With Fulham’s new boss Rene Meulensteen claiming that he wouldn’t stand in the way of Dimitar Berbatov’s ambitions, the predictable rumours of a move back to White Hart Lane began to emerge over the weekend.

It had been said that the Bulgarian nearly re-joined on the final day of the 2012 summer transfer window but now, 18 months on, the speculation has started again.

Here’s what Meulensteen said about the situation,

“I will never stand in the way of people’s ambitions. He is an immense player that I think any manager would want in his team – especially me. He is an immense player, that’s for sure. Any manager in the world would like to have him in their team.”

The obvious question is would you take him back? The striker is 32 now and in a struggling Fulham side has managed 17 goals in 43 league appearances. He still knows how to take a penalty, as evidenced in Sunday’s win over Villa and his touch leading up to that spot kick shows that world class quality remains.

But is he good enough for Spurs? Does your heart rule your head when you ask yourself the question ‘would you welcome Dimitar Berbatov back at White Hart Lane’?




  1. the only on e i would bring back would be bale as he left with dignity and his head high-the rest were money grabbers-we have a great bunch at the lane and that prick would soon wreck that

    • Bale was ALLOWED to leave with dignity AND the buyer was prepared to pay MORE than his worth – and gave it enough time for the transfer to happen. Bale still refused to play and not risk his move to Real. Man U wanted to pay LESS than Berba’s worth, and tried to force move on cheap with late bids.

      • And Bale was more than happy to leave the door open that he would return to the Lane. Berbatov conspired, or that’s how it seems, to force us to accept that lower bid from United, and has already ruled it out, once.
        Ultimately, he refused to play and sneaked off to OT, much to their delight, when he was given permission to speak to Citeh. So I would say no…but I have no say whatsoever, and if he is bought back to the Lane I will become his biggest fan again, as everyone else should, IMHO.

  2. He would be worth a punt on a 2 year contract. His ability to open up defenses with his incredible touch is what we need to start scoring more goals. I also think he is an ideal player for AVB’s formation and a potential partner to get Soldado scoring.

  3. No Berbatov.That sulking Bulgarian can stay at Fulham and be relegated.There is only one centre forward that can and would take Spurs to the champions League and that is Leandro. I was very suprised that Spurs opted to pay 26m for Soldado instead of a younger Leandro.Spurs really missed a very special centre forward.For that amount of money Spurs could of bought Leandro.Anyway lets just hope we can continue a good run of points into the New Year.

    • Leandro’s scoring record this year hasn’t exactly been impressive though. 12 goals in 42 games in a sub-par league and cups. Add to that the difficulty Brazillians, especially strikers, have adapting to European leagues and I think he may be another Afonso Alves or Jo. At least we know Berbatov can perform in the league, when he wants to.

  4. Do we need another Adebayor? On Sunday, Berba played like a top class player, winning balls, passing, shooting and scoring! But, was that him putting himself in the shop window? If he came back to WHY, will he get lazy, or will he try to win back the supporters who saw him as a money chasing glory Hunter, by playing the sublime football that made him a Spurs’ fans idol? Only he can answer, and it does depend on Levy, whether he will want to take a risk! Does anyone know if Berbatov has quit smoking yet?

  5. Are you mad – what is wrong with our supporters.
    All summer the club get grief that we are not signing world class players and you suggest we bring Berbatov back?! It is the most ridiculous shout i have heard. Yes he was a great player but are you not the very same supporters that are saying we need to build a champions league club.

  6. As long as soldado & Defoe are getting the chances and finally coverting them we dont need berbatov he will be a long distant memory for spurs fans.

  7. No. The ship has sailed. On his day he is a skillful and excellent player. But those days are fewer and farther between. He did not justify his price tag at Man U. He has scored at Fulham, but needs to be top dog in order to do that. He won’t be top dog here. I would rather go with tried and tested: Ade scored 1 in 2 2 seasons ago. He can do again. Soldado is on paper, more prolific than any of our strikers and berba too. People also forget that berba WASN’T a high scorer for Spurs….he merely forged a great partnership with Keane.

  8. I would think that a 6 month loan while we search for a long term solution to sign in the summer would be astute business and boost AVBs options in the short term. He left us in acrimonious circumstances but if he scored 10 goals and was the difference between us having CL football or not then I would take him.

    • 10 goals is a big “if”… The entire Spurs team is getting 1 goal per game! Berba is currently getting 1 goal per 12.5 games!

  9. Just the sort of creativity we need at the mo. Not a long term solution, but could really help out until the likes of Lamela, Chadli, Towmsend come good.
    Football is a fickle sport, we would soon forgive if he performed like he did before for us.
    That said if he joins the scum, don’t think we could ever forgive that!

  10. Thierry henry as much as i hate to say it, zidane, beckham, maradonna, Pirlo, most of the football greats have the ability to play later in their career. Berbas still got it. It was never his pace he relied on because he didnt have any. As regards to he is lazy, you dont have to run around the pitch liek a headless chicken into dead end channels to be a world class player. fact is he scores goals and makes chances for the other players. I think this is someone who can act as an assisting player to someone like soldado or even lamela with lamela higher up the pitch and pace to beat off the last defender. Go BERBA!

  11. IS this the same fans that gave Teddy Sheringham shit after he went to Man Utd………and then came back? I’d take Berba back, he’s won things at Utd. He is older, he has quality and he will have plenty of options……….if he returns to Spurs, then it would be because he wanted to. Quick fix short turn solution! but i’d take it as long as he works hard! The club is more important to me than any one player………if he left a tosser, but comes back and does the business then he’s forgiven. if fans would rather have a player 1st and love the club 2nd……..then they can f*ck off! COYS

  12. forget what happened with utd hes class and i dont want him at arsenal! get over it, utd making dirt of him is enough punishment for him,hed fit in lovely and did you see that ball he played with the outside of his right foot?lets ave him,he will come back too haunt utd when we play them!!!COYS.

  13. Rumours were that we had a chance beginning of last season and ended up with Wankerbayor instead. If we had had Berbatov there is no doubt that we would now be playing Champions League footie.
    Bring him back and let him play up front with Soldado AND get our wingers to start playing like wingers…service please!!!

  14. All day i wanted him when he left Utd and if you look at this score it cost us millions and possibly Bale Spurs 0 Fulham 1 Berbaatov. He wont be lazy with our squad he can evolve into a play makers the way he can spot a pass superb

  15. Berbatov and Taarabt are by far the most gifted creative players Spurs have had since Ginola. It is a shame that Berbatov didn’t fulfill his potential and neither has Taarabt.

    At least Spurs have Pritchard coming through the youth setup but they should have got Gerard Deulofeu on loan for this season.

    Deulofeu is the most gifted player in the premiership and I would have preferred to watch him play for Spurs than Everton. But then Everton have a manager who is far more suited to Spurs entertaining traditions than AVB.

    Berbatov and Keane were an amazing partnership at Spurs. I would welcome Berbatov back.

  16. Berbatov can be our Ozil lift all th other players like Gerrard does Liverpool forget lazy last two has shown he has the appetite.

  17. Why did Man U. get rid of him , if he was the Berbatov we
    knew in his early time at Spurs (yes ) but remember,and neaver forget how he treated Spurs team mates, and Spurs
    supporters once Fergy cast his line. Let him go to the
    Gooners we are supposed to be building a new team.

  18. YES all day long. play him as the att mid. just behind the forward. he can hold up the ball, begin in players. take on players to make space, can pass and shot.
    if we had him we would finish in the top 4
    a player like him is what we are missing
    Q, who in the spurs team is better?

  19. Berbatov is class, buy him and give him a two year contract, our strikers always come back to score goals. Klinsmann, Sheringham, Defoe, Keane et al. Let Ade go on a free and loan out Kane and possibly Lamela to free up funds.


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