.

    If Spurs really want to be one of the future title contenders, this kind of wasteful, naive and predictable fragility must be stopped.

    • I like AVB, he’s young, smart, savvy with the media, and already experienced. It’s just that we bought big and alot, but you cant say any of it was world class. Some of it was very shrewd. Very good buys. But they still don’t compare to the strength other teams bought around them. Not only that, but other top club’s returning players were already strong while we lost Bale.

    • Lamela got 30 minutes yesterday? He come on when it was 0:0 – What was better with him on the field?

      With all due respect, the problem isn’t that Lamela isn’t playing enough, that we can see by the stats.

        • By the way, Ozil is not the ‘win factor’ of Arsenal recent consecutive wins. It’s our Welsh Wizard, Ramsey (just like yours but you sold him to a Spaniard mafia club – it means you suck).

          Our playing became one dimensional when Ramsey is not in his form, even with Ozil on pitch. Against WBA, Ramsey was exhausted caused by his knee knock and Wilshere was just poor that day, he was the weak link.

          Well, Dortmund match is a huge test even it’s in our own den.

          Cazorla-Ozil-Ramsey-Walcott-Flamini midfield partnership and Mertesacker-Koscielny-Gibbs-Sagna defensive pairing will be tested so hard on that match.

          The midfield consist of Reus-Gundogan-Mkhitaryan-Blaszczykowski-Bender and defensive pairing of Hummels-Subotic-Piszczek-Schmelzer.

          And they have the Lewandowski and Aubameyang.

          Shit! This CL group is never been as good as before.

          Bring it on! COYG!

  2. We had more fire-power sitting on the bench than on the pitch. Everyone seems to think Defoe should start every game, it’s time he went, if we are determined to keep him, use him for Europa. Defoe is not jelling with the quality players we have brought in.

  3. I have heard so much about AVB being a tactical manager but as much as i like him his tactics in selection for this game was totally wrong.We all know what you are going to get with big Sam and West Ham(90 minutes of pressure),they are not the best gifted players.When i looked at the team with Kyle Naughton and Defoe starting,i had my doubts about victory.Kyle at best is a league 1 player.Why did they not move Jan to left back with Chiriches in the middle?Defoe:-A great centre forward should be able to shoot with his left and right
    foot.He missed a open goal by not chiping the keeper with his left foot,i am sure Soldado would have scored.Why AVB left him out is clueless to me,his work rate and clever passing/link up play in the box was a sore miss.Our bench looked very strong with many world cup players watching this game.In my opinion Holtby,Chiriches,Sandro,Soldado and Chadli should all of started.They were the type of players for this game.Sorry AVB but you yourself must “wake up”You made poor selections and the crowd gave you and the players selected the correct treatment at the end.

  4. It’s AVB who needs a wake up call. Against Chelski last week AVB should have brought Sandro on to clinch the game. Everybody knew Mourinho would bring on a motivated Mata. Yesterday he should have brought on an extra attacking midfielder (or striker) at half time. Some other conclusions: 1) Soldado didn’t score from open play in the league yet but he creates space for other players, Defoe is just waiting for the ball 2) Naughton is not good enough at LB 3) Dawson is poor: a limited player and makes a lot of mistakes (ok, he’s English but that’s all) 2) + 3) = 4) Letting BAE and Caulker go was a huge mistake 5) Against opposition that parks the bus, we need more offensive tactics and creative players on the pitch, e.g. play Eriksen AND Holtby (Eriksen on the left) 6) If we continue to play with one striker, we should consider to buy a tall guy like Benteke 7) When will we start to use Lamela in the League? He is certainly is a better left winger than Sigurdson… 8) AVB makes things to complicated. Redknapp had no tactical plan at all, but AVB exaggerates. Against teams who park the bus, he should thrust the players and allow creativity (within certain margins). Complicates game plans are only useful against the big guys imo. 9) We don’t have a leader on the pitch (I only see Verts as an option) 10) We got 1 point out of 9 in London derbies and were three times the least motivated team…

    • ouch, harsh. but i can see much of where you are coming from. we were pretty motivated at the emirates, but we were just out played and out strategized there. they hit us hard on counters. here, we just didn’t have the creativity to break the other side. having holtby on the field at the same time might have helped, but that makes us very light weight to west ham’s muscles with boots. would have been pushed around all day in the final 3rd.

  5. Its AVB who needs a wake up call,or a taxi out of WHL,we have been playing slow one dimensional football last season and this and his (only)masterplan has been rumbled ,and shown to be pretty B useless.Carry on
    expecting to be disapointed with this mutt running things.I have had no faith in AVB since he was appointed,and he hasnt proved me wrong so far

  6. This is a marathon not a sprint. We all knew setbacks would loom, when a big bear looks too far forward is when he steps in a trap. Spurs have not even some close to their peak. Wait and see. In May we will all look back on this result and have a chuckle, maybe it was needed…?

  7. Also, we don’t point fingers at the manager. We support the manager, always. Point the finger of life only when you look in the mirror. If a peach hangs low on a tree it will never taste as sweet as one you have to climb to reach.

  8. Spurs were always going to loose some points this season. We all knew that a setback could come. It happens to every club. Plus for Spurs…All these new players have to learn to gel with the team. Learn how their team mate moves and operates.
    I was surprised to see that we were only a point from the top after 6 games. I thought we needed more time.. maybe we do? i don’t know. Let’s see how the lads bounce back against Villa.
    Let’s stand behind the team and the manager.

    • because they have not been good enough. 6 goals in 7 games. 4 from the run of open play. am i the only one who sees we are not good enough?

  9. Sometimes in chess a queen or knight lays dormant, but, when they get consistent attention from the chessmaster, they dominate the board and capture the king, which for Spurs is a CL spot. Everyone wants instant gratification, sometimes we have to wait. Think how good that pint will be when Spurs qualify for CL. Not a doubt in my mind that Spurs will.


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