When Head Coach Tim Sherwood delivered his verdict on last night’s defeat at home to Manchester City, the club website was quick to move on and focus instead on this weekend’s game at Hull. The sending off of Danny Rose was cited as a turning point but would the outcome have been different but for that admittedly poor decision?

“I’m always totally honest and it was very difficult for us, even 11 against 11,” said Tim after his first league defeat in charge.

“They have top players and they come at you from all angles. You have to try to find a way to impose yourself on them but they are relentless. They just keep coming, time after time.”

Sherwood went on to praise the spirit in the club that reduced the deficit while down to 10 men.

“We showed spirit, we got a goal back to make it 3-1 and kept looking to go forward,” he added.” The crowd were magnificent, they really got behind us, but it wasn’t to be and the two late goals were disappointing. It is difficult when they move the ball around and you are chasing it all night.

“We have three days to recover and we have to get this out of our minds quickly. I’m sure we can get a positive result at Hull. Our away record has been excellent.”

We remain in fourth after the loss but are now three points adrift of Liverpool. Every game is vital now starting with that trip to Hull on Saturday.



  1. I don’t like that fact that Bentaleb is getting starts instead of Capoue. For me Etienne is a future star as long as he gets the game time. I have never seen him play badly and for the first few games of the season he looked our best player.

  2. So if we’re 4th…3points behind liverpool in 3rd,that puts arseholes in 2nd and chelski top,where does that put the team that pummeled us last night?top top???

  3. “They come at you from all angles”

    “It is difficult when they move the ball around”

    “We remain in fourth after the loss”

    Not much more to say really.

  4. Bentaleb is going to be a great player, but he should never have started against a team of Cities quality, if it hadn’t been for our stopper, the score would have been a lot worse. I think Tim likes Bentaleb and will play him regardless of the quality player’s sitting it out, if he’s going to be stubborn like AVB and Harry, then our luck will surely run out. I just hope we don’t have a mass exodus of top player’s come the summer. COYS.

  5. 10 days uninterrupted to prepare. And it looked like they hadn’t. How many other teams concede that many after going down to ten? Regardless City are a god team, we have good players too, but the naïvety shown running around like headless chickens instead of regrouping and reorganising is just despicable.
    We need Van Gaal. But I can’t see him wanting to come to this shambles.
    Admittedly, we did look half decent before the very bad decision of the double whammy penalty and sending off, but we look too fragile mentally, we don’t have that winning mentality strength. It’s all lovely against the Palaces and Swanseas of this world, but no disrespect to those teams, they shouldn’t be anywhere near us with our apparent quality, but we’re happy to scrap past them! WTF is going on there? Sir Bill Nick would’ve been disgusted with this attitude.
    Sherwood’s sending the team out like they’re the U/21’s. He has no idea what he’s doing.

  6. In hindsight the selection wasn’t great in midfield but would have been bad to put out a half fit Sandro and Paulinho. For me, I’d have had Chadli rather than Sigg to give more support to Ade and Eriksen and provide a bit more athleticism. But we were chasing shadows – in part because they were so good but also we didn’t seem to know who to close down who to press. We played nervously. Centre halves and goalie did well, full backs too jumpy, midfield non existent. Thought Lennon might have offered more.

  7. Let’s see, how many teams would cope with two incompetent officials, who should be sacked, making the following five colossal blunders:

    1 – Wrongful offside
    2 – Wrongful penalty
    3 – Not sending off Toure for two bookable offences
    4 – Not sending off Aguero for trying to get Dawson sent off by running into him and then collapsing
    5 – Not sending off Ferdinandho for deliberate handball on the line

    City are a disgrace to football and the sooner they go bankrupt the better.

  8. It was a big ask to compete with Man City with the form there in at the moment I did fear as did many that we would concede goals last night City are a great side.

    Need to bounce back this weekend need to beat Hull City …………………..”Tim” the big guns need to be brought back into the 1st team , Sandro , Paulino , Vertonghen &
    Townsend period !!.


  9. its one thing for the opposition to play well, and they were very good! But to lay down and capitulate is down right disgusting. I see people are saying if we had our best 11 out things would be better, anyone remember the team that got hammered at city! we had near enough our best team out then, tho little difference. This team has no fighting spirit, no self belief, no togetherness, no leadership, and no direction from the manager, all fucked up by avb! but this fucking halfwitted gooner faced cunt in charge now has made things worse with his abrasive style of man management! go out and do your stuff kind off team talk, no wonder the top teams always take our pants down! Fucking levy is responsible for all this shit time for him to go and take fucking clueless tim and his entourage with him

    • A bit harsh on old Tim, as this is his first loss in the league, but I agree about the Levy part. I personally think that this game was a bit of a throw-away, looking at everyone’s body language last night. Not saying it’s right, but it felt a bit like sticking out a team to get knocked out of the cup. Why else was nobody risked? They can’t have all broken down in training since their practice match in the week and not even make the bench!!! Tim’s a stopgap really, always was, until someone of the right calibre becomes available…

  10. Yep, another horror show last night, but have to admit, it was more hope than expectation that we’d get anything out of the game, which was killed as a contest once that penalty decision was made.

    I’m actually glad that none of our returning players were involved last night, as it allows us to get back on track with a stronger side this weekend. I don’t think it did Bentaleb and some of the others any harm at all sticking it out last night, as they’ll hopefully learn from the experience. We were never going to live with City having Dawson at CB and Rose at LB – why the hell haven’t we got Benny back from QPR yet? Rose was very unfortunate to get sent off, but he’s not got the composure we need for that position.

    Despite thrashings against City (twice) and Liverpool though, we’re still in 5th and 3 points off CL!! Realistically, we’re not top 4 this season, but we could nevertheless sneak in with a good run and having Sandro, Vertonghen, Paulinho and Townsend back will be a major boost. A win at Hull on Saturday and a good performance at home to Everton next week should see us cement 5th and keep in touch with Liverpool. I reckon 4th is between us and them now and if we can keep within 3 points of them between now and when we play them, regardless of that result we have a good run-in for April/May, whereas they’ll still have City and Chelsea to play….

  11. I’m afraid that until we can play Vertonghen and Kaboul in the centre and Sandro in front of them we will continue to be on the naughty end of a few thumps against the big teams. Dawson is just to slow and Chiriches to inexperienced. Sandro is the only quality CDM with a good tackle we have. Capoue nor Bentaleb are real CDM. I am not a big fan of BAE, but he is certainly a better defender than Rose. We really have to get the LD issue solved as soon as possible. Without a fresh quality striker it will be difficult to move swiftly on, I’m afraid… If we really want to start to CREATE something, it’s about time to play Eriksen and Holtby or Eriksen and Carroll. Dembélé doesn’t add anything to the game.


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