With just over a week to go before the start of the new season, head coach Mauricio Pochettino will have to move fast if he is to add any more arrivals to the squad ahead of the big kick off. In the meantime, Spurs fans are left to wonder what the Argentinian’s first choice starting XI will be.

As a new manager, Pochettino has a clean slate and can quite easily discard some of the old favourites from the brief, Tim Sherwood era. Nabil Bentaleb in particular might now get so many opportunities this time around.

Meanwhile, the Evening Standard have published their own thoughts in an extensive and very interesting article. You can find it by clicking here and it’s well worth a read.

But what are your own thoughts – is it Dawson and Vertonghen at the heart of the defence? Do Lamela and Holtby come back and what are the front two.

Here are our own suggestions but what’s your view?



  1. Lloris
    Walker – Kaboul – Vertonghen – Davies
    Townsend Lamela Eriksen Chadli (nd replace Depay/Konoplyanka)

  2. He will not play 4-4-2 so I expect, Lloris, walker if fit, Dawson, vertonghna, Davis, coupe, holtby, Lennon, Erickson, lamely, sold ado. cosy.

  3. I think Keith is right – he won’t play a 4-4-2. Considering Ade hasn’t had much of a pre-season I’d expect Bobby to start the season – unless Ade has 90mins against Schalke, looks fit and plays well. I think he’ll play Capoue sitting in behind the midfield, so the line up would be:

    Walker, Kaboul (Musacchio if he arrives), Verts, Davies
    Capoue, Holtby (Schneiderlin if he arrives)
    Lamela, Eriksen, Townsend (Depay if he arrives)

    I like Soldado so hope we keep him, but ideally wouldn’t mind seeing us ship out Ade to bring Bony in. Mussacchio, Depay, Schneiderlin and Bony, and we could have a great season. Sadly I think we’ll only get two of the four.

    • Pretty much the team I’d pick. Ideally I’d like to see us pick up Rodriguez, Mussacchio and Depay, whilst shipping out Dembele, lennon, and Dawson. At which point, I’d use Chadli more centrally as competition with Eriksen.

      Bony would be another great signing, if we can get him, and sell Ade. He’s just hit his prime, proven in the PL and has the strength we need up front

      I really do believe Holtby is our solution to the Modric hole, his passing range is just amazing.

    • Again a sensible team selection, Sigurd, but you have included a player Spurs have yet to sign and might never sign.

    • I think this is the most likely line up but holtby insted of paulino hes lacking in form and if depay comes then Lennon will make way and poch will sign a striker before the end of the transfer window he wont go into the season with just the 3 that we have got i think bony can make a big difference if we get him roll west ham there guna get punished after last season now we have a manager that seems to no what he wants and what direction he wants us to go in im going for 4-0!!!!!

    • Paulinho has to earn his way back into the squad while Holtby looks like he has already done that.

      Capoue looks good on defense and getting better, Eriksen coordinating the attack, and Holtby running his ass off as a box-to-box midfielder.

      For LM (assuming no one better comes in) it’s got to be:
      1. Lennon
      2. Chadli
      3. a fourth CM and a vacancy at LM
      4. Townsend.

      Townsend has great pace and good dribbling, but does absolutely NOTHING with it. Was it 1 goal last season, and that was an errant pass that accidentally bounced in?

  4. Poch will play 4-2-3-1.
    Walker, musacchio, Vertonghen, Davies
    Schneiderlin, Sandro
    Lamela, Eriksen, Depay or Jay Rodriguez

    • Your team includes 5 players that Spurs haven’t signed so how can you include them in your team? One, or more, might sign, but at the moment none of them have and they might never sign! You are being silly, jack. Just wishful thinking on your part. Stick to the players they already have.

    • Sniderlin isn’t coming so forget him and who in there right mind would want Rodriguez hes bin out for 6 months who’s to say hes guna come back the same player and hes not good enuff to take a gamble on plus hes guna miss the first month and half and the want 20m for him id rather stick with chadli.

  5. It’s going to be a 4231 with the names we expect. But behind the striker we need to put Eriksen central and Lennon and Lamela on the flanks, they looked very lively and dynamic together. Probably Soldado infront of them because Ade isn’t 100% yet.

  6. Do wake up and smell the coffee Matthew Harris! For starters Pochettino only ever uses ONE striker. So it’s Adebayor, or Soldado, NOT both. Probably Adebayor. Also he prefers a 4-2-3-1 formation. Look at his Southampton teams.

    He ALWAYS plays at least ONE holding, defensive, midfielder who can provide cover to the centre halves. Your team has NONE. If Pochettino played your team, with no defensive midfielder, against the better teams they would get hammered like they were last year! You’re not Tim Sherwood by any chance? Lol. Capoue is likely to start as the defensive midfielder. Holtby is a possibility as the box to box midfielder partnering Capoue.

  7. Mason is our best passer of the ball, so hopefully he will get some games to show what he can do.

    Paulinho, Townsend, Dembele and Chadli should all be sold.

    Bring in Konoplyanka and give some games to Cebellos.

        • Mertscieny, have you got nothing better to do than post on sites that a) do not want you or your shit opinions and b) think you are a massive prick? Why don’t you find an Arsenal blog that discusses how much value for money Ozil was or at what point you can finally accept that one FA CUP in over a decade makes you no better than anyone else in the league.

        • No were not gay, we shag your mum weekly. Tell her she can leave her teeth in this week as a treat!!! Go fuck Wenger the Paedo u fucking Rimmer. Coys

  8. My formation:
    Walker, Chirches, Vert, Davies
    Capoue, Dembele
    Lamela, Eriksen, Townsend
    A tough call for left winger between Rose/Holtby/Townsend, and hope Chirches will have consistency without any more injuries! If not we need to buy as all others regarded as back up now!!

    • Vlad is still suffering a back injury and hasn’t even trained yet so no chance of starting. Prefer Holtby to Dembele who, unless MoPo has worked some magic with him, looks pretty but has no end product.

  9. Can’t understand why we aren’t yet bought a left winder (who can also cover Eriksen in CAM).. Konoplyanka for me is the best buy here. 12mil, 24, europa experience and available now. He’s be my first choice followed by Depay.. Wouldn’t bother with Rodriguez as he’s injured, injury prone and not as good as the two aforementioned.
    My lineup would be:
    Walker, Chiriches (Mussachio if we buy), Verts, Davies
    Capoue, Sandro
    Lamela, Eriksen, Konoplyanka (Depay 2nd choice)

  10. Can’t understand why we haven’t yet bought a left winger (who can also cover Eriksen in CAM).. Konoplyanka for me is the best buy here. 12mil, 24, europa experience and available now. He’s be my first choice followed by Depay.. Wouldn’t bother with Rodriguez as he’s injured, injury prone and not as good as the two aforementioned.
    My lineup would be:
    Walker, Chiriches (Mussachio if we buy), Verts, Davies
    Capoue, Sandro
    Lamela, Eriksen, Konoplyanka (Depay 2nd choice)

  11. Paulinho played his best games for us at cam and eriksen was still our best player playing lm. Dawson is too slow, holtby’s looked good in preseason . Lamela is bound to have a great year for us. My lineup would be :
    Walker Kaboul Vertonghen Davies
    Capoue Holtby
    Lamela Paulinho Eriksen

  12. I doubt it will a 4-4-2 as well.

    I have a feeling this is the team we might see at West Ham with a 4-2-3-1 formation

    Walker, Kaboul, Vertonghen, Davies
    Capoue, Dembele
    Lamela, Eriksen, Townsend

    • According to physioroom.com, Dembele is still injured so unlikely to feature. Holtby would be my choice to start as he has been excellent pre-season and works his socks off. Plus a couple of goals and assists. I forget the last time Dembele did either.


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