With so many new arrivals in the Tottenham midfield somebody was going to get dis-chuffed sooner or later and according to the press, the man with the biggest issue is currently Mousa Dembele. Battling for a place alongside Sandro, Etienne Capoue and Paulinho, the Belgian is no longer a guaranteed starter and if anyone is going to leave in January, the press are certain it’s Dembele.

According to reports, head coach Andre Villas-Boas prefers the Brazilian combo of Paulinho and Sandro leaving Mousa to quote,

“I can not be satisfied with it, of course, I just want to play as many games. The coach explained that he makes a tactical choice, he wants more defensive players in midfield.”

That statement falls some way short of being a full intention to quit but Dembele could well be the odd man out if all parties stay fit for the remainder of the season. Meanwhile, there have been some very isolated reports of Sandro making a switch to Italy with either Roma or one of the Milan clubs but a move for Mousa seems more likely.




  1. Dembele and Paulinho should both be sold. Neither of them offer any creativity and they are the reason why Spurs have only scored 9 goals in the premier league.

    • I agree with selling paulinho dont think hes style suits the premier league would like avb to play dembele behind the strikers where he played for fulham

  2. Paulinho takes so many wasteful shots at goal. Must be one of the only Brazilian midfielders who doesn’t know how to shoot, or pass the ball forwards.

  3. Neither.
    We want two quality players for each position.
    The problem has been that Capoue got injured early on, and Sandro was injured and has since been being eased back in. AVB has a way of playing and it should be one of those two with one of Dembélé or Paulinho – not both of these togther.

    We are still gelling – the early games were wothout Holtby who was injured (and is still young and settling in) and Ericksen who hadn’t been bought (these two to compete for third midfield role). Then Capoue got injured and Sandro hadn’t returned to full fitness. Lamela is being eased in ala Lloris (and lo and behold, AVB actually knew what he was doing there, despite the media storm). We are gelling a lot of attacking talent, whilst lacking balance due to injuries etc – that is why we haven’t been scoring.
    Selling Paulinho, or even the notion of it, is ludicrous.

  4. Dembele is not an attacking force as his goalscoring record demonstrates.he is not a greatdefensive midfielder either and he maybe the one who has to go.Personally i would rather persevere with Holtby who can shoot and drives the team forward.I expected more from Paulinho by this stage but with the injury to Erickson alternatives are not there.i would always play a fit SAndro. Please play Lamela ashe looks to be our only gamechanger
    Holtby and Lamela in against the Manchester clubs

  5. The four central midfielders for Spurs, from the current squad should be: Sandro, Capoue, Holtby and Carroll (bring back from QPR loan).

    This means that Spurs can play one defensive midfielder with a creative midfielder (similar to Parker and Modric). Unfortunately this has not occurred all season, which is why Spurs cannot score goals.

  6. Sandro is the MAN…. keep Capoue for Europa and any injury to Sandro. Lamela, Lennon, Chadli and Townshend can fight it out for the two wide positions. That leaves Dembele, Holtby, Gylfi, Eriksen and Paulinhio – choose two for away games using a false #10 and chose one for home games with two forwards – I think that Gylfi can be very influential through the middle as he does for Iceland but I think away from home it has to be Paulinhio and Eriksen and at home Eriksen or Holtby. As long as we can keep one person injured it is slightly easier !!! But rather not Sandro

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  8. With every passing week and every spurs fan comments thread read, i loose a little more faith in some spurs fans! We all know things could be better on the entertainment front, but seriously some people really having a dig at Paulinho?! The guy has played more football this year than nearly any other footballer on the planet. It has been non-stop for him and maybe just maybe it’s having an effect, he does look a bit jaded in recent games and could do with a rest. It also doesn’t help him having adapt to a new league whilst playing in the most disjointed midfield in the league, for all the talent we have there it has no cohesion and no clear direction. For him to only be given two months grace by some fans is a joke. 16 players in this 25 man squad have only been at the club since last season or less. For all the shortcomings on the pitch so far this season, it doesn’t come close to how disappointing some of the attitudes of some fans have been.

  9. Dembele I’m afraid is the odd man out at the moment but these 2 players are totally different and Sandro is a veteran in this team. Dembele is a very good player but not such a great one touch passing player, Sandro a defensive BEAST. I still feel Paulinho is not settled completely but may not be a premier league type player but one better for spain or italy


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