Only last week Spurs were being heavily linked to sign free agent Yevhen Konoplyanka but it has today been confirmed that the player will join Sevilla instead.

In doing so Konoplyanka joins the likes of Joao Moutinho, Leandro Damiao and Rivaldo in the great list of players that almost joined Tottenham, then didn’t. As you might expect, Spurs fans weren’t happy…



  1. When are we Spurs fans going to realise that we are constantly being lied to.I wouldn’t be at all surprised if no one else was signed during this transfer window.We must be the most dim of all football fans in this country.Mind you we have not had a very good experience with Eastern European players over the years(Rebrov,Dumitrescu,Pavyluchenko spring to mind), so passing on Konoplyanka is perhaps not such a bad thing.

    • No Delboy, we are not constantly lied to, its just the media and papers all round the world or agents make these things up and as fans we should decipher which is possible and which is fantasy!!

      • Exactly.
        The way I heard it, quite a while ago, we weren’t interested in him due to attitude and, more particularly, off-the-field issues.
        The fact that media outlets sell papers/score clicks by linking every single player with every single club [sic.] doesn’t actually mean there is a realistic of every single player joining any club going.
        Those who are bewailing not signing him as ‘they’ wanted him at WHL – did it ever occur that maybe, just maybe, folk at the club, who do this for a living, had good reasons based on good information (that you just don’t have) for not pursuing him?

  2. Tottenham Hotspur had absolutely no interest in signing this player. If people want to believe what they read in the press that’s their problem

    • Stop talking such common-sense Big Mal, I’m gutted we didn’t get a player we’ve no interest in or ever bid for….the bloody press and their IKN’s..they keep on buggering up my Championship Manager chances…what’s a Yid to do other than dare?

    • I couldn’t agree more. As a fan I get hopeful over the prospect of a quality player being ‘approached’ to sign for our team only to be let down, constantly because there’s no truth to the story. The people who write these stories simply do not have any integrity, journalistic or otherwise.

  3. Delboy – I’ve just seen your comment. What do you mean by ‘being lied to’? Who by? Tottenham Hotspur FC do not make any comments about who they are targeting so obviously the club do not lie. I can only assume you mean the press. Well, they make up stories about every club to sell papers. As a big club THFC will therefore get ‘lied’ about more than most.

  4. He was never in the frame, surely it’s about time our fand realised this rather than constantly moan about being lied to. Last season our defence was the area most in need of strengthening and we have addressed that issue immediately.
    rathet than moan let’s see what Poch and mitchell come up with.Just maybe hr believes our youngsters have the ability needed.

  5. Thank god we weren’t in for him! Yes he’s fast but Eriksen Pritchard and Chadli play left side of midfield!!!

    There’s a reason we and Liverpool stayed away from this guy! He’s trouble and although quality his work rate is non existent!!
    Bring Toby in and shift Kaboom and
    Chiriches Shift Capue and bring in Mcarthy shift Ade bring in Berhinio and Austin all experienced PL players
    Loan or sell Soldado, just hasn’t worked out for him at Spurs!

  6. Big Mal, I am not stupid enough to believe all that press say and the club cannot of course be held responsible for all the crap they write about.However when MP says that he wants to do his summer buying early, you do believe that the club is going to deliver(and not at 23.55 on transfer deadline day).I have lost count of the players we have chased and not signed.Fact is that we are the only Premiership club over the last few years that have brought in more money on out going transfers than incoming ones. Am pretty certain that Schneiderlin and Alderwereild are on the radar, but even more certain that they will go elsewhere.

    • MS will go to a top 4 club; TA may join us but will wait to see whether there are any better offers. In the meantime he may ‘stay’ at Southampton where he is very happy. MP does want to do his business early if he can, hence why we have bought and sold a number of players already and the window has only been open for 3 days. Top players and their agents will wait until the last minute to see whether a CL club comes in for them. Tottenham have bought in more money recently (after spending fortunes in the preceding years) because of the amazing profits on the brilliant recruitment of Carrick, Berba, Modric and Bale. Recently Chelsea have done the same (having spent billions!). This is what must happen when a club spends over £100m acquiring land and then needs £400m to build a stadium and has to comply with FFP. Still struggling to understand when fans have been ‘lied to’.

  7. Levy ? , zilch ambition , you would think he was so ashamed of the ”diabolical 7” episode that he would do something to show he was human! Ha’ fooled again ! I,ve read and understood this ”new” buy cheap philosophy and I I don’t want it for us , He,s a real let down ! to us all

    • Ur the only one talking any sense on here,Levy is destroying the club & fans seem happy with it,BIG clubs dont jus blood kids they also buy for the “now” another transfer window is passing us by!!

    • He backed the manager with £110m. Zilch ambition? Come and see plans for the ground; come and see the training ground and plans for its further development. All of this done with a tiny stadium. But, of course, the magnificent 7 was all Levy’s fault. All the players THFC ‘failed’ to buy was Levy’s fault. Everything that happens at the club is Levy’s fault. Our managers seem bullet proof, although, of course, every appointment and sacking was Levy’s fault. There is never any perspective with the ‘it’s all Levy’s fault’ brigade. Every other chairman of whom at least 86 end below Tottenham every year don’t get mentioned. I know what happens inside the club. I know the ambition and what the owner, board and manager are trying to achieve. What I have never understood is that at a time when 2 clubs are owned by billionaires throwing their money at the club and breaking all FFP rules; Manchester United have a stadium holding 75,000 and Arsenal have one holding 60,000; Levy is seen as a failure. THFC’s problems came the day Wenger walked into Arsenal and decided they needed a new stadium. Two clubs of equal size went in completely different directions and we are desperately trying to catch up even though the landscape has changed forever. We had Sugar cancelling the milk and tea bags hiring Gross and buying dross for knock down prices. He turned down Bergkamp and Zola FFS. For the last 10 years the board has been trying to build the best training ground and best stadium and are nearly there. The funding is almost in place for the stadium; the legal problems have been resolved; the foundations are in place; discussions are on-going with the Americas, Nike are in the ball park etc. The ambition of the board is to build the biggest club in the country, but, heh, stick to the Levy’s got no ambition because it sounds good to be angry and blame someone. Amazing how wrong so many people can be. (Finally the end game for ENIC is to sell the club for a massive profit. To do that they need to build a massive stadium; have a competitive team; build partnerships all round the world in competition with not only the top teams in England but clubs all round the world. THFC continue to punch above their weight and the incredible stadium is the next step, but all some fans can do is use it to moan about the possibility of going to MK for a year – even though it’s likely to be Wembley with a reduced capacity btw.)

  8. I agree 100% with pj’s views re the youngsters, but he is acting in typical Spurs fans fashion: great idea to bring in Toby,McCarthy,Berahinio and Austin, but it is simply just not going to happen; I doubt if even 1 of these players is signed up,let alone 2,3 or 4.We are all deluded Spurs fans.

  9. Perhaps if the idiot Spurs fans did not believe the gutter media and live by what they read then perhaps we would all not be such a laughing stock, the gutter press know that they can print anything and it will be believed, they then crucify us if the player goes elsewhere and then the Levy bashers take over….idiots!!

  10. As Big Mal has said, did we want him? NO, do we want half of the Monaco, Marseille, Porto etc squads? No in the most part.
    I would be happy at the end of the summer if we only signed Alderweireld and a striker (preferrably Austin), and shipped out Adebayor , Kaboul, Chiriches, and maybe a swap with Everton involving Lennon. Keep Soldado (he would be good with wingers, not inverted muppets), push Rose forward, put Yedlin/Walker on the right forward and the other defensive.

  11. Why are some fans so angry ?This guy is a one that got away-thank god . We are getting rid of players who think they have the right to play every week no matter what . This guy although not bad had trouble written all over him had we tried to sign him .
    Why do fans think because a player is free he must be worth getting . We had the sixth highest wage bill last season and i bet this guy would be looking over 60K a week not to mentain a big signing on fee . Try and sell this guy two years down the line it would be another Adepayor job .
    Lets stick to young hungry players who want to train and play week in week out and yes if we sell them in a few years and make or break even on them so be it . We finished fifth last year thats not a bad start for the new manager and with the right signings (all good so far ) we will at least finish there this year if not better depending on who else we sign,injuries and who all stays .

  12. As a Spurs fan which I have been for the past 53 years, it never ceases to amaze and embarress me in equal measure, the amount of dunces we have amongst us. These people cling to and believe every report written by arseholes masquerading as professional journalists IKT, who constantly link THFC with every Tom, Dick and Harry T/O Europe on a daily basis. These so called journalists never name a source of information other than “A SOURCE” and 99.99% of the time It’s all made up bullshit. Generally instigated by the Daily Star and Mail. Other papers quickly follow suit and the bloggers ensure the bullshit has legs. When this player signs for another club, it’s fucking Spurs, another player missed by the club etc. The hierarchy at Spurs will not advertise to anyone which players they are interested in so fictitious interest has to be made up. These clowns in the media have to be seen to be doing something to earn their salaries. So stop F**king moaning everytime a player goes elsewhere, its all made up bull in the first place. If this Ukranian was any good, the top clubs in the EPL would have gotten him not a cash stapped Savilla.

  13. I’m just going to see who turns up in August and give them my support, and for all the Belgians in the team veel geluk in het komend seizoen!

  14. Some great insights here lads. I agree with a lot of what’s being said and just live in hope we don’t leave things to last minute like we do most years. We need to sell and buy early to allow the new members to gel with the team and allow the manager to mould the new look team.

    It does frustrate me however, at the amount of midfielders we have purchased over the years. That being said I’m excited about about Pritchard, Ali and Carroll potentially having a go this coming season. Pritchard especially. Also I feel we could try and use Lamela in a number 10 position as I feel he has more to offer here than out wide. Although maybe this is where we also try out Pritch.

    The biggest frustration is our striker situation. To be more specific, why we haven’t gone for Charlie Austin? – He fut.’s the mould of what we’re looking for in terms of price and proven in EPL. On top of that he’s English which is always good for club and country. One of the biggest mistakes with the “magnificent 7” was none of them had EPL experience. We need to learn form that and ensure that at the very least one of our new buys has this experience. And I think that should be the striker. Austin, Dzeko, Benteke, Berahino and Hernandez could all slot into our team nicely, so I hope we can shop wisely and do this soon. COYS!

  15. Hmmmm suspect we did want a bit of Rodneyuplonka spurs need a backup and rival for Chadders. I don’t want to see Erik Christiansen out there think he does more in the middle same with the Pritch. Lavezzi anyone? A source told me that a sauce told him he’s been spotted on the Victoria Line asking donde esta Siete Hermanas….

  16. Big Mal.If when MP states that he wants do do his transfer business early and other clubs are active and we are asleep, it is blatantly obvious that we are being lied to.Look at Liverpool go.Pretty sure that Toby will not be joining us either- perhaps that that is also just paper talk.


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