With pre-season now complete, Tottenham head coach Mauricio Pochettino has had plenty of chances to assess his squad. Tottenham are one of the better bets with Betfair to go far into the Europa League this season but they still need to trim a very large squad. With the new season less than a week away, he has hinted that there is some pruning to be done.

“We have a week of hard work to go and there could be some changes,” he said after the 2-1 win over Schalke. “But I already have in my mind the personnel important for the game.

“We currently have 32 players so we need to be clinical in our selection.”

But who has been earmarked to leave? Reports feel that defenders Michael Dawson, Younes Kaboul and Kyle Naughton are the most vulnerable but does that leave the squad too exposed at the back? Elsewhere, Roberto Soldado, Sandro and even Andros Townsend are names doing the rounds but even though Spurs may have that massive squad, do we have enough depth to cover for all of those six players ahead of the new campaign?



  1. Would be crazy to even think about releasing Sandro and even Andros Townsend lol , no chance.

    Roberto Soldado needs time we spent shit load of money on him we need to back to see if he can hit form , I am puzzled however a lot of the players we are buying are going to need time to bed in and yet the player acquired last some are being talked up as the ones who are getting the boot it crazy ……….they need time MP needs time for his attacking style to bed in that will take as well patients is needed after the turmoil we had last season we AVB .

    Keep the faith the season has not started yet !!

    • You’d rather we start with Fredericks cos if you haven’t noticed Walker is injured and likely to be out for another month at least.

  2. I reckon we let Kaboul, BAE and Dawson go (maybe Sandro too if the price is right but he is our most combative midfielder and could be missed in the big games so not sure). Lennon has been reasonable in pre season but still think he could move on, he is howmgrown though so may have to keep him for our quota.

    Send Carroll, Ceballos and Fryers out on loan.

    Keep Friedel for Europa League back up and his future ambassadorial role only.

    Bring in Musacchio 16m, Quintero 16m and Rodriguez 20m. Then we can challenge things seriously.

    • With this side we will be lucky to lose only 6-0 to Citeh.

      Obvious lack of strong header in defense and with no Ade or Chadli to bolster same at corners. Mussachio if he arrives is too like Jan and will need time to settle. ditto Bender.
      Depay is a punt only, needs to learn when to pass, also not known for tracking back. General lightweight attack with Erickson a weak tackler likely to not get stuck in when going gets tough. Keeping my fingers crossed with Lamela but Hernandez’s lack of sparkle in world cup and 3/4th choice at united is someone to avoid.

  3. Paulinho should be the first out of the door. Absolute joke of a player who is embarrassing to watch. That is if you spot him on the pitch, because he disappears frequently.

  4. All these people saying bin Chadli. With 5 goals and 6 assists he was the best of all of our wingers last season.

    Should we bin Lamela, Townsend and Lennon too then who all did less?

    Paulinhos workrate and defensive contribution was god awful last season but he has bags of skill and think he deserves another season under Poch as Poch wont tolerate what Paulinho seemed to get away with last season and we could see a different player.

    As for getting rid of Dembele, it was dembele being on the bench so much that was why we were losing the midfield battle and leaking goals everywhere last season, Dembele is the boss…

  5. In – Musacchio / Yedlin (can only join in Jan) / Schneiderlin / Depay

    Out – Dawson / Chiriches / Assou-Ekotto / Sandro / Carroll / Paulinho / Chadli / Lennon / Obika

    Loan (to Prem or top Champ clubs) – Fryers / Ceballos / Bentaleb / Veljkovic

  6. v West Ham


    Naughton Kaboul Dier Davies

    Capoue Holtby

    Lamela Eriksen Townsend



    • Probably not far off the starting 11 although i think Rose has shown more confidence and ability to get forward, which is what Mopo wants. His defending has also improved although the opposition hasn’t really tested him in pre-season. Only other debateable position is who will play as the lone striker, Ade or Soldado. I’m guessing Ade but they both bring something different to the attack. Only question is whether Ade has fully recovered from his malaria?
      As for the players to be shipped out, I have to disagree with Spurserker; Dembele would be first on my list as in the 2 seasons we’ve had him he has shown very little; looks good on the ball – although he always dummies left – but produces little end product. far from being the boss IMO but then, just shows how difficult being the manager is because we all have different opinions despite watching the same players performing (or not) week in, week out. Daws would also have to be shipped out as, despite his never-say-die attitude, he is now far too slow, spends most of the game on his backside, and persists with his 50 yard diaganol ball to the left wing which rarely finds its target. Would love to think we could make top four this season but I fear 7th or 8th at best. Hope the lads prove me wrong – COYS!

  7. Naughton, BAE & Dawson definitely have to leave. If a good offer received for Chadli, Paulinho or Sandro, we should accept without second thought. If we can get bony then either ade or soldado can leave.

  8. I wouldn’t loan out Cebellos. He is our best attacking option on the left by far. He is more skilful and cleverer than Townsend. Cebellos has more tricks and knows how to play the game. Townsend is very predictable.

    I would also give plenty of games to Mason who is our best passer of the ball.

  9. i think we should give all our players a shot at this new style of play, i still believe sandro is quility and paulinho didnt do to bad for us last season despite having a shocking world cup but all brazilians did. Ade had a good game in his first pre-season start and soldado needs to be givin a new start as he did struggle with avb defensive style but his goal scoring record doesn’t lie. I do feel its time to let dawson go hes been a good soldier for spurs for 10 years but his legs r gone but he still could do a good job for a lower league team. I was really impressed with two players i writ off last season holtby and rose

  10. Kyle Naughton will be going NOWHERE as Walker looks set to be out till mid September. Some of you expect us to just have one rookie RB in Fredericks despite all the games we’ve got coming up?
    Dawson must be favourite to lead the exodus as great professional he is, he just doesn’t suit the high line/pressing game that Poch is implementing.
    We should keep Townsend, the kid is improving and I think the new manager can take him to another level.
    Chadli could be departing methinks simply because of overstaffing in midfiled.

  11. Mertscieny you may be eating those words this season very hasty comments from you there , will shall see if you are right or wrong.

    But if your proved wrong you going to very very quiet trust me.


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