According to the Dutch press, alleged Tottenham target Memphis Depay is willing to listen to offers for his signature as the Dutch Eredivise gets set to start at the weekend. PSV winger Depay was one of the Netherlands’ breakthrough players at the World Cup and following his two goals in the group stages, it was reported that Tottenham and Manchester United were battling to sign the 20 year old.

Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf leads with this story, claiming that the player wants to hear what Spurs have to say while elsewhere, it’s suggested that a bid is imminent.

The Metro lead with reports that a £15.8m bid is being prepared. Depay is a classy player with an impressive record of goals and assists but that seems a little cheap after his stock rose at the World Cup. Will it develop or will Spurs be priced out of the market?




  1. 15m for Depay, 17-18m for Moustachio, 20m for Schnerderlien, 15-17m for Rodriguez, not to mention a possible striker target, they just ain’t all happening are they? Priority is the centre back then see how it pans out.

    • I agree, concentrate on Musacchio and then try for Depay. We do not need Rodriguez if we get Depay and we are well stocked for defensive midfield players. I believe Capoue and Holtby can do a good job so why the hell do we need Sneiderlin?

    • I know we have become accustomed to seeing Lennon and Townsend running down the wing like ruptured canaries but do we really need to see Rodriguez hopping on one leg? Perhaps he should look for a transfer to the Long John Silver’s eleven (Monty Python).

  2. No doubt the media will keep mentioning manure or cited or chelski so he thinks he will be bought by one of the richer clubs so won’t come to spurs, oh how we need a sheik! In order to compete.

  3. I think this is just his agent trying force utd hand in paying up for this guy quckly, there is no way he will join the Pooch when he can join his man LVH, so forget it.

    • Lvh has told him to stay put for a year. He won’t sign him this year but the player is inpatient and wants to move now. That’s why we stand a chance if levy moves on this.

  4. White hot lane where did you get 15-17m for jay rod. 6-8 is more like it. Repeats where that is and Liverpool where prepared to pay 7m. You have to take into account his injury. If we sign him it won’t be until jan. But mustachio and depay would be fantastic.

  5. Depay would be ace, reminds me of Bale in a lot of ways.
    Pace and great ability to shoot from long range, even takes the same fee kick a la Bale/Ronaldo.
    £15m would be a total steal. Personally i’d focus on getting Depay in over any defenders as players like him are very hard to find

  6. Honestly i’d be happy to shut up shop with our team this transfer window. Rather than dreaming of newer more exciting players let Poch develop his systems with the existing group and focus on building team unity. He’s plugged the gaps needed with a solid LB, future beast of a CB and an amazing back up GK. We have more than enough midfielders and with Soldado, Ade and Kane up front in a 4-2-3-1 or 4-3-3 system – that’s plenty!

    I hate to say it but Dawson definitely is our weak link but I think he should still be involved in cup/Europa games and be used as a mentor to our younger players. In a time of mercenaries he really is one of the last honest men around and we need this for our club.

    My team against the Spammers would be
    Walker – Kaboul – Vert – Davies
    Capoue – Holtby
    Townsend – Eriksen – Lamela

    With a bench of Vorm, Chiriches, Paulinho, Lennon, Adebayor, Dembele, Kane

  7. Depay is not good enough for Spurs. We have far too many average players already. We certainly don’t want to bring another one in.

  8. Why has everyone on here forgot about what a top player Sandro is? Why do we need the guy from Saints when we have the beast in our ranks and Capoue as back up. Would love Delay the Argie CB n Bony then we would be a match for anyone. COYS


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