Rumours persist regarding the potential sale of Vlad Chiriches to Roma but even though it looks likely that Jan Vertonghen will stay at the club, can we really afford to let the Romanian international leave?

Having stayed away from Tottenham’s pre-season tour of North America with a back problem, the Daily Mirror report that the club may be prepared to let the centre half go providing Roma pay the £7m that we handed over to Steaua Bucharest 12 months ago.

The transfer of Michael Dawson is reportedly still on, once Tottenham can agree on a severance package which leaves us with the infirm Younes Kaboul. Elsewhere there are stories claiming that Spurs are preparing a bid for Aston Villa’s Ron Vlaar.

Chiriches plays in the same left central position as Vertonghen and assuming the Belgian stays he would have to be first choice. However, do we really have the embarrassment of riches that would allow Vlad to leave White Hart Lane?



  1. Am I really the only person who thinks Chiriches represents everything that is wrong about modern footballers?!
    His greed was revealed by his desire to leave for Chelsea almost as soon as he signed. Why would we want somebody like that? Delighted that (reportedly) Poch has spotted this.

    He is a very poor player due to concentration and attitude.

    Get rid.

    • That Chelsea story was just his agent running his mouth like all agents do, especially those in Romania. Jan’s was yapping about Barcelona a week ago, it’s what they do.

      Anyway Vlad had a good debut season and played much better than Vertonghen, we lost very few games that he started and his tackling/interception numbers were good. Roma are on the brink of signing Astori so I don’t think there is anything in the Chiriches story.

        • He made some mistakes – all players do – but I personally believe the lad has quality.
          THFC needs some stability; Dawson, Gawd luv ‘im, is surely going to be sold; Kaboul looked much better against Toronto, but there is still a doubt about his recovery from his long-term injury; and that leaves Vertonghen, about him there is a similar agenda to Chiriches. Is it really a good idea to talk about shipping the Romanian out, also?

          Anyway, I believe it to be the same wishful thinking that we saw with the shameless Italian attempts to work Lamela free. And for the same reason – they know both Chiriches and Lamela are tremendous prospects.

  2. Firstly we HAVE to replace Dawson. Vlaar would be a good deal I reckon. Then if Chiriches is also to be replaced, we could do better hey.. When Caulker was sold I thought we could have signed a better player allthough Vlad might come good given another season. I would like to see a rekindled interest in Toby Alderweireld.

    And then most of all, is anyone else having Antione Griezmann dreams??


    • At last, someone has mentioned Toby – not only a really good centre back but also good cover for Kyle Walker. Goodbye and thank you to Kyle Naughton

  3. Let Roma have him in part exchange for Benatia plus a few mill there way. Could still do with picking up another CB, maybe Richards from Man City on load, he could cover RB & CB, he is a monster if he can stay fit, a big if though.

  4. Yeh the bloke is average last with his tackles we should go for micah richards the bloke is strong and has pace,also ron vlaar from vilaa looked good in the world cup.

  5. I feel Ciriches has all the qualities required to become a big player for Tottenham. In many ways he is similar to Vertonghen. He’s a fine football player, highly competitive and
    great potential. He needs to play and to be supported. I hope when he gets fit Pochittino looks closely at him. Veljkovic looks a very promising prospect but I feel Fryers will eventually come into strongest focus as a left full back in the future. It doesn’t surprise me that Roma might be after Ciriches but other clubs will be too, should he become available. It would be a mistake to let him go for 7m. as speculated. I expect him to stay at Tottenham and to make a big impact next season.

    • All the qualities??? The guy is not a natural defender, he is quality on the ball but will get caught out on far too many occasions as proven last season. His first thought is to not give the ball away rather than playing safe and defending. Would be better moving to defensive midfield…..

  6. Vlad is ok but not brilliant, gets dominated in the air as he is 5’10 and his positional sense and mistakes and lack of physicallity worry me, get rid and get Alderweireld in! makes me wonder why we let Caulker go and signed a worse smaller player?

  7. Vlad is poor!
    No pace, terrible attitude and almost immediately after signing for spurs showed his true colours as a mercenary by talking up a hopeful move to Chelsea.
    I assume Jose saw him subbed at half time after being raped for pace and position, forget about Chelsea vlad you should be aiming MUCH lower.
    Get rid and get someone half decent in. Vlaar would be good.
    The Roma links have me dreaming that vlad could be Benatia’s replacement with him coming to us…

  8. In the past couple of years Spurs have struggled because CB’s have been injured. At present we have 5 and if Dawson goes it will be down to 4 so a couple of injuries and there is trouble.
    With Europe looming I think after Dawson goes we need another top class CB and then back to 5.
    A good under 21 year old would be useful

  9. keep vlad unless bring in 2 cd as dawson on move and cannot garantee good players will perform on pl stage -see last years crop

  10. We should not let him go unless we got a good replacement. Chiriches tends to lose his focus at the later stages of a game which led to costly mistakes & can’t put trust on him to organise our defence. We need someone like Tiago Silva or Mangala to marshal our defence as well as winning aerial duels. I agreed that letting Caulker go is a big mistake Spurs made last season.

  11. I’d rather get rid of Rose, Naughton and Dawson before even entertaining the idea of selling Vlad. Sure Vlad has his problems but if he is given a decent run in the team, there is no doubt he has the skill to play the game Poch wants us to

  12. Chiriches has the ability to play central defence alongside Vertonghen, play a system which allows them to utilise the best of their game, Vertonghen up clearing balls in the air and ground that are in front, coming on to him, this would allow Chiriches to play round behind Vertonghen clearing up anything that got beyond or behind Vertonghen, this would allow Chiriches to use his ability to find a midfield player who has dropped back. In my opinion if he can be more disciplined Chiriches will come good. Let Pottichino, given time find his limitations. Spurs would be stupid to sell him nos.

  13. If Spurs sell Chiriches, I would then be convinced that this club not only relishes on mediocre players but, worst of all, is guided by a mediocre management. They know sh.. about football. They don’t see talent from a donkey. They just don’t have the nous.
    This management last season was so happy to play incompetent players such as Dawson, Walker, Kaboul, Naughton, Lennon, Sandro, Dembele, Sigurddson. They were just happy that these had the look of ‘good’ players. But they just played like cinderellas.
    Who, in his right frame of mind , prefers Dawson to Chiriches?
    Chiriches is pure class. Don’t forget he’s the captain of Roumanian team – at the age of 24.
    If Spurs sell him, I think I’ll just stop following this hopeless club.

    • I agree dawson should never be played before ciriches! Walker is agood rb and would of been in the england squad not for injury. Siggu and dembelee are also class players. Siggy will go on to do well in swansea squad. Dembelee is to be given a decent run and will show his class. Coys keep ciriches and add lascelles to our squad.

    • I agree completely. The most incompetent player of them all is Paulinho who hopefully will be sold this summer. It is unbelievable how Paulinho gets brought in and at the same time Carroll gets demoted to the championship.

  14. Dagobert you started off with facts but you mess it all up by typing “hopeless club” this the mighty spurs never hopeless #COYS!!

  15. Chiriches is a quality player with unusual skills for a centre back. I definitely think it would be worth trying him as a defensive midfield player because he is a great interceptor, passer, dribbler and has a great shot on him.


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