Everything was progressing nicely at White Hart Lane and while Spurs were continuing their unbeaten run, talks of incoming strikers had started to tail off. One defeat and it’s all back on again however and today’s name in the frame is that of Sevilla centre forward Carlos Bacca.

With Spurs having already plundered the La Liga side in bringing back Federico Fazio earlier in the campaign, the link is a fairly obvious one. Sevilla are happy enough to sell their best players and Bacca would merely be following the likes of Fazio, Ivan Rakitic, Jesus Navas and Alvaro Negredo out of the exit door.

The striker has a record better than a goal every other game and his strike rate at previous club Brugge is even better. At 28 however, the obvious question will be why no other big Premier League side has been mentioned so far.

There will be worse players linked with a move to White Hart Lane this month but as a direct replacement for Adebayor or Soldado, does this really add up?




  1. Makes perfect sense bringing in another ageing striker from la liga, because the last time we went down that avenue, it proved an undoubted success……. Didn’t it?……anybody?

  2. Why is it we are only linked to second rate players who are supposed to replace the second rate players we are unable to get rid of? We all looked to a common sense revolution when Pochettino arrived but we still have trash like Townsend and Lennon regularly tussling for the title of worst winger in the Premiership. Sack Pochettino?……what is the point,they will only find someone else who mistakes the smell of shit for Chanel.

  3. What we need is BENTEKE!!! He can play up on his own he brings player into play, back to goal or in behind strong good in the air lays a threat he could be our drogba. Also Jordy clasie dictates play turns defense into attack quickly tenacious with great eye for a long ball perfect for Harry Kane and BENTEKE.

  4. well we have the best two transfer amigos in levy and baldini what more can we say say say………..plenty but it wont change anything


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