Tottenham are used to winning games late on this season, so it came as quite a shock when Leicester turned a 1-0 deficit into a 2-1 victory at White Hart Lane. Spurs led through Andros Townsend’s fifth penalty of the season. The hosts held on until the 83rd minute when Jeff Schlupp equalised, before Leonardo Ulloa won it for the Foxes in stoppage time.

With Chelsea and Manchester City also losing, Tottenham have seemingly thrown away a good chance to win a trophy this term. But is the League Cup more important? Did Spurs deserve more from the game? Was Pochettino’s team selection sensible enough? Here’s how Twitter reacted.



  1. The players that we have should be performing a lot better than they are but if the last two matches are anything to go by we should be shipping players out and bringing a few in. We have become boring, boring Tottenham Hotspur having more of the ball than the opposition without causing our opponents any real problems. Gylffi scored another beauty today yet we let him go and kept lesser skilled players so I wonder who makes these decisions.

    • We have become boring, boring Tottenham!!!!!!! Have you forgotten the Chelsea game already??? Sheff Utd had 11 men behind the ball for pretty much 90 minutes and then today all but 2 players the team was completely changed. Some people make it embarrassing to be a Tottenham fan!!!!!!

      • On the whole, the football we are playing can be boring to watch. The main reason for that is because there are no exciting players in the team. None of the players get you out of your seat. Most of the players are quite average. Eriksen has ability but he lacks a creative spark and magic that the special players have. Spurs have had many special players in the past and that is what they need again to make it more entertaining for the fans.

        • There has been games where it hasn’t been penetrative enough but there has also been games where it has. Its an upgrade from AVB by a country mile, now that really was side to side boring football. At least at times you can see what Poch is trying to do. I completely disagree with you saying Eriksen lacks creative spark and isn’t a special player. What do you think he does then? just scores from free kicks and late goals?……….Spurs fans need to get real, we’ve played 38 games already this season and was still in 4 competitions and therefore have to manage the team selections. Yes today is a disappointment, but the same first 11 cannot play every game. Everyones expecting that 9 team changes were made and the football is gonna be fluent, attackingly creative and defensively brilliant. It’s crap that Chelsea and City went out today but we need to focus on doing better in one or two comps than average in all 4.

          • I don,t know what you have been watching all season but one good game against Chelsea does not make a good team. I have been a Spurs fan for 60 years and have seen the good times but with the players that we have we are going nowhere. I have been crying out for us to sign a top striker for a few years and we have Adebayor and Soldadodo, both being paid under false pretences. They do not have a goal between them.

          • John, is the first 11 now playing better than they were at the start of the season???? if all season to this point the football had been boring you would have a point but there has been more than one game this season where the pressing game, passing, movement has looked good. Does it all have to happen over night and week in week out for you to be happy. The fact is we spent a crap ton of money on stars that are just not worth it, so poch now needs to decide who he wants to move out before splashing more cash on players. Soldado is a quality player, the problem is the system poch plays doesn’t play to his strengths. Every Spurs fan in the land has been calling for us to get a decent striker transfer window after transfer window. We are in semi of league cup, still within touching distance of 4th, in next stage of Europa and the team looks better than it did. Gets some perspective rather than joining in with the majority of clueless spurs fans who don’t really understand football.

  2. We played the last 70 mins with 10 men after MoPo brought Ade on. No surprise we blew it, clearly the curse his mum cast is working!

  3. When are the management of yhis club going to realise that we need 2 strikers of proven ability to take the club forward. The pressure we put on ourselves byfailing to convert is very obvious and this falls on a very shakey defence that we played today.We should have been committed with playing our best and stop the rotation nonsense on this scale.By all means rest players but we have missed an excellent chance of the fa cup.
    Pochettino decision making is poor and belidving in Adebayor is foolhardy. If noone is signed forget the Capitol one europa league and look forward to 7th or 8th in the league. Sheffield utd are well able to beat us and if ig wakens the club up then it might be the kickstart to the clearout tbats needed.

    • Rotation is a matter of necessity, its the reality of having all the additional games because we were still in all 4 competitions at this stage. Liverpool is a prime example of that last season of only really having one competition to worry about. What would of been your team selections today then? Is it not better to have our best 11 fresh for Wednesday?

  4. The Tottenham players (Adebayor, Kaboul, Capoue, Paulinho, and Lamela) were an embarrassment. They should be sold, so that the manager could get the players he needs.









    De Laet
































  5. Seems the only silver the Spurs players want is in their wallets ! Knew as soon as saw team sheet we were going to struggle Wake up you lot and dump the deadwood quickly !

  6. Sadly the same old crap who plays Dembele with Paulino who plays Frazio with Kaboul not selections you make to win a game.We look like we will concede every time we play and find it hard to create we have nicked five or six results this season on the back of Ericssen and Kane.We really might be fitter but are we better I am not sure we are.

    • Give the guy time for goodness sake. Has there been glimpses of the team improving this season? Who should of played instead of those you spoke of????

      • It’s funny how Harry came to us when we were at the bottom of the league and had us playing well almost immediately and yet everybody else appear to need time to settle in. Pochs,s selections are strange at times and none more than Adebayor being selected as captain. What is wrong with Verts as captain.

        • Harry was a man motivator and lets face it pretty much any one with half a brain could of got that team from where it was in the table to playing better. I’m not saying that everything poch does is correct, Adebayor should never play again let alone be captain and lennon should be more involved in the team, but at least there are signs that you can see what he is trying to do, we never had that with AVB.

          • I agree with your comment regarding AVB because he is the reason that we have players in our squad who are not up to the task. What I am saying is that we play too much tippy tippy football in the middle of the park and it is far too slow to bother the opposition and what we need is fast direct passes as per Chelsea game to get more goals. Our goal difference must denote that we really have struggled to score enough goals this season. As I said earlier I have supported Spurs for 60 years and I just want them to achieve this season because we have had to endure torrid times with clubs around us in London doing much better.


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