Since Mauricio Pochettino was saved the headache of having to rotate his squad to accommodate Thursday nights in the Europa League, he’s been pretty consistent with his team selections.

Ben Davies replaced Danny Rose as left-back for the victory over QPR but it’s likely that the pace of Rose will be preferred for the wide open spaces of Old Trafford.

Aside from that we think Spurs will be unchanged as they look to beat Manchester United away from home for the third season in succession. This is our team to face Manchester United, what’s yours?



  1. When at Fulham before he came over to spurs Mousa dembele pulled the strings in midfield that day , which led to his switch to us , perhaps playing him high up push Eriksen to the flank instead of chadli . However quite happy with the sites eleven .

  2. Need to have an attacking side n look for an early goal . Harry needs an attacking partner. Poch needs 2 in front. Soldado could be of some help. No harm in taking this risk early part of the game; change if necessary .


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