Now that Spurs have a confirmed head coach heading into the new season, the transfer rumours are flying in and one area the press are concentrating on is the left side of defence. Danny Rose was first choice for the whole of 2013-14 but will he start the new campaign under Mauricio Pochettino?

Chelsea’s Ryan Bertrand could be set to leave Stamford Bridge, according to the Mirror and at 24, the player is at a point where he needs regular first team football. It’s thought that Bertrand is being lined up by Southampton as a potential replacement for Luke Shaw but if Pochettino decides that Rose needs replacing, the Chelsea man could be his top target.

Elsewhere, the unfamiliar name of Ben Davies began to emerge yesterday. At 21, the Welshman is first choice at Swansea and to date, he has made ten appearances for Wales at full international level.

Davies has a contract until 2017 and has apparently been watched by Atletico Madrid so could conceivably be more expensive than Bertrand. Will Spurs move for either man and does Danny Rose really need replacing on the left side of the back four?




    • Totally agree with you on this one!
      Rodriguez looks the real deal and isn’t ravaged by age or injury. He’d be my first choice.
      Also, I know he’s a massive c*ck, but Ashley Cole on a free wouldn’t be a bad shout either? Say what you like about the man but there’s no denying he’s a quality defender and would do a job for us and help bring the younger kids along, Danny Rose and Kyle Walker might well pick up a thing or two…

  1. Of course Rose needs replacing?? He cannot defend, cross, pass or be willing to work for the team. We need a top quality left back kolarov, coentrao or even cole. The left side of our team needs addressing in order to add balance to the team and eriksen to play in a position where he will thrive….coys

  2. I like what you say Gav but you then go on to name three that will not move to us .We have to get real and look for someone like Bertrand or Davies as at the minute these are people we have a better chance of getting.

    • Couldn’t agree more! This is Spurs, not Fantasy Team FC. We need to be realistic. Cole is the most likely and not a bad shout…

      • Any left back is better than rose, lets sell him to sunderland where he got player of the season for them? I dont know many left backs but we do need one of quality who will work for the team.. and a natural left side midfielder with townsend as back up to who ever we get in? I think thats realistic and needed to add balance and take the team forward. Pochettino plays the way we want our team to play and has my full support. Coys

    • I agree they wont come to us, we missed our chance on coeantro a few seasons ago when he couldnt get a game. But we neednsomeone desperatly….


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