The name of Erik Lamela is never far away from the media’s attention and as he continues to struggle to make his mark at White Hart Lane, our record signing could be set for a short term deal away from the club.

With Aaron Lennon fit and Andre Villas-Boas preferring the likes of Andros Townsend and Nacer Chadli on the flanks, the Argentine’s route to the first team seems blocked right now although Lamela should be given another chance to impress against Anzhi in the Europa League on Thursday night.

The press had even suggested a permanent deal but this morning, the stories hint at a loan arrangement to Atletico Madrid until the end of the season. Either way, this would be Erik’s third club inside one season so is it all a waste of time speculating?

Whatever happens, we can expect to see Erik Lamela take to the pitch in tomorrow night’s European clash but could that be the last time we see him in a Spurs shirt for a while?



  1. I am wondering are the powers at WHL looking at Madrid with the guy D. Costa available for about 20m in the summer and putting 2+2 .This could be a win win deal for us .If Erik goes there and has a blinder they might want him and a swap could be on the cards or maybe its just as it says a loan to help him. I can’t really see how we loose as he has not had a chance yet to show his stuff so yes a good move for us and Lamela.

    • I would NEVER considderi leting Lamela leave permaneltly, EVEN if Costa came the other way. Who’s to say Costawould be fantastic in England?

  2. This ridiculous rumour is either the product of a feverish imagination and a low IQ or is just concocted out of sheer malevolence! People that fabricate or regurgitate this complete drivel have no business writing any kind of a blog on football. AVB is generally handling what is a difficult transition for the young lad extremely well. He has been played in hand-selected games, like the home EL game against Sheriff and the EPL game against Fulham to build up his confidence. He played well in both those matches and I am sure will be used tomorrow against Anzhi and most likely against West Ham in the League Cup quarter final. He is a real talent and a future Spurs star and is going absolutely nowhere, end of story.

    • Well said Matty. I agree wholeheartedly. There is just no way Lamela could possibly be sent out on loan. We need him to acclimatise in London, playing for Spurs. He has a proven track record ( albeit a short one) elsewhere. AVB is doing an admirable job in helping him along, bringing in his family etc. So, to even pen an article like this is farcical to say the least.

      • Is it? If Lamela is having problems settling and i have heard this from the Spurs gov on another site then maybe there is something in it . It says he might move to Madrid on loan . Not every signing works no matter how good they are and not every player wants to play for Spurs .A loan might help him and if as the guy on the rumour site says things are not good with him then why not . We are not selling him and he is not getting playing time so why not loan him . Just because he looks a good player does not mean he will want to play and stay at Spurs .If his problems are deep then maybe despite his price he needs to be loaned out . Like i said it could be a all win win for us and lets face it although not his fault he has not done much yet in any game i have seen him play in.

        • He is 21 years old, in a much more physical league and he is adjusting.

          I don’t feel he has had a fair shot.

          He had his best game against Sheriif and scored.
          Unused sub against Newcastle game at home (why?).
          Picked for his first prem start away at Man City (good luck).
          Played on a bad pitch against Tromso.
          Not in the squad against Man U.
          Started and had a good game against Fulham.
          Unused sub against Sunderland.

          • I agree, match against newcastle wouls have been perfect for him and also against sunderland when spurs needed something extra to unlock their defence when we were in total control of both matches, unless he plays we won’t get to see how good he actually is. Coys

    • spot on, why would the best idea for getting him to settle to life in england be sending him to spain??
      Another case of terrible journalism.

  3. No loan not good option for lamela he is best young player class of messi he need more time on ground not on bench need moer ground playing comfiedence but avb need to give staring role & change her attaking statitcs he best counter attakinh payer

  4. Six singing for spures to add moer creativity and attaking force 1.fabio contrao or bains 2.linchsteiner or s. Corchia 3.kevin strootman (men peace of midfield deep lying, central midfielder) 4.lavezzi or tello 5.javier hernandez 6 berbatov

  5. This so bloody disappointing!!!!!!!!
    I really want the lad to play.
    How else is he expected to settle?!?!?!

    I have played football in 3 different continents with people of all different languages, and,. I can tell you now, the football speaks for itself!!!

    PLAY HIM!!! – In the hole or on the right. Why spend £30m otherwise!! for fucks sake.

    This is not a rant at Spurs or AVB as a whole, I’m a big fan of stability and giving AVB time to make his way through a very difficult period of bedding whilst managing expectation, but Lamela is clearly good. All those times we had a recent trainee/loane in Townsend trying to play one of the refined roles of inverted winger and we have a bloke sat on the bench who is brilliant at it.

    • So why is he not getting the game time then if it is that easy . I checked again and on a rumour site (i know) the ed says there are a lot of things he does not want to go into why the Lamela deal is wrong or not working and he is on Spurs side . The question put is loan him to Madrid or keep him with little play time . If the loan works where is the harm . If AVB plans to give him more play time then fine keep him but it does come down to where is better for the player .

  6. I would have no problem with a loan period for Eric but it must be with a prem club so he can stay over ehre and aclimatise anbd learn the lingo. This guy is going to be better than Ginola and better looking IMO. HHXX

  7. He should be given time. Look what happend to Bale, he needed to find his feet at Spurs. Sending him to spain would only put his settling in in London on pause, or worst having to start all over next summer.. He Was bought late august, no pre-season… AND i think he’s alreaddy showing signs of class even with hardley any gametime.. Superstar in the making 🙂

  8. Lamela is quality and could cover three positions for Spurs – second striker, striker and right wing. He’s also OK on the left. He needs to aclimatise and seems to be improving with every game. I last saw him against Hull in the L.C and thought he improved throughout the match. We’d be mad to let go at the moment… but then I guess something else might be brewing, who knows?

  9. I wouldn’t like to let him out on loan to Spain. If AVB decide that he is available then a move until the end of the season to the likes of Sunderland, Palace or Hull will be a lot more beneficial for him. He will learn the language and league here, not in sunny Spain. Also I still believe that as we are still in all competitions there is a good chance Spurs will play 30 plus games until the end of the season, so having a player like Lamela will help the team. I am sure he will get more games as the season goes on. I’ll keep him at The Lane

  10. A bit of sense from Paul Ivanov! – If Lamela goes to Spain we will not see him again!!!

    As if he would want to come back after playing in a slower league in a warmer country surrounded by people he can converse with easier!!

    He needs to be played!!!!!!! – This is the only way for him to break through the tough times!! – The language thing is OK for making friends but its bullshit when you’re on the pitch,.. The bloke has bundles of skill and is the only player in the squad with any real pedigree in the inverted wing or No10 slot,. He needs to be played, yes he will fail, but his mates will put an arm round him and when he gets his next run of 4/5 games he will be better due to the experience gained in the last 4/5 game run-out he’d had!!

  11. The only people that know about how he feels are Lamela and his family as to where he wants to be . We have in the past be very quick to move on or get rid of players that don’t make it early on . I for one hope he does make it as he looks good however looking good in Italy and looking good or great in the primiership are a long way apart. I would keep him but he does need games and i am worried AVB does not trust him enough yet . I do think he is a better no 10 than a winger . He plays a smarter game and is a few seconds quicker than most of our players in seeing a pass . Like i said i hope he is given time but fear that his cost and time are against him plus if he is having problems settling then than can only make thiings harder .Good luck to the guy.

  12. If you want the lad to play, learn English and settle in England why wouldn’t you loan him to an English club. Loaning him to spain would be nuts! If he does well we probably lose him and if he doesn’t then we’re stuck with him. Crazy.

    Better yet, why don’t we actually play our most talented player and record signing


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