Roberto Soldado’s lack of confidence was more evident that ever on the half hour mark in Florence.

The striker initially made a clever run, getting on the end of an excellent Lamela pass after a quick Tottenham counter-attack.

Soldado was clean through on goal with Chadli to his left. He chose to pass, but it was terribly misjudged and the goalkeeper easily collected the ball. Here’s how Twitter reacted.



  1. Yet again we’ve seen our squad is sadly lacking. Apart from the unbelievable clock up by Soldado we didn’t really create a thing and were totally paceless at the back until Walker came on. Stambouli looks a decent player until he tries to run, and I use the term loosely, how does a scout not spot that before buying him? It must be the same guy who recommended Radio. I swear I could still beat the pair of them over 20yds and I’m nearly sixty!! It seems unless we have our complete first choice eleven playing nobody performs. God help us on Sunday if we perform like this!!

  2. I’ve supported this club 56 years and now I am seriously thinking of wasting my money on a club that appreciates it. I am so fed up with hearing ” We need to have patience” but I recon that I’ve shown that over tn that inthishe years big time. These players have no belief in themselves but their prepared to rob the hard working people of their hard earned cash and produce performances like that week in and week out if we did it we’ed get fired. No guts none of them. When I started supporting the Spurs they were a team that rose to the ocassion and it was great to seat players over the years at this club bute but I ain’t seen this in the Spurs team for the last 20 years we’ve had “great” supposedly players at this club. But nothing but wishful thinking. I am not holding my breath against the Chelsea for Sunday because as usual all we’ll here is hot air and bullshit. Please guys keep your mouths shut before the match on Sunday. I don’t want anymore wishful thinking hopes of us beating the West Londoners. Don’t worry Adebyore I will be booing you on Sunday if you dont start playing to the potential expected of you. You’ve got a nerve moaning about the Spurs supporters booing you. What

  3. Soldado is a busted flush at Spurs. If he can’t score goals, then there are better players at playing elsewhere in the team than he is. Spurs should put him out for loan in summer so that he can perform better, boost his value, and enable THFC to get at least some of what he cost back into club coffers. Don’t go on and on about it in the meantime, just do that in time for summer, and move on.


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