After a newspaper reported that Mauricio Pochettino may want to move Roberto Soldado on this summer, the news feeds were full with the rumour that the striker was being lined up to replace Diego Costa at Atletico Madrid.

The deal taking Costa to Chelsea has been mooted for months now and it could be sealed before the World Cup in Brazil, leaving Atleti to replace a man who scored 36 goals in 51 appearances last season.

Soldado’s return wasn’t as impressive as we all know but does he deserve a second season at White Hart Lane or should Spurs cut their losses now and look to a forward such as Loic Remy who has adapted better to the Premier League?

A better option for Atletico could be Fernando Torres who keeps failing at Chelsea while Soldado has only been in the Premiership for a season. Torres was at Atleti before joining Liverpool and may welcome a return to his homeland more than the Spurs man.

This will be interesting to follow over the next few weeks but what should Spurs’ stance be on the issue?




  1. If he wants it, then yes. If he wants out, then get whatever we can for him.
    Not that simple with all players, but with him I really think it is.
    Bobby – it’s over to you…..

    • I was going to say YES, and that I think what is in the papers now is the media, on behalf of certain clubs, stirring things a bit.

      But, on the whole, you are spot on: If he wants another chance, and surely he has enough professional pride to want it, then yes. But he has to ‘want’ it – and be prepared to fight for it.

  2. Personally I think he does deserve another chance. First season with 6 other newbies. No one really out did themselves this season. He was completely cut out of the game under AVB with no service and Townsend whilst he was direct and a breath of fresh air to some, for me he actually cut Soldado out most of the time by running head down into more advanced positions than him…our striker.

    He has shown moments of pure class, great touches with the ball and great vision and I feel that under the new manager and a second season he could be a success. At least one more season for me. This season was a write off and should be used now to build upon for this coming year.

  3. Yes until Christmas, however, we also need to buy another striker as i’m not convinced even with another chance that he will improve.

    So far he has been absolute sh*te, but I would give him the benefit of the doubt.

  4. Eh Yes it was his first season in the English league give the man a chance blimey .he had dame good record in Spain let know one forget that yes he had tough first season , but he Is quality the team just needs to be organised better to create the chances for him.

  5. I’m just utterly sick of ppl saying, Soldado flop, Soldado sh*te, whatever. Here is the news: Eriksen aside, SOLDADO IS THE MOST TALENTED PLAYER AT THE CLUB. Anyone who actually watched us last season knows this. And yes, we would all like him to get more goals, but not half as much as he would. But it’s not easy playing for a manager who has no idea how to construct an attack of any kind, let alone one to suit a particular player, and who in any case gets sacked halfway through the season to be replaced by a shambles who leaves the squad as a whole looking in total disarray.

    If Soldado wants to go, I guess we can’t stop him. But if he does go and even a thousandth of the reason is Spurs ‘fans’ wailing on him for being ‘sh*te’, I swear I will haunt all of your dreams forever.


  6. Would anyone have wanted Adebayor as our mains striker after the 12-13 season?If Soldado wants to stay and fight for a place then okay..but can we afford to have a 26m striker who is 2nd choice.

  7. Well, if it’s true, I’m rather disappointed to hear that Soldado actually wants a move. Of course, I understand it, on one level, given the season he had. But I always had the sense that 1) he continued to work hard and show commitment to the club and 2) the fan base, for the most part, seemed to stick with him, despite his grossly sub-par performances…in front of goal, at least. I’m not sure I would go so far as ABSpur, but it’s clear that Soldado is quite talented, for he very reasons Dave mentions above…touches on the ball, vision, etc. It was admirable for him to keep working and contributing in whatever ways he can, despite his goal-scoring touch evaporating. I hope he stays. I would like to see him in a Pochettino side.

  8. Spurs didn’t play in a way that helped Soldado and consequently, we’ve heard that “flop” cry, time after time. Why do these parrots like to write off footballers? You could have called Kaboul a flop after one season at Spurs but when he went to Portsmouth and had regular play, we were glad to have him back. Postiga was called a flop but when he left for another club he was anything but.

  9. should not sell him the bloke will score goals with the right service which he did not get last season, get rid of kane championship standard and ade bring in lakuka and remy along with ashley cole and micah richards.

    Offload dawson naughton livermore siggy lennon holtby

  10. Keep him, Remy’s not all that and Lukaku prob not gonna end up @ the lane. He’s proven he knows where the net is countless times in Spain with WINGERS feeding him the ball, NOT looking for 30 yard glory shots i:e Townsend. Play a game that’s about getting the ball in the box & watch him prove the idiots in the papers WRONG.
    Hernandez is a proven goal scorer and needs to leave utd, Rodriguez would be a great buy. Mix Soldado in there with a Lamella wanting to prove himself, Eriksen getting better all the time and Lalana and we have 3 proven goal scorers feeding of great service from all angles. Get rid of Ade Kane Dawson Siggi Coupe Townsend Lennon & if papers are right let Paulinho go and we have the funds + what Levy gives to form a great team.

    • So we’ll be letting 8 players go?! And who do we bring in to replace them? We need a deep squad, because of Europa League and other competitions, so we’ll definitely need to buy 4-5 new players. Which would be last summer transfer season all over again. This kind of turnover doesn’t help a team gel. One of the reasons Pochettino’s Southampton played so well is because they used existing talent and brought in a minimal number of new players. I’d let Dawson and Lennon go and bring in a quality CB and LB. I don’t think we need strikers. We have two supremely talented ones already in Ade and Soldado, plus a goal-scoring 10 in Eriksen and possibly Lamela. We just need to get them the ball!!! But if you want to bring someone in, bring Batshuayi to ease him in so he can take over when Ade and Soldado get up in age.

  11. Everybody says give Saldado another chance, he had so many every time he stepped over that white line and he didn’t take them, if he was world class he would of hit the ground running on his arrival and we would be saying money well spent, there are only 2 words left to say…..Sergi Rebrov


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