As sides return from the World Cup, the transfer market will start to get a whole lot busier and the summer of 2014 could be the time when the future of Romelu Lukaku is decided. Signed by Chelsea from Anderlecht in 2011, the striker has failed to score in 15 matches for the Stamford Bridge club but despite two successful loan spells at West Brom and Everton, it seems that Chelsea were never tempted to recall their player.

Speaking to the press ahead of the new campaign, it’s obvious that the Belgian international is desperate to sort his situation out.

“What I don’t want is to be loaned out,” Lukaku said.

“I am 21 and I have been loaned for the last two seasons. Thibaut Courtois was loaned for three seasons and will be without doubt the first-choice Chelsea goalkeeper.

“And Kevin De Bruyne has been transferred permanently to Wolfsburg. They are free in their heads – it is not my case. That would free me totally.”

The report, from the Express, goes on to claim that Spurs are the only club to make a firm offer but that the old chestnut regarding Champions league football is set to count against us.




  1. I’d like him (or anybody…or even nobody!) to replace the God-awful Adebayor. If he looks any good in the lilywhite, I’m sure a big club will come and take him off us in two or three years. If he proves a dud, we can flog him to Sunderland for a loss like Bent!

  2. we need lukaku a leftback centre back and a left sides winger , we need to offload lennon dawson chadi capoue holtby

    • Nothing wrong with Capoue. He is VERY good given half a chance. Holtby, terrific squad player. Exactly what you need. The rest I agree with and I would add Naughton as well

  3. I wish they’d just do it and move onto the next one, leavey showed last summer he can move fast and get deals done. Too much speculation for me and not enough action. Can see Chelski messing us about on this one because of bad history between the chairmen too.

  4. First things forst, NOOOOO to Lukaku, he is not good enough.

    Levy will not be selling m,anypalters Pooch will have to work with the majority of the squad we have at least the 1st half of thes eason, change if required will be slow.
    We will get a left back. Paulhino has proved to me how crap he is so I hope we sell him. But the othetrs need to be given a chance, except daws and perhasp lennon.

  5. Lukaku talks too much,plus I ‘m not sure he’s worth £20 mıll,I wou ldnt be pissed if we signed him but I actually would prefer Bony.His intelligence and build up play is better based on what I saw at Swansea and he would compliment Lamela and eriksen better,which is what Potchettinos style would need.I know Lukaku has scored alot on loan but so does Darren Bent .We could sign him as a work in process but he wants to be the main man ,because all through his youth he’s been treated like a wonder kid,and wont accept rotation at all.

    • Your mad he’s worth worth 30 mil + players are going for stupid money! just look at Suarez. He’s probably the best young striker in the prem .

    • He does talk too much for a 21 year old. Too young and not quite proven to be mouthing off with demands. Bony I totally agree with. I would just pull all stops out to get Bony.

  6. Bony is a much better player than Lukaku…we have no chance of signinh Lukaku. I agree we need a left back, left midfielder, young central defender and a striker. Lets hope thats Levys plans too? Coys

  7. I don’t think we have the chance to sign Lukaku because he thinks he’s better than he really is. If it were up to him, he would only be interested in Bayern, Real, Barca, Juventus, because you know Chelsea would never sell to Liverpool, City or Arsenal. Is Lukaku that good? He would make a good signing for us, but really, he’s just a squad player for any of those other clubs.


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