Tim Sherwood’s tenuous grip on the Spurs’ manager’s job must have loosened significantly after Saturday’s 2-0 defeat away to West Ham but having highlighted the sloppy way in which the second goal was conceded, he may just have done us one final favour.

After Paulinho and Emmanuel Adebayor parted to allow Stewart Downing’s tame effort to travel into the net, Sherwood was swift to apportion the blame.

“It wasn’t great but I spoke to them in the dressing room. I have pointed it out to them and they don’t need me to point it out, really,” Sherwood said.

“They know it is an error and it obviously hurts a lot more when you see 2-0 rather than getting it in the stomach, when it hurts for 30 seconds.”

The comments may not have been as vitriolic as some headlines led us to believe but it’s not the first time that Brazilian midfielder Paulinho has been criticised by the current Head Coach.

“I pick players on what they are doing in training, not on reputations and price tags,” he said at the beginning of April.

“I can’t be worrying if the Brazil national manager wants him to play every week. I am going to do what is best for Tottenham, not any national manager.

“He knows if he trains well and plays well, he stays in the side. He’s come here from another country and the language has been a problem for him,” Tim added.

“Also settling into the Premier League, it’s a different game from what he has been used to.”

With rumours of a bid from Chelsea persisting, Sherwood’s feelings over Paulinho could drive him away from the club and that may just be the best solution for all parties?



  1. I wonder if we will see the real Paulinho next season, with no home world cup playing on his mind.

    Say what you want about professionalism, but any human on earth would find it hard to play with such a huge life moment on the horizon and fear of missing it through injury.

  2. Cant take nothing away from west ham they kicked our arses again what makes it worse is the fact this is not a good west ham side but they play with passion something that this club lacks.
    We are in need of a major clear out from top to bottom the chairman wont walk so stuck with him, baldin sherwood must go along with rose naughton dawson paulinho lennon kaboul kane adebayor chadli and capoure for starters.
    Would take a punt with de boer levy needs to be patience the last 2 seasons have been completly wasted,levy must be regreting the day he sacked redknapp all this mess is down to him.

  3. This season promised so much, but delivered an uncertain future for the newly acquired players. I think no one realised how mediocre Spurs really were. With exception of Bale Modric and Van de Vart. Bringing in players like Paulinho Erikson Lamala look fantastic on paper and a lot was expected of them and looking at the table at the end of the season Spurs did not live up to the fans expectations. But considering we have partially rebuilt the squad I think expectation was too premature, ok we built the midfield but never really addressed the attack or defence. Primarily we have gone a season with a poor defence especially a team wanting to break into the top four. The centre backs have never settled and how can they when they are changed every game and fullbacks that have shown to be not of premiership standard. Putting the goalkeeper at risk every game. This in turn unsettles the midfield and we then start falling back. Soldado came with excellent references but has really struggled to play at this level. But I think needs to be given another season. Lamela for what we see of him was a fish out of water, low in confidence and don’t forget so was everyone around him. Best idea was to keep him out or he would have been destroyed completely. Experienced players like Paulinho Erikson Chadli all have played under extreme pressure this season, Tim Sherwood came in and has provided Spurs with cover but everyone knew and Tim would be lying to himself if he thought he would get the job on a permanent basis. Levy I think has to get it right this time, he hasn’t rushed in and picked the first manager that shows an interest, and don’t be mistaken Spurs are a huge club and can attract the best. With the right appointment and sorting out the defence and adding a couple of forwards we will be in contention next season. COYS

  4. So many seasons,so many promises,so much disappointment. Time to look at the whole club in a dispassionate,ruthless way. eg What does Lennon bring to the table?……..interesting hair style?………not enough,out him……Can Adebayor be trusted to maintain form and effort for more than half a dozen games? no…..out him. The squad needs to be looked at this way if we are not to become Wet Spam’s whipping boys.

  5. If he gets in the balls or his face anywhere as long as it dosnt get through,f##k his world cup we pay his wages so a little bit more effort wont come amiss.

  6. To be fair, re the vacant managerial position following AVB’ dismissal, Tim was next in line. (Having worked behind the scenes with youth team players etc) He’s a chancer and so said so done.. Just about every possible opinion ( of the fan, the media, journalists within the hyperbole even the footballer’ themselves have been aired one way or another this season ) As good as some of the displays under Rednapp were and I never swore an oath of allegiance to the man, on the basis of his apparent detachment to our fan base and his limitations as far as being a man universally acknowledged for his managerial accolades – he had it right when he mentioned the Spurs fans having delusions of grandeur. At the time it irked me. Twisted my stomach with resentment but now, it seems he had it right. The expectations of fans, the baying media and the club owners are, or never have been on par with one another. Sky Sports and their emaciated, inbred the BBC, says we should be top 4; players by into the mantra and on an ill-advised footing start doing interviews using the same ‘speak’ and then the fans buy in to the hysteria, too. the club’ owners… they see greater margins for profit. Measuring success with huge mathematical equation; balance sheets, share holder beneficiaries and investors alike. Meanwhile, we, the fan, gripe, whinge and wine expecting something which is not really even there, to manifest itself in to…well, even greater amounts of thin air. Spurs as a football club offers everything but success. We bring to life all the shite, the elegance , the suspense and the inevitable trauma that accompanies us as normal people in life. Beauty is never more than a stride away from the beast. After thirty odd years of it, I always expect the unexpected with our boys, its easier that way. *places on rose-tinted-Spurs shades*
    Now lets get shot of: Timster, Dawson, Rose, lennon, Chaadli, Siggurdson and start with a bunch of players that can genuinely compete at the level which we perennially aspire to reach.

    PS – Ade is very frustrating to watch but, better with us until we sign forwards at the samelevel as Berbatov, Keane once again



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